Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 256: Blood red and blood knife

"What are you talking about ?!" the man in black glared.

Jinling Douling Academy hasn't seen a high-level summoner for a long time. If Li Hao is true, they can even see his rise.

Li Hao knows that his body is no longer lethargic, but he has not yet accurately judged whether his strength has fallen back.

So Li Hao just nodded and said, "Sleeping God is no longer."

The others looked at Li Hao.

Mu stared at Li Hao slightly, not knowing what she was thinking. She put her finger on the corner of her mouth and looked a little cute.

The man in black fell down on the ground with a reddish middle-aged man, and sighed: "Blood knife, knife brother, how many times have you been told not to drink during class. How do you always Don't listen. If you are caught by the dean, you will be punished again. "

Hearing the punishment, the middle-aged man beat a shock, and stood up staggeringly: "Do n’t tell the dean about this. Looking back, I'll bring you two pounds of robes."

People in black look at each other and don't talk.

The other teenagers and girls stared at Li Hao with various eyes.


Most people don't have a good impression of Li Hao. This guy is a robbery.

Some even ran to Li Hao and said, return the robbed things to them.

Li Hao waved his hand: "I didn't take it. Whoever took it, who do you want to go to!"

The boy was gritted with anger, and the robbers had no idea where they had gone. The teenager even wanted to be angry at Li Hao, but Li Hao's backhand was a slap in the face.


The hot palm prints remained on the teenager's face.

"Don't bite people, I don't eat this." Li Hao shrugged.

The juvenile ran straight.

Forget it, guys do n’t suffer.

Look at how Li Hao joined Jinling completely.

Li Hao is temporarily waiting for the result in the freshman reception ...


Meeting room of Jinling Douling College.

A good-looking woman sitting in the forefront looks like she's about thirty years old, and her charm still exists. However, those who really know her can be described as Tianshan Tongyi. Her actual age is even doubled than she looks!

Terrible, terrible!

The scariest thing is that she still had this effect without makeup.

The following people could not help but shrink in their hearts. Every year, it is really possible.

"Li Hao is coming back. Because he passed all the previous assessments, only the later promotion assessments were brushed down again and again before he was fired. What do you guys think?" The woman sat at the front, leaning slowly on the chair and said .

A middle-aged man said, "He even beat my brother. Hitting the teacher, that was a bad thing."

"Your drunkard, Bacheng is drinking again. It surprised me a bit, so many years have passed. This Li Hao still has such strength. The strength of a tiger being drunk and a rabbit being drunk is much different." The woman laughed. Covered his mouth and said.

The middle-aged man glared at her: "Nonsense! I don't know how my brother weighs a few pounds or two. But this Li Hao is a good seed, but he has a bad temper."

"I think you look at Li Hao with colored glasses. On the contrary, I think if Li Hao is not that special thing, he should be above many people now. He has gratitude and revenge. Easy. "A bearded man said with a smile.

The middle-aged man had a dreadful glance at the bearded man. This man is the only certified alchemist in Jinling College. Not only can you refine weapons and potions, but you can even turn them into a certain means of attack, which is a powerful role.

The people below were talking, and the woman in front was thinking.

She is the Deputy Dean, and many things must be put in place.

Listen while thinking.

"Well, let's vote now. Now that Li Hao said he will no longer fall into drowsiness, then we should try to believe him once. The hands that he agrees to stay, and those who don't agree don't need to move. If he stays successfully, he will be a month If he fails the promotion assessment, he will be swept out. This is not our heartlessness, but the college system. "

"Rule is not perfect, you vote," said the vice president with his hands on his chin.


Many people raised their hands, indicating that they were willing to give him a chance to try.

The middle-aged man's eyes were slightly faint, but his face was a little bad, and he sneered.

The man's name is blood red, and his brother is a blood knife. The two brothers' surnames are extremely rare. It is basically difficult to see the same name. He is good at magic and is a magician.

Bloodknife excels at summoning and is a summoner of fighting spirits.

The two got together and they were quite brilliant.

Blood Red was wondering how to teach this newcomer a once genius?

Do not!

This does not exist!

Here is only the genius now!

"Huh!" Bloody face was tepid.

The dean looked at Blood Red a little deeper and shook his head.

This temper will hurt him sooner or later.


"Okay! Starting today, you can rejoin. Like this batch of freshmen, starting from Dou Ling Freshman." A guard explained to Li Hao.

Li Hao nodded and remained silent.

There are four major professions in this world.

Sorcerer, good at all kinds of natural attributes attack methods. Suitable for long-range individual combat.

The fighting spirit summoner is good at transforming the spirit of fighting spirit into a summoning force, summoning many fighting spirit creatures to fight, and the fighting strength is not strong. Suitable for teamfights.

Alchemist, good at refining medicines and weapons, with medium combat effectiveness, but quite popular ~ www.readwn.com ~ Boxer: a special profession that integrates assassins, melee and one. Usually this can strengthen yourself through physical exercise. However, the achievements are limited, and it is also the last one of the four professional rankings.

With the exception of boxers, the rest are basically mainstream welcoming professions.

But not everyone can be.

Li Hao has the ability to summon and magic.

Next, Li Hao was arranged for a dormitory.

The dormitory is a room for six people, divided into bunks. At the same time, Jinling Douling College provides free room and board.

Li Hao has been here four years ago, so I am familiar with it.

In less than ten minutes, the new student dormitory area arrived.

This is a new building with red brick buildings, which looks unique compared to the upper grades.


Li Hao still knocked politely, but saw no response.

The moment he reached out to open the door of the dormitory.

See the people in the dormitory look dumbfounded.

One of them was the boy who slapped Li Hao backhand.

The boy stared at Li Hao dumbfounded, then stepped back: "You! ... what do you want to do! This is my dorm!"

Li Hao sneered in the corner of his mouth, "Oh? Sorry. This is my dormitory, too."

The rest seemed to understand instantly!

Lying down!

Lying down!

Lying down!

Actually the same dormitory!

This is a big devil!


"Don't be excited. What to do if it's too popular ... wait online ... urgent ..." Li Hao shook his head, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as the others heard it, the corners of his mouth were twitching fiercely!

This Li Hao is different from what they think!

How are we going to live these days!

It feels so scary ...

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