Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 265: envelope

Before Li Hao appeared, he had already talked to Ye Guoguo. Once you get it, help yourself.

Ye Guoguo nodded. Although she also wanted the cheats, she always felt that she would return the favor first. She doesn't like feeling owed to others.

"I'm coming." Li Hao deliberately lowered his voice, making people unable to distinguish the original sound.

The skinny old man looked at Li Hao a little deeper, but a special look appeared.

"Don't challenge it. Look at your breath, it should not exceed the fifth level of Dou Ling. I have failed the seventh level. Not to mention you." A teenager advised Li Hao.

Li Hao said indifferently, "If you fail, it means that I too? Hehe."

"..." The boy's mouth twitched and he stopped speaking.

"Begin." The old man still proudly said lightly.

The moment Li Hao nodded, he flew back. At the same time using the withdrawal time, the finger quickly pressed down in the air.

"Is this an empty seal?" The old man's pupils shrank, and the corners of his mouth were indifferent.

It's finally figure out some interesting people.

Not only is it very sophisticated to open the distance, but at the same time using empty printing techniques, it is really terrible. Although the method of air printing is not as fast as drawing the Soul Summoner directly in the air. But being able to use this technique at the age of Li Hao is already quite outstanding.

The so-called air seal is very similar to the direct drawing of summons in the air, the difference is that air seal needs some preparation in advance. And drawing the summons directly in the air is completely different.

Therefore, Li Hao's preparation is quite sufficient.

The old man nodded slightly with satisfaction: "OK."

"Four Tier Alchemy Thundercloud!"

The voice fell.

A small cloud of black clouds flew out of the old man's hands instantly.

The alchemist is a bit biased towards magicians but not comprehensive, and a bit like a pharmacist, but not only that. So, this is a very strange profession.

[Fourth Tier Dark Knight]

Li Hao took a deep breath, and the mark instantly appeared in the air like a six-pointed star. shining.

An armored arm stumbled out of the six-pointed star.

"Who is calling me?"

A knight in black armor with a spear in his armour, and his body is full of armor. There was a golden light at the eyes.

"This ... a summoning creature can talk?" The people around him froze.


"Luck is too explosive!"

Many people took a breath.

Li Hao was also stunned. He had originally prepared the empty seal to summon the knight, but he did not expect to summon to the elite level. The elite will have stronger capabilities, the biggest feature is that they can speak.

"Take care of him!" Li Hao looked at the old man with eyes in his eyes.

The old man nodded and smiled: "Sometimes luck is also part of strength. Little guy, it's a bit interesting. Do you want to take a long break with me?"

Li Hao shook his head: "No need. You are the spirit of fighting spirit once."

"Oh? You can see it too? It seems that the little guy has experienced it." The old man's eyes began to flash like a flame.

Lei Yun originally attacked Li Hao directly, but when approaching Li Hao, the dark knight held a spear: "Provocation!"

I saw that thunder cloud directly hit the Dark Knight.

The old man seemed to have expected it, and the other hand was suddenly pulled by a golden chain.

Li Hao was not idle while the Dark Knight was defending. But quickly summoned the third-order self-exploding crow.

"The third-tier self-exploding crow!" The fourth-tier knight that Li Hao just summoned almost evacuated most of the spirit of fighting spirit, feeling that his body was hollowed out.

So only lower-level attacks can be released.

Just as the old man's mouth flickered with a smile, Li Hao's next move came as scheduled.

"First-order fireball!"


A fireball hit the old man severely.

At the same time, the dark knight suddenly launched. Even closer to the elderly.


A horrifying breath spread directly from the old man, and he immediately responded.

next moment.

He took a deep breath and slowly said, "Okay. I lose this game ..."

"Assign." Li Hao saluted.

If it is true strength, I am afraid that none of the people present can beat him with confidence. Then the knight disappeared into the six-pointed star again, after all, the state of continuity needs to consume the spirit of fighting spirit.

"Not arrogant or impatient, it is somewhat capable. Little guy. I don't think you need to continue the enchantment of the next two floors. Follow me into the house." The old man said.

Li Hao looked around those who showed envious eyes and shook his head.

Of course, this is actually a signal to Ye Guoguo to keep up.

Chen Tianxiu stared at them as they entered the house, full of unwillingness.


"Little guy. Will you do me a favor?" The old man's body seemed to fall apart at any time.

Li Hao said, "What do the seniors say, despite orders. The younger can do what they can."

The old man looked at Li Hao a little deeper: "You are quite cunning and very knowledgeable about current affairs. But I didn't force you, it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Li Hao was secretly thinking in his heart: believe you are strange. Before the words didn't agree, they died immediately. Now I'm on your site, if you get a hair. I must not die.

"Where and where. I am voluntary." Li Hao said on the surface.

Having experienced many things, try not to expose your true purpose when you are unfamiliar. Otherwise it will be in a very unfavorable situation.

The old man didn't seem to pay much attention to Li Hao's vigilance ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a passive cheat of Soul Calling. Summon Beast Advanced Enhancement. Can increase by 1%. The preciousness of things like percentages, you should know. "

The old man said to Li Hao with this cheat, "Do you want it?"

Li Hao didn't conceal, this thing is absolutely valuable, and nodded: "I really want this thing."

There is nothing wrong between the masters and thousands of miles. The gap of one percent is already very large.

"I have a letter here, please give it to the black chair family in Shanghai. When you go, just ask, it should be possible to ask. But this letter, you better not peek. I set up an alchemy Including runes, if you peek, you will probably go back. I must remind you of this. "

The old man felt that the physical strength was gradually dissipating.

"It seems weird in your kid's body," the old man said suddenly.

Li Hao didn't speak, so he looked at the old man.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should fall into drowsiness for a long time, and your strength will go backwards. I'm curious how you didn't fall into drowsiness ....... However, I temporarily blocked this power for you. It won't break out for a while ... "

The old man's skinny hand patted lightly on Li Hao's shoulder.

A special force seemed to enter Li Hao's body, and the envelope just landed on him.

After about five minutes, the old man's body dissipated directly into the air.

After finishing finishing, Li Hao put the cheats in his clothes and began to think about how to solve them when he went out.

There are so many people out there now, staring.

Once you know that the old man has disappeared, it will definitely be troublesome.

"You have to think of a way." Li Hao thought secretly.

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