Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 257: Director Ye

Li Hao has also been here four years ago, so he also learned some basic summons.

"No one in this bunk?" Li Hao asked indifferently.

The others shook their heads and looked at him nervously.

"Since there is no one, this position will be mine in the future." Li Hao had no luggage.

There was nothing, and where did it provoke dust.


Early the next morning.

"It's time for class! It's going to be late!" The staff in the dormitory started scrambling.

Today, I summoned the class teacher's lesson, and offended her, but there was no good fruit to eat!

Li Hao smiled.

See you again.

At that time, she pleaded with the college to keep him many times. Unfortunately, ...

Unlike others, Li Hao's concept of time is very well grasped, and he has already prepared. With his friends busy, he was ready to leave.

The rest of the friends looked at each other.

"It feels like living with a monster! But guys like him, surely many people want to teach him! After all, many people in this college have been robbed by him."

"Whether there is revenge for a gentleman. Hahaha."

"Don't say it, Lai Lai's bed recently. If this Dou Ling class is late, we will be finished."

Thinking of the image of the head teacher, they shuddered.


Everyone sat quietly at the teacher, waiting for the head teacher to appear.

This head teacher can be described as a very strong presence of the entire Jinling College. If you dare to chat in front of her in class, you may lift the other person out of the car.

"Why hasn't Director Yee come yet?" Someone asked, looking at the watch in his hand.

However, when less than 5 seconds away from class time, crisp footsteps began to appear in everyone's ears.

The moment he came out, Li Hao was slightly moved.

Long black hair like a waterfall, flowing to the waist, can be described as long hair and waist.

The icy melon face, with its proud body and that thin white long legs, was very attractive.

The most impressive thing is that she has a red mole on her forehead.

Although they are also beautiful, Mu Weiwei and her are two completely different types. Mu slightly belongs to the growing loli, but she is the apple that has already been ripe.

"Huh?" The moment Mr. Ye noticed the classroom, his eyes flickered slightly and he glanced at Li Hao. He nodded slightly.

Director Ye said, "Stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

The crowd responded in unison.

"Please sit down." Director Ye's voice was cold, but very attractive.

Director Ye looked around and paused. "Today you are teaching a very basic course. At the end of the course, we will give you a summoning technique."

"In the last lesson, I taught you skeletons and explained some basic knowledge. So I want to ask you, what exactly is a summon? Where does this continent place the position of the summoner? And the division of continents. "

The people below didn't speak. Most people focused on summoning in the last lesson. Where can they remember the basis of any ghost?

The crow is silent, and there is silence below.

Director Ye frowned: "If I were in class, you should be the earwinds? If no one answered, don't you learn anything in this class. Go out to work. The call is not for you!"

Her words are very sharp, making the faces of teenagers and girls below look very unnatural.

Li Hao looked around and found that several people wanted to answer by raising their hands, but they were embarrassed.

Suddenly a teenager pointed at Li Hao with bad intentions: "Mister Ye! He will!"

As soon as the words fell, the others looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao shook his head slightly, and stood up: "Summoning is to summon the creatures of the abyss to our era through the spirit of fighting spirits. Usually it needs to be summoned by the contract method of seal drawing and spell."

"Since this era belongs to the fourth civilization period, the position of summoning is very important. We have further advanced from the ancient times to the middle ages, and then to the age of science and technology. And now the summoning era."

"The original handicraft industry and mechanization were mostly replaced by summoned creatures. People can have more time to enjoy, and the repetitive labor is left to the Spirit Summoner."

"There is no need for maintenance of equipment, no effort, only a light command. These summoned creatures will act in accordance with the order specified by the summoner. So the summoner's status in this era naturally rises."

Li Hao looked confidently at the crowd, with a touch of self-confidence: "As for the division of the mainland, this is equally simple. It is based on the stage, and the 20th stage divides a region, which has five regions."

"And we belong to the laterite continent of the first region. Many traditional techniques are still used here."

The others heard Li Hao talking, stunned.

Director Ye nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. This time I will not hold you down. The basic knowledge of a few years ago, he has a very solid grasp. In this era, if you do not lay a solid foundation. Delusion through the promotion of fighting Spirit stage to summon stronger creatures ~ www.readwn.com ~ then chances are you will be eliminated. "

Li Hao sat down under the instruction of Director Ye.

Director Ye continued: "Open the seventh page of the textbook. I will give you a brief introduction about the advantages and disadvantages of the summoner. You will have a deeper understanding of the actual combat exercises in the future."

"After the class is over, Li Hao came to my office." Director Ye said slightly.

Li Hao looked up slightly and nodded.

She took a step and said, "No profession is invincible, but there is a relative. The Spirit Summoner can summon creatures with his spirit, and form a contract. But the Summoner is crispy and not combative. ... so creatures are needed to assist the fight. The advantage of the summoner is that he can fight in groups. A seventh-level magician may be beaten to death by dozens of seventh-level summons. "

"So the magician will do everything to attack you in the space between the summoned creatures!"

"Of course there are some wonderful people in this world.

After that, she glanced at Li Hao and Mu Weiwei.

She continued to spread basic knowledge to everyone in the following courses.

She has very strict requirements on students. Once she does not meet her requirements, she can directly change classes or even be expelled. However, under her baptism, the strength of the people taught was far superior to everyone.

This college is divided into four grades, usually one year after another. But there are no shortage of great people who can choose to leapfrog challenges.

This year.

Li Hao returned to Jinling Douling College, one level higher.

"After class!" Director Ye still spit out his cold voice.

Then came out of the classroom somewhat chic.

Li Hao shook his head and quickly followed him ...

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