Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 248: Doommaker

Soon a woman copied the data from the USB flash drive into the computer in the conference room.

"There was a major discovery. During the sniping of ice, our satellite photographed a special existence."

Then there was a picture on the screen, a robotic arm and a one-eyed person appeared on the top floor, and at the same time his back had a pair of wings that could change size autonomously.

"Can you see what this is?" The middle-aged man looked at the crowd slightly.

People around looked at the middle-aged man, and even though he had some thoughts in his heart, he didn't speak directly. On the contrary, everyone's eyes focused on Binghan.

Binghan smiled: "If I guessed correctly, this person should be the actor or the leader responsible for killing me?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Your reaction is quick. We have found his information through technical means."

"Feng Lite, born in June 1889, former professor of Eagle State University of Gion University, was born in a poor family. He has made outstanding contributions in the field of science. He has invented quantum machines, new energy dumplings, etc. It is a top technology Personnel. In 2010, the already famous man suddenly disappeared, never seen again. This disappearance is more than two decades. "

"Three years later, there was news of his death. He died away. No one knows what happened to him during these years. We can identify him by confirmation in this photo."

"Now he has a major suspicion that he is the maker of this doomsday. He definitely has the ability."

"Now his goal is very obvious, which is to target Binghan. If we guess correctly, his plan will be fully realized as soon as Binghan dies. They will definitely think we will protect you at all costs. So we do the opposite. OK, let you deliberately be exposed to their vision. Thought we were negligent. "

"From another perspective, if they think this is a trap, they will definitely appear. This is what they must do because this is their only opportunity."

The middle-aged man sat down and said, "If I'm not mistaken, their machine energy can't support the counterattacks of these extraordinary people. So he will definitely have a big action."

Bing Han has been listening from below, but has not spoken.

There were many guidelines, including many actions.

All actions are centered on the cold.


Six days later.

Golden City, Lingbo Town.

The whole town was full of excitement, surrounded by many tanks.

"Have you heard? The man who controlled the zombies before the Doomsday Resident Crisis was caught!"


"What do the controllers of a game fetch? So many more tanks?"

Many people are very confused.

"You only know one, but you don't know the other. I heard that they found the cold secret. He is the culprit of this outbreak of zombie zombies. Now he will be caught without a death sentence. Life imprisonment!

"Why is the culprit doing life imprisonment? How good is the direct death penalty!"

"What do you know, it's his best place to live like this when he's stuck in his cell forever. It's cheap for him to die so early!"

"Yes! Such a person cannot make him happy."

Many people are talking about it.

"I heard that there will be media from many places today. At the same time, we announced that our transcendents will fight back. Expel these zombies! Complete solution."


Underground building.

"Professor Feng, the latest news, the official caught Binghan. It is said that guessing him is the culprit. Because he can control the zombies in the game, this ability is too special, so they all doubt him." A fat man took it Sprite said with a bottle.

"It is said to be life imprisonment, and it should be exposed in the media today. At the same time, the government will begin a large-scale counter-strike operation."

Professor Feng's eyes and microphones: "Life imprisonment?"

The fat man took a sip of Sprite and said, "I'm also wondering, why isn't it the death penalty. In this way, we don't have to bother to kill Frozen. Mar de. This group of people is really abnormal and want to slowly torture the culprit. . "

"But it's better to hide us." The fat man shook his head while watching Sprite in his hand.

Professor Feng Lengheng: "You have followed me in vain all these years. Do you think they are tortured? If I guessed correctly, they must know that our wooden plaque is related to Binghan, so they did so. Those so-called Torture is nothing but words on the scene. "

"Then you mean ... this is a trap?" The fat man hit a stimulus.

Professor Feng nodded: "Yes, this trap is specifically for us. If I guess it is correct, they know that we will definitely go."

"Then ... shall we go?" The fat man asked in confusion.

Professor Feng hesitated and said, "Go, you must go."

"..." The fat man felt that his brain cells were not enough.

"Professor. I have a drink ... Sprite is shocked ... Anyway, I don't understand what it means." The fat man shook his head.

Professor Feng smiled and patted his shoulder: "They must think we are going, we are indeed going, but ... we need to disguise ..."

"Call Ali and Gillian, and bring the corpse and our final hole cards. If we are lucky, our dream country can be built, if it fails ... next life Besides. "

Professor Feng looked at his robotic arm ~ www.readwn.com ~ took out a bottle of lubricant from the sleeve and dropped a few drops at the part interface ...


Binghan was sitting on the stage with his hands in handcuffs, and beside him were dozens of men with spears.

His hair was a bit messy.

"Is it you!" A man crowded out of the crowd.

It is Chen Ruofan.

"Um." Binghan looked up slightly and looked at him.

Chen Ruofan: "Tell me, all this is not true! The culprit of this game is not you!"

Bing Han did not speak.

Chen Ruofan's eyes flickered as if he understood something.

The crowd did not know who threw a stone towards Binghan. Binghan slightly pointed in the air and an ice shield appeared.


The stone was blocked directly.

"Sorry, you are not qualified to do me." Binghan sneered.

The crowd filled with indignation.

"Your uncle, these zombies were made by you? Did you know that my hometown was ruined! ... ruined!" The man said, getting more excited.

Binghan can only be treated in silence, and must wait for the people behind the scenes to appear.

Doom can only bring destruction ...


A loud noise!


"Get down!"

Then the whole smoke filled.

A middle-aged man wearing a medal in the distance holding a telescope said, "The man who caught the ice cold ... come!"

People who have been deployed for a long time hold the absorption machine and quickly **** the surrounding smoke.

The smoke dissipated.

A group of men in black appeared around them: "You want to take him? Have you asked us?"

But as soon as the voice fell, the man in black looked stiff.

No one around ...

"Where's Binghan !!!"

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