Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 263: Tianxiu, you are so pretty

Li Hao glanced at Ye Guoguo.

The face seemed to be saying, This little girl is in trouble, what can I do ... I am helpless.

With a smile on the corner of Ye Guoguo, he turned to leave.

Following the big team, everyone came to the gate of this secret place.

In a corner of the woods, many people have stood near the secret portal. There are also students from other regions.

Li Hao was behind for a second and looked up slightly.

Only then did I understand why not to go alone but to team up with the entire academy.

Because ... in addition to that boy, other people also found this place. So they reached an agreement. Let people of this age come in and gain their own opportunities.

"People are almost all together." Lu Shu said with a smile while watching the crowd.

"Jinling people are all here!" Lu Shu said loudly.

A middle-aged man nodded.

At the same time, Lu Shu said to the people in Jinling: "Have a good fight. You can't do anything but grab things. The bigger the better. Since that time four years ago, we haven't had any special people in Jinling. They have been pressed. Both Blame Li Hao for not being upset ... but you can't blame him all. "

Li Hao stood in the distance and touched his nose, smiling awkwardly.

Four years ago, when Jinling was at its peak, not only Li Hao, but also several monsters, like Li Hao, chose to join Jinling. Let Jinling be flattered. As a result, Feng Shui took turns, Li Hao's strength declined, and there was no strong fresh blood.

Suppressed uncomfortable.

One of Hailan College was the most mad.

The slogan is actually the invincible opponent of Jinling, I am the best in the world.

When this slogan came out, Jinling was gritted with anger.

Both colleges are enemies.


"Cast!" There is an entrance outside the mysterious realm.

Middle-aged people and old people in many colleges have used the spirit of fighting spirits and magic to gather in one place, hitting the entrance fiercely.


With the blessing of many people, it broke instantly.

"Alright!" Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

Lu Shu said to the crowd, "You can go in. Remember our slogan."

Jin Zhengfan next to him turned black and didn't speak.

The rest could only nod.

Li Hao didn't say anything, looked at the director of the college strangely.

"Do something?" Li Hao smiled.


All into the mystery.

"I tell you, don't leave. The mystery is quite dangerous. There may be many fighting spirits here. The co-attacks they launch are also very fast. Pay more attention. But if you choose to form your own team, Then ask for blessings, "said a person in charge looking at the students who could not bear it.

Before everyone came, they had plans in mind.

Good things are definitely exclusive. The more people, the fewer things.

So soon, everyone started to leave the team.

But some people choose to be safe.

After all, Qingshan stayed there without worry.

One is stationary and the other is adventurous.


Li Hao and Ye Guoguo merged, and the two put on a black suit and a scarf. With the exception of eye exposure, they are all wrapped.

Full black clothing fan.

"You can wear this suit." Li Hao joked.

Ye Guoguo's face turned slightly red, and he took a look at him angrily: "You little guy."

Li Hao shook his head: "You're not too big for me. What are we going to do next?"

At this moment, Ye Guoguo took out a compass like a gossip mirror from the inside of his clothes, with a spoon shaped like a spoon standing in the middle.

"You know Fangcun Guaxiang?" Li Hao froze.

Although Ye Guoguo's cold face was covered with a black veil, she can see from her eyes that she smiled confidently at the moment: "That's ... the year ... Um. Anyway. I will. You care so much what you do. "

It seems that I am afraid that I have missed something. Ye Guoguo didn't say it all.

Li Hao shrugged and said nothing. Who doesn't have a few secrets, and not only himself.

"It's strong at 35 degrees southwest. Let's go over there." Ye Guoguo stared at the compass.

As the two hurriedly marched towards the southwest, Li Hao was a little puzzled.

This puzzle comes from some views and questions about the world.

"I want to ask you, do you know planes, tanks, artillery?" Li Hao asked with a little thought.

The reason for asking this is because this body, in addition to losing memories of the special events that occurred during that initiation trial. Some things are still unclear.

That is, the original technology is considered to be backward. If you think about it, in an age of summoning and magic, the components occupied by technology are not so important.

"... What is the plane?" Ye Guoguo asked.

Li Hao explained: "It is possible to use technology to fly in the air."

Ye Guoguo smiled: "Things so backward in technology have long been eliminated by this era. And how can people fly? Ordinary people still use backward means of transportation such as cars. Soul summoners like us, Magicians, never consider these. As long as the strength is reached, flying is not difficult for us. "

"I didn't expect you to be such a good person, and still superstitious about science." Ye Guoguo shook his head slightly.

At that time, Li Hao was not good at all. Advocate science.


In the summoning era, science is rather backward.

Oh my god.

Li Hao didn't know what his mood was at the time, maybe it was, O__O "...


Soon ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two are getting closer and closer to this place.

"Don't move!" Li Hao said suddenly.

Ye Guoguo asked, "What's wrong?"

"Watch in secret," Li Hao said.

"..." Ye Guoguo.

The two went into hiding.

A familiar figure appeared.

"Whew. I finally found it. This mystery really surprised me. I didn't expect to have passive cheats." Chen Tianxiu took a deep breath and looked around.

He also has a compass in his hand, exactly like Ye Guoguo's.

Li Hao and Ye Guoguo looked at him secretly, but thought secretly.

"He's not easy." Ye Guoguo explained.

"What do you mean?" Li Hao asked softly.

"..." Ye Guoguo ignored Li Hao's ignorance and chose to remain silent.

Li Hao touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Chen Tianxiu looked around, took out a rune in his hand, and muttered in his mouth.


He hides himself in the air.

"The invisible rune of the alchemist? Rich money." Li Hao pouted.

Alchemists can refine pharmaceutical water, weapons, and some commonly used runes. But these runes are usually disposable and expensive.

"Passive cheats?" Li Hao licked his lips.

This thing is perfect for you.

Anyone who has played the game knows how important a passive skill is. Most passive skills, usually SP in the game must be bursting.

The remaining SPs depend on the situation.

So Chen Tianxiu's passive cheats are very moving.

"Classmate Tianxiu ... you are so beautiful ... I want this cheat!"

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