Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 269: Assessment

Although he felt the hatred in his surroundings and wished to pull out his skin, Li Hao quickly ignored these people's eyes.

Ye Guoguo whispered something in Cassia's ear, and Cassia nodded from time to time watching Li Hao.

Later, Ye Guoguo turned and walked toward Li Hao: "Your assessment today is the same as your sophomore, which may be a big challenge for you. After all, you are re-entering, so the difficulty will be greater. But ... .. I think this should not be a problem for you. "

Li Hao said, "Thank you."

"I thank you for not being so kind with me. I can have the strength I have today, thanks to you." Ye Guoguo groaned.

Li Hao did not continue to be polite anymore, but looked at these sophomores.

If you hadn't experienced that particular thing in the first place, maybe this sophomore will not look at it. But it was only the beginning, the hero did not mention the courage.

He shook his head without thinking.

Cassia's ears are flares, and when viewed from a distance, they look a bit like the elves' ears. It seems something special.

Cassia was wearing a blue teacher's uniform and his body was straight: "Today is the sophomore assessment. If the assessment fails three times in a row, he will be dismissed. Of course, there are intervals between the three assessments, so I do n’t need to say more. You should all know. There was also a freshman student with us today. "

The voice fell.

There was an uproar around.

"Crouching. Freshmen need to be assessed with our sophomore?"

"Who? So big guy!"

"It's that **** Li Hao."

"Is that the person you mentioned last time, was robbed when you were still freshman?"

"Well. It's him indeed. I heard that he has some narcolepsy and his strength will shrink."

"That was a thing of the past, and it seems like it won't happen now. But for him, the task of assessing the second grade is too difficult. It is estimated that he will fail again."

Many people do not believe that Li Hao will be successful in the assessment. Because they all knew that Li Hao was dismissed before entering sophomore year. What a pity.

It's a pity to return, after all, there is no shortage of pity people in this world.


Freshman masters basic summoning. At this time, the level of summoning is limited, and it is usually based on basic defense and basic attack. Unlike sophomores and juniors, they begin to master a variety of summoning abilities.

Cassia saw the crowd talking below, a little chill in her eyes: "Whoever continues to chat, then I have the right to apply for his violation."

When the people below heard these words, Yaqueque silently closed his mouth obediently.

There was a smile on the corner of Li Hao's mouth.

"Today you don't have any sophomore and big two, in my eyes. You are all appraisers. Today's appraisal task can be said to be very simple and very difficult. This has a great relationship to your usual grasp."

"The history of Dou Ling Summoners is very long. It can be traced back to Qin Shihuang's unification of the six kingdoms. You have all learned about Dou Ling's history textbooks, so I wo n’t talk about that. The first task of the assessment today Is how much control you have over the summons of the abyss. "

"You know, the modern summoner has brought a huge impact to the original era of technology. It also needed mechanization and automation to replace the summoner. For example, restaurants need chefs, helpers, side dishes, dishwashing, pass-through, etc. The division of labor can be completed quickly and well. Then in this era, the summoner can complete the entire process. The first assessment task I give you is to complete one hundred side dishes alone. Before the rest of the class ends ,carry out."

"At the same time, the cooking method of cauldron rice is forbidden! Now the time is up!" Cassia said, and sat down in a chair beside him, and took out a book.

Many people have watches on their bodies, and you can see this tense time.

Time is very tight.

If it is said that the freshman is still learning basic abilities, then the sophomore has begun to activate things in students.

This includes directing the creature to act on its own terms.

Because these creatures do not have the power of higher creatures, if you let it cook a dish, it will obediently cook. At best you let him attack, he will attack. You make it defensive, it will defensive.

Sophomore this stage is constantly making it flexible.

In this way, the summoner is worthy of this title, both in combat and in life.

Spirit Summoner!

Many people walk into the kitchen and occupy a good position. The kitchen is separate for each platform, a bit of a game of gourmet battlefield. Li Hao couldn't help but feel happy, cooking this thing, he is still a bit of standard.

But the key problem now is not to do it by yourself, but to do a hundred copies.

With the strength of his sixth-level Soul Summoner, what creature can he summon to quickly complete this task.

If according to the previous era of technology, the preparation of the kitchen would be very busy almost early in the morning. Wash vegetables, cut vegetables, cut vegetables. Only when the preparation is done and the chef comes out will it be very quick.

In one class, it is impossible to complete a hundred servings.

If it is the practice of cauldron rice ~ www.readwn.com ~ it is quite easy. Wash them all together, fry them all together, and cook them together. It will take time at most for the individual markets. However, the effect of this is generally much more unpalatable than the fried one.

"What should I call?" Li Hao was thinking.

Many people, like Li Hao, did not start immediately. Although time is short, this assessment is not just for them to cook. It's examining their analytical power and control.

Whether you can choose a proper summoned creature to perform the task, and whether you can accurately control the cooking of the creature with the spirit of the fighting spirit.

At the same time, each individual kitchen counter is arranged in advance by the alchemist, once you choose your own test room, you can't see what others are doing. Avoid suspicions of cheating.

Think carefully ...

"Goblin washes vegetables? Goblin cuts vegetables? Then who will cook?" Li Hao already had a general idea.

Make a preliminary estimate of your own strength. With your sixth-level Spirit Master's strength, you can summon a sixth-level creature and several creatures below the fifth level.

The spirit of his fighting spirit is not enough to support summoning too many fifth-order creatures.

"Fourth-order Goblin!"

"Fourth-order goblin!"

Li Hao first summoned eight creatures, four goblin, and four goblins.

"Wash vegetables!" Li Hao frowned slightly.

But Goblin was motionless like a two hundred and fifty.

"I only learned basic attack and defense. This is difficult." Li Hao's frown frowned, almost making a ball.

Compared to the freshman of Jinling sophomore, Li Hao's disadvantage is obvious. Other than fighting spirit, this commanding skill has not been learned.

"I think ... this is the place to test me. I can't lose here." Li Hao looked at all this again.

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