Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 266: It's a pity you met me

"Ye Guoguo should be outside, she can answer me." Li Hao remembered that she was still outside.

Cheats are not something that can be learned immediately at a glance, but a special skill that takes time to fully master. And usually the cheats skills are disposable consumables.

That is, after learning, this cheat will disappear.

Only those ancient powers can make cheats by themselves, so cheats are a heritage for the family and an opportunity for everyone.

Li Hao thought for a moment, and there was a radian in the corner of his mouth.


"Why not come out yet?" Many people waited outside the house.

A rough-looking man, who didn't even see his 17-year-old boy, said impatiently, "It's so **** long! Is there a lot of good things in it? If I don't come out, I will go in."

A person sneered beside him and said, "You are so good? I'm afraid it is not a lesson learned."

The young boy shuddered about the strength of the weird old man.

I am afraid that even teachers do not necessarily have this kind of strength.

Some people waited anxiously.

Some people shook their heads and could only find another opportunity in this secret state.



"How about him!"

Li Hao pretended to be happy: "He said, whoever goes in there will get his legacy. There are too many things in it, and you can take them yourself. Unfortunately, I did not prepare the bags in advance, otherwise I packed them all . "

Hear these words.

Suddenly the surrounding people exploded!


"Too many things? Legacy?"

"Brother is getting developed!"

These rushed towards the room.

Li Hao slightly gestured at the leaf fruit that was hidden in the distance, and quickly retreated.

Ye Guoguo took a look at Li Hao, could not help but be funny, this guy.


When Li Hao and Ye Guoguo quickly evacuated, some calm people noticed that they were wrong.

"He wants to run?" Chen Tianxiu guessed what it was, but because of the old man, he was afraid to enter it.

Now that Li Hao is wearing a black suit, his first reaction is to catch up.

When Li Hao was running, he saw a figure behind him and frowned slightly: "Chen Tianxiu?"

Ye Guoguo whispered, "Will I delay him?"

After all, it's all from Jinling College, it's not easy to kill each other.

This is no better than the law and order in the city. No one knows when they die.

However, as Jinxiu Academy's double call and magic show, Ye Guoguo is still unable to do so for the time being.

"Wait for this dense forest before delaying him, and then we find a place to meet. If you delay here, it is likely that the people in the house will find it wrong and chase us," Li Hao explained.

Ye Guoguo secretly said, "This little guy is very cautious. But maybe it has something to do with him."

Immediately, he shook his head, and did not flew alongside Li Hao. Rushing away in the distance. Because of the distance, Chen Tianxiu didn't notice.

"First-order wind magic!" Li Hao blessed himself with a wind of speed.

Increase your speed and speed up your evacuation.

Chen Tianxiu frowned: "Can't go on like this, otherwise you will probably lose people! You must use something."

At this time, everyone in the house was found to have been cheated.


"It's so annoying! He actually lied to us! It must be that he took the cheat. Hurry up!"

"You must report to the college. This old man has extraordinary strength, so he must have acted something very special. Otherwise, he won't hit the West!"

Many soldiers divide their paths, some go after them, some go to report.


Li Hao's speed is getting slower and slower, after all, the spirit of fighting spirit is not enough to continue to support himself to run. Obviously, Chen Tianxiu's spirit of fighting spirit is much stronger than himself.

Coupled with the strength of the fourth-order fighting spirit previously revealed, it makes Chen Tianxiu fearless.

"Alright!" Li Hao saw the intersection and felt the time was up.

At this time, Chen Tianxiu has been chasing for a long time, just ready to grit his teeth to use alchemy runes. It turned out that Li Hao had stopped.

"Oh? Can't run anymore? It seems your level of Douling is quite good. It's a pity ... you met me." Chen Tianxiu walked slowly.

Chen Tianxiu weighed Li Hao. He was in black and of medium height. He couldn't see the grade. Although the voice is disguised, it should not be more than twenty years old.

And it's clear that he was ready for this.

Most people follow the college and it is unlikely that they will prepare for it.

So it is likely that the other party is quite sophisticated.

Chen Tianxiu had some knowledge in a short moment.

Li Hao's eyes turned slightly, staring at Chen Tianxiu.

According to the information obtained before, this Chen Tianxiu's strength is likely to be close to the sophomore level. In other words, Chen Tianxiu's strength is very close to the tenth order.

"Do you think you'll fix me?" Li Hao laughed.

Chen Tianxiu put his hands behind him and took a light look: "Isn't it? You should get passive cheats. I should not be wrong about this. As long as you surrender it. I am willing to pay you some money. Even gold coins are fine of."

Just as Chen Tianxiu spoke ~ www.readwn.com ~ another man in black appeared in front of him.

"Companion?" Chen Tianxiu frowned.

This chase did not find this person's existence, which means that this person's strength is very strong?

"Good-bye." Li Hao made a movement of "Sahara Lara" and left leisurely.

Chen Tianxiu was furious.

Seeing the duck flying in his hand.

She tried to catch up several times and was stopped by her hand.

"Don't stop me!" Chen Tianxiu angry.

Ye Guoguo looked calm, but did not speak.

"How much money do you want, you drive!" Chen Tianxiu looked very wealthy.

He is also helpless in blocking people above his own strength.

So the best way is to be able to come up with something that moves the other side.

As a result, the leaf fruit was unmoved.

This is normal, because Ye Guoguo didn't help Li Hao because of money, so money can't move her.

For a family disciple like Chen Tianxiu, everything that can be bought with money is not a problem, but it surprises him.

"It's almost time." Ye Guoguo probably estimated that at this time Li Hao had turned around and appeared in another place, so he used the summoning technique to leave.

In order not to be suspected by the other party.

Ye Guoguo summoned in front of him: "Twenty Tier Flying Eagle!"

Leap forward and leave easily.

Chen Tianxiu gritted his teeth, "Damn guy! I won't let you leave so easily!"

next moment.

I saw he hesitated to turn over, took out a silver rune from his clothes, stared fiercely at the figure that Ye Guoguo was about to leave.

A rune-like dragon was drawn on the rune, its teeth danced.

"Go to death!" Chen Tianxiu yelled, his face hazy.

The whole rune emits a strong light!

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