Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 252: Special Event

In the memory accepted by Li Hao, this world is a world where magic and summons coexist. The summoning is the most peculiar. It also has a very big impact on this world.

"Working, there is no existence, it is impossible in this life. Doing business will not. You can only rely on car theft to maintain your current life. Trams are light and easy to steal, and the price is high." Although Li Hao is not a person in this world However, this once-popular discourse in my mind corresponds to the calling of this world.

In industry, workers are no longer needed, just a few powerful fighting spirit summoners are enough. The creatures they summon can take care of the work. The summoner, bubble tea, playing cards, bragging.

Commercial, moving goods, selling things?

Summoning is enough. They do it for you.

Therefore, the status of the world's summoner is above everyone else.

This is an era of calling the pinnacle, a special era!

It is worth mentioning that there is another power in this world, and that is the magician. They call the wind and the rain, it is a breeze. You can stand at the same height as the Spirit Summoner.


After much discussion, they quickly ran towards Douling Academy. Li Hao was shocked and upset.

It is amazing that there is a certain probability that you can learn the summoning technique. Annoyingly, according to the memory of this body, the old monsters of Douling Academy had fresh memories of Li Hao, and they might have to go to death.

"It's still a friendly team." Li Hao decided in his heart.

If you really meet those old monsters, sell your teammates first!

How can I be a robber? What about villains?

Li Hao's area is named Jinling, so this Douling College is also called Jinling College. Focus on training summoners.

The summoner is also divided into levels, and even the summoned creatures of different levels have different strengths.

The robbers are weighing the problems in between. However, out of his understanding of Li Hao, this guy didn't do things that he wasn't sure about. Since he dared everyone to head towards Dou Ling Academy, he must have figured out a perfect solution.

If he knew how Li Hao was thinking about selling his teammates, he was afraid that an old blood in his heart would spit out.


Jinling, Douling College.

An old man with blue pupils was playing chess, and suddenly his eyes moved: "Hey?"

Opposite him, there was another Hefa Tongyan, "What happened?"

The blue-haired old man shook his head: "Nothing?"

"Do you mean the group of children who always lick trouble for us?" The old man Hefa Tongyan smiled with a beard.

Old Lan Fang's eyes moved slightly: "Huh? You can also see? It seems that you have gained a lot of strength recently."

"I called the reconnaissance horizon in that area, and what it saw was what I saw ..." the old man explained lightly.


Li Hao took a deep breath, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Douling Academy, and his body was shaking instinctively. This trembling was not Li Hao himself, but the conditioned reflex of this body.

About four years ago, Li Hao had just entered the first level of Douling and wanted to join Douling Academy.

As a result, on the way to Dou Ling's trial, it was awe-inspiring in all directions, so that the newcomers at that time rushed into it and became a worshipped existence.

However, at the time of the aura of enlightenment, other people were glowing with aquamarine, but there was a terrifying dark breath on him. One more problem since then, lethargy.

The main thing is that this strength is waning. It keeps descending and reaches the fourth level of the current fighting spirit.

During the class, the college teacher was giving a lecture.

Li Hao, fell asleep.

The summoning test, others are trying to summon.

He slept again.

The college had evaluations. After failing several evaluations, he began to dismiss Li Hao. As a result, on the way to retreat, a teacher spoke well.

The two even fought.

Li Hao was suppressed by the persecution of the opponent.

Of course, the teacher was later punished.

This was nothing, but Li Hao grew more and more angry. People are like this. The more you think about something, the easier it is to magnify it. As a result, as long as the newcomer joins Dou Ling Academy, he will be ransacked.

Many people joined this team in the process of looting.

Become a team of robbers here!

However, Dou Ling College has a ban on footing. Only during the opening period, college students can enter and leave freely. Whenever the opening period is reached, those looted freshmen want shame. As a result, nothing was left.

For the opening period, Li Hao had already figured it out. So it is even more fleeing.

You can't hit me like a rogue face.

Let those fighting spirits who had been ransacked by him become angry and corrupted.

The college teachers also opened their eyes and closed their eyes. No specific reason was disclosed. Anyway, there is such a tacit understanding in the depths of the college.

That's what the college peers do, and they take care of it themselves.

four years ago!

It's been four years!

How many new students have been looted?

I'm afraid that these new students will kill themselves.

Li Hao shuddered at the thought.

Oh my mother.

The master of this body is too damn!


"Here!" The slightly fat man gazed.

Everyone stopped and looked up at the college in front of them.

A huge wall surrounds the college. There are two stone lions at the gate of the college. Above is a dark red plaque. The sky is powerfully written with four large characters and four boys.

Big print: Jinling College

Small print: Dou Ling College.

"Ho, what are we going to do?" The slightly fat man asked.

Li Hao was also aggressive.

I don't know how to do it.

I always have an unknown hunch.

Although he thought so, Li Hao didn't say: "We are waiting here. Because of the injunction, they can only operate in a certain range on the periphery. When they come out of the college gate, we go ... ... make a robbery. "

The others nodded and looked forward.

They haven't seen summoning, they just heard about it, because they must first step into the first level of Dou Ling before they can start learning. Most robbers do not have this talent, so they cannot learn ~ www.readwn.com ~ but failing to learn does not mean they cannot be sold.

If you find a book of summoning cheats and the like, it is also very good to sell it.

In addition to the basic teaching call, Doo Ling Academy will have a special call. These summons require them to enter various secret areas to obtain. So it is possible that the Summoner has special cheats.

Doing it normally is no different from dying.

But Li Hao nodded, this guy did a good job and never did anything he was not sure about.

So the others were a little excited.

Get rich!

Get rich!

Right in front of you!

The crowd began to hide in a hiding place near the college, preparing for a sneak attack.


Ten minutes later, some men and women in blue college costumes came out.

"Sister Weiwei, you are still awesome. This time I thought that you would be ransacked again. As a result, you were so strong that you could do so many people." A little girl looked at the girl beside her with admiration.

The girl's eyes are very beautiful, with a sense of ethereal clarity.

"No, it's just that Li Hao didn't make a shot. As far as I know, his prestige four years ago almost made other colleges jealous." The girl blinked and said.

The little girl next to her didn't understand: "Li Hao? I seem to have heard from people nearby. But he is so strong? Why was he forced to leave the college again?"

The girl said, "I don't know. My brother also fought with Li Hao during that session. But according to his brother, Li Hao's strength crushed everyone at the time. If it was not for the special event that occurred at the moment of initiation, he would not It will draw that weird instillation. "

"What special event? What happened?" The little girl asked.

The girl shook her head: "I don't know, my brother is unwilling to speak ..."

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