Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 253: This is embarrassing

The girl looked at the touching young girl beside her.

Although they are all new, not everyone is the same age.

"Now everyone can move around here, don't go out of range. Otherwise, the token on your body will sound an alarm. This is for your safety."

"You can practice summoning here. The foundation must be fastened! Summoning can be fast in the future!" A middle-aged man explained to them.

"Okay! 20 minutes free time!" The middle-aged man looked around, then took out a small gourd from his arms, and licked his mouth.

"My favorite is this kind of course, and I can drink my little wine again." The middle-aged man smiled at the small gourd and walked in the other direction.



"Brother Ha! They came out! It was the same group of people we met before! Milk-milk-, this time we asked for shame!" The eyes of a man with a pale face brightened.

Li Hao froze.

Really, the road is narrow.

But when you think about it, only new talents are kept under such strict supervision. Wait until later, they will be different.

Li Hao watched them draw some special circles on the ground and wrote some text, which was very jerky. And his mouth seemed to be still broken.

"Basic little skeleton?" Li Hao thought of this summoning subconsciously.

It is a very basic summoning technique. The summoned skeleton moves stiffly and does not have the ability to talk. Able to attack easily. Shape is linked to strength. The bigger the skull, the stronger it is.


A teenager summoned a skull the size of a shoe, with a frustrated look: "Oh my God! How small I am!

Another teenager beside him raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Come, let you see Lao Tzu's call."

Then he blushed.


This is awkward.


"... It was an accident just now." The boy touched his nose.


There was a change in the crowd.

"Look! Look at Mu Weiwei!" One shouted.

I saw Mu had a skeleton in front of her, and she was more than half tall! You know these are new people! This is a bad idea!

Mu shook her head slightly, and seemed dissatisfied with her performance.

I wonder if Li Hao had not experienced that special initiation at that time, what would it be?

Just as everyone was watching Mu Wei, a teenager suddenly covered his mouth with a big hand and pulled it into the hideout.

The boy opened his pupils and shook his head desperately.

He recognized these people as the ones who had previously robbed them.

"唔 ~~ 唔 ~~ 唔." He wanted to say something, but was blocked by the palm of his hand and couldn't hear clearly.

But it seems like saying what you want to do!

Li Hao also burst out: "What are you doing so fast!"

The rest looked stagnant, and then looked at Li Hao: "Well? Didn't you fall asleep?"

They mistakenly thought that Li Hao, who had just been thinking about it, was lethargic again, so they looked for a shot. There is a problem, the first one to throw Li Hao out.

This pot ... they don't carry it.

However, until now, Li Hao showed no sign of falling asleep.

What the **** is going on here?

Li Hao is also aggressive, what is the situation?

I am also confused.

"Robbery! Is there a summoning?" The robber suddenly remembered that the freshman had really no summoning except the basic summoning. But you can rob it.

What a special is a hundred secrets.

"Robbery first! Then you teach us summoning!" One of the robbers' eyes brightened.

Seems to come up with a good way.

Li Hao rolled his eyes a little, Nima.

Finally understand why these people are mixed with Li Hao, these people are rookie-level robbers. Very unprofessional. They used Li Hao's strength to rob and satisfy themselves. Li Hao also used their people to ease the crisis of his sudden lethargy.

It is desirable.

"Search the body!" The remaining men began searching the boy.

Li Hao seemed to enjoy the young man.

There is a sense of sight when the worldview is broken.

Is this GAY?

I go!

This is really too shy.

"It's poor. I found a little money and potion. Stunned him!" The slightly fat man shook his head.

next moment.

The teenager was stunned.

"Hor brother, since you haven't fallen into sleepiness, you should also arrest a few people." Several robbers looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao's face was dark at that time.

He coughed twice and said, "I think ... I will fall asleep soon."

The voice fell.

Li Hao closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

Let's not install anything else.

It's not easy to pretend to sleep?

Suddenly, the others were silent.

How old I think this is something wrong with Li Hao.

It feels different than before.

Let's not think too much. As soon as they were about to leave, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of young girls in blue costumes.

"You are so brave, you're actually making trouble here. Look at you being a few years older than us. Call Grandpa, you can get away." A slightly arrogant teenager. There was a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

A robber was unwilling at the time: "Nima. A few stinky little farts dare to talk to your grandfather? You were weird and wept differently."

"..." the young man was stuffed.

It's true that most people here are Summoners, but they are just a primer. The basic combat power will not be ~ www.readwn.com ~ It really hurts.

Only people like Mu Weiwei can win.

In fact, this year's freshmen are about 16 to 18 years old, and Li Hao is in his early twenties. As for the robbers, they are not too many years old. If there is a huge difference in strength, then the old monsters in Jinling College will certainly not ignore them. After all, this is outside the college.

But this gap is not too big, it is also some experience for them. At least when fighting, do n’t be too busy.

Soon everyone started messing up and fighting.

The robbers are not afraid of these new students, but what they are afraid of is Mu Wei.

The only thing that can be relied on is Li Hao, but Li Hao is also very unreliable, and now he fell asleep again.

"If he doesn't have drowsiness and backward power, he should be an amazing guy." One of the robbers shook his head.

The robber almost suppressed the freshman, but Mu slightly pressed his left hand on the ground, and his right hand circled.

"First-order fireball!"

Instantly a ball of fire appeared from Mu Weiwei's hand, and she fiercely threw it in the direction of the robber.

"Come again!"

The robber's face changed.

This Muwei is not simply a spirit summoner, but also a magician. This led to her strength in the freshman.

The robbers are just a bit stronger than everyone else. They really have to suffer a lot from fighting experience, but they have to suffer a lot. So usually only rob new students. When the freshmen learned to take revenge, they had fled for a long time.

Then continue the cycle, the looting things make them crooked.

After the robbers dodged, Li Hao appeared behind him.

Although Li Hao sleeps with his eyes closed, he can feel the temperature brought by the front. His eyelids jumped: "What's the matter?"

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