Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 262: Wheels of history are moving forward

Leaving Ye Guoguo's office, Li Hao cheered up again.

"This is an age of calling for integration with modern civilization. Maybe this is everything to me." Li Hao looked at the blue space and smiled.

In fact, Li Hao was thinking very early, if one day, the whole city will start to be a little different, the school will no longer teach pure language, English, political history, but convocation, alchemy, magic, etc.

At that time, technology was a relatively backward existence for everyone.

It is just that Li Hao did not expect that this world really exists.


Spend hours practicing the spirit of Dou Ling, and summon the basics you have learned before to review it again. That's when I went to sleep.

Li Hao's strength was very strong. At least at the first level of Jinling College, except for teachers, it was almost sideways. It was just that with the constant loss of power, he was a bit slumped.

Nevertheless, Li Hao's understanding of summoning is still in place.

The stronger the spirit of the fighting spirit, the stronger the creature summoned, and the more the summoned.

It's just that the college teaches basic summons, like special types, which can only be obtained through some secret areas. Such summons are expensive. Even if someone gets it, they are reluctant to sell it.

After all, your own strength is the most important thing.


The next day.

The light shone on the ground in the early morning, and all the freshmen from Jinling gathered on the playground.

An old man was sitting in the air with a broom underneath.

"Witchcraft?" Li Hao felt that the old man in front of him was the same as the witchcraft he had in his mind. Riding the broom in the air.

However, according to the concept of this world, the old man in front of him should be a magician.

A magician who masters flying.

In addition, there is an old man in blue next to the old man.

It's just that he is more calm than riding a broom.

He rides a golden sculpture!

A sparkling gold sculpture enough to turn 24K titanium.

With his hands behind his back, he stood indifferently on the golden carving.

In contrast, that magician would be much shabby.

The old man of the magician is named Jin Zhengfan, and the old man of the summoner is called Lu Shu. Both are heads of department. The magician wears a black robe and the fighting spirit wears a blue robe. Usually, two people do not teach. Only occasional activities and special tasks.

Therefore, the two often play chess, go and chat in the college.

It can be considered very leisurely.

But their strength is also unfathomable.

Jin Zhengfan said solemnly: "You are all freshmen in this year. A total of 428 people. The college will be assessed once in a while. If three consecutive assessments fail in succession, the college will let you leave. This is set by the ancestor It ’s useless for you to find me. "

However, Lu Shu, on the contrary, may be young and often cheap, so when he gets old, he looks kind. Laugh often.

Lu Shu said with a smile: "You must seize every opportunity. Strength is the basis for you to win respect. However, strength is not inherent, so you need to seize every opportunity. Sometimes, things that can be solved by diligence are all Nothing. "

Li Hao looked at the two old men with his eyes in micron, and there was a radian in the corner of his mouth: "It's interesting."

Lu Shu looked around and asked, "Do you know the slogan of our college?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Zhengfan's face turned dark and his face was stretched.

Someone answered, "Unity? Friendly? Hardworking?"

Lu Shu shook his head: "No."

"Our slogan is!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"


Everyone twitched fiercely.

Li Hao also stunned for a second.

Is this an old naughty boy?

Maybe ... forget it.

Lu Shu put his hands behind his back and smiled: "You are in a period of development, if it is too boring, then you ca n’t do it. So let go of your youth. Experience the joy of the spirit summoner! Such a life is more meaningful. Yes Your impact on higher altitudes in the future is very helpful. "

Li Hao thoughtfully.

The Spirit Summoner makes a small leap every five steps and a big leap for ten steps.

And the tenth order will form a star inside his own body.

It is rumored that who can form ten stars in the body will stand on top of the world.

Gently waved, millions of fighting spirits surged up.

Step on the galaxy, holding the light.

The sun and the moon can be picked, and the mountains and rivers can be broken.

Teach you to be human in minutes.


"The mystery you are going to now is an opportunity for you. Take it easy. Jumping is not impossible."

Lu Shu released a heavy news.

It was only under security considerations to detect that mystery. It turned out that the mystery was surrounded by a layer of fake mystery.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, so I am in this mountain.

There are a lot of good things in the fake mystery. If it is a real mystery, wouldn't it be better?

And according to their findings, this mystery is very good for people under 20 years of age. Jinling freshman is usually 16 to 20 years old.

Including Li Hao, it is also the zero boundary point.


If it is ordinary high school or university, the age group of sixteen can only be in high school. But this era is different.

Sixteen years old is the stage when Doosan begins ~ www.readwn.com ~ In many aspects, technology is far less than Doosan Summoner, even the life is the same.

Despite vigorous development, the wheels of history are constantly advancing.

In the past few days, people in the class started to adapt to Li Hao, and Mu Wei became more familiar with Li Hao. Ask him if you don't understand the call. Li Hao answered by the way.


Each class has a dedicated person.

Ye Guoguo stood not far and looked at Li Hao.

At this moment, Mu came over slightly.

"Li Hao, will you go alone after the meeting? Although there are teachers to protect the safety of the big team, there will be fewer opportunities." Mu slightly looked at Li Hao and said.

Li Hao nodded: "Yes. Don't follow the big team. But I didn't expect you to be brave, but you didn't want to follow the team."

Mu slightly murmured: "How could Miss Ben follow the team? I want to be the first!"

Li Hao gently tapped on her head: "Hello Secondary 2. Your words remind me of something."

"What anime?" Mu asked slightly.

"I'm the man who is going to become One Piece." Li Hao said with a smile.

"..." Mu whispered.

Li Hao said: "You are too young. And I don't team with girls with small breasts. Find someone else."

Mu looked at the bottom slightly, her face flushed: "You! You!"

"Hum! Miss Ben is going to someone else. Don't regret it." Mu stepped on Li Hao slightly, turned her head and hummed away.

Li Hao shook his head, with a helpless expression: "This little girl is too simple. If you team with her, many things can't be sharpened."

Ye Guoguo stood in the distance and looked at Li Hao with no intention, but his face was a smile ...

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