Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 270: I can't lose here

The so-called Soul Summoner summons and directs them from the abyss through his own spirit. The summoner is not only to summon them, but more importantly to control them skillfully and grasp their own characteristics.

Li Hao's mind began to think about the knowledge in the summoner's textbook.

After pondering for a while, his eyes brightened: "Here!"

Li Hao remembered that there was a text in the text about how to control the creature's actions.

In fact, every person who enters Jinling will publish some books about the summoner and other skills. Teachers with a certain ability to explain and teach. Let them better understand the various roles of the summoner, and fully cultivate.

When Li Hao entered Jinling, he had already remembered some basic knowledge. Not only that, he also chooses to review. Like Mu Weiwei, he will also be self-taught beyond the course.

Opportunity is always reserved for the prepared.

He knew that the assessment of the academy was not only to consider him as an enhanced difficulty assessment to re-enter Jinling, but to put him to a certain height. Normally, when everyone starts the fighting phase, they will carry out trials.

These trials determine their stay.

There is a high-end trial, and the top temple members are from these trials.

And Li Hao was the leader in starting this high-end trial four years ago! This trial is also called colorful trial. Just what happened at the end of the colorful trial, only a few people knew. Few people know the truth of being doomed by doom.

In his body, there seems to be a raging Heihe, and a small tripod above the Heihe suppresses it. After encountering that weird person in the mysterious realm, help the strong counterattack.

Now the Heihe River is as calm as the blue lake, but Xiaoding has been suppressing it. Li Hao is still unclear about the role of this.


Li Hao skillfully controlled Goblin and the Goblin, and began to work stiffly.

"It's done." Li Hao sweated.

"The assessment is not just these, they think I should return to the top." Li Hao eyes slightly.

Jinling Douling Academy has n’t called out a high-level Dooming for a long time. It can be said that it has nearly four years of history. Four years is not long, and short is not short. But it is a very bad time for a college.

The college also has a competition system. No matter what era, competition will always exist.


Inside the stone pavilion of the college.

The blood-red and blood-knife brothers sat on the stone bench.

The two brothers have very different personalities. As the brother's blood red, his energy is relatively small, and most people cannot tolerate riding on the two brothers' heads. For many things it is worth comparing.

The younger brother's blood knife, often called a knife brother or a small knife, likes drinking very much. When it comes to drinking, he can chatter all day long.

"Brother, can you say that Li Hao, this foul boy can pass the assessment?" Blood Knife took out a small bottle of wine and smelled it before taking a sip.

At this time, Blood Red's eyes were not so cold, and he looked at the Blood Knife helplessly: "You should drink less wine. Injury."

"Isn't life a little something I like to do? This drink can be counted as one." Bloodknife took another sip and smiled.

Blood red is helpless, but looking at the assessment direction of sophomore: "Maybe it can. Maybe it can't."

"In terms of the difficulty of the assessment, this is already beyond the outline. At least they did not teach this point." Xue Hong said.

Blood Knife looked at the wine in his hand: "That means that the assessment cannot be completed. The college has no plans to leave him. Otherwise, it will not exceed the outline."

Blood red took a deep breath: "On the contrary, both the Dean and the Deputy Dean hope that he can grow up. Count on others to teach, always stand behind others, and follow behind others. Only when they take the initiative to learn and master the call When they have the knowledge and skills they need. "

"Many people are eager to be taught by others and come to be a master. Although they can take shortcuts, they have lost too much experience."

Blood red seems to have thought of his own cultivation path. Unlike his younger brother, he is a magician. A magician cannot fight like a summoner, but he can control the power of nature.

His journey can be described as bumpy. Unlike those talented, he has cut through thorns and boundless scenery.

"Then you mean he has a lot of hope?" Blood Knife took a few sips of wine in a row, contented.

His blood red eyes were cold: "I don't know. I wish he hadn't. If it had passed, I would find an opportunity to teach him. Help you out."

Bloodknife said, "Brother, I can actually pack him. Last time, I just got up with wine ..."

Talking about this, he blushed a lot and didn't keep talking. A teacher was actually beaten by a student, even if he was drinking, his face was lost. In addition, although the college allows students to fight each other, it does not allow teachers to bully college students.

Li Hao has not officially joined Jinling before, which is not countable.

But for now, Li Hao is already a member of Jinling College, and his continued entanglement is considered illegal.

So they hope Li Hao's assessment fails ...


"68, 69, 70." Li Hao noticed the time was tight and checked it, and it was still thirty copies.

The spirit of this fighting spirit is not enough to support such a large number of envoys.

Although the control has gradually become proficient, it is clear that the spirit of fighting spirit is not enough to support.

"I can't give up here." Li Hao's eyes flickered with flames.

Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is not working hard before failure.

Knowingly failed, but I am still struggling.

"Break through zero." Li Hao's eyes suddenly made a bold decision. The spirit of his fighting spirit is already at the peak of the sixth order. As long as he breaks through, he will reach the seventh order. At the same time, the spirits of various fighting spirits will return to the full state ~ www.readwn.com ~ This feeling is like playing a game. When you upgrade, a light rises, full of blood and magic.

Fighting spirit breakthrough requires a relatively quiet environment, if the noisy environment will be much more difficult. In addition, when breaking through, you also need to allocate power to control these fighting spirits to continue to follow their command.

Can be described as difficult.

But no matter how difficult, this is also an opportunity.

Li Hao closed his eyes, and at the same time, the spirit of fighting spirit in his body was controlling these Goblin and Goblin regularly, washing vegetables and chopping vegetables. As for the final process of cooking, it must be Li Haolai.

After all, that level has not been learned.

But at this time, he was already doing very well. Everything that happened in the assessment position blocked by the alchemist was under the watchful eye of the invigilator.

One of the invigilators looked at Li Hao's assessment position, and there was a radian in the corner of his mouth: "This little guy is a bit interesting. It is indeed a former colorful empowerment tester."

Everything was progressing in an orderly manner, and Li Hao's forehead began to sweat. Maybe it's too close to the fire, maybe it's another reason.

Finally, a few minutes later, a ray of light appeared on his body to cover his body.


"Seventh level of fighting spirit!" Li Hao breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this time less than three minutes from the end of the assessment, Li Hao Dou Ling's breath returned to full state and quickly summoned the seventh-tier Goblin again. Sixth-order goblin. Speed ​​up.

Time is too tight!

Although it broke through, Li Hao felt that it was almost 100 copies away.

Can't be discouraged here!

"Second-order flame!" Li Hao is also a magician. While the fighting spirit strengthened, the magic strength did not stay in place.

"I can't lose here!" Li Hao's eyes were hot.

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