Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 285: Sole oil

After listening slightly to Li Hao, Mu was very curious about the colorful trials.

She has also participated in trials, but it is not colorful, so in her opinion there is nothing to talk about. But Li Hao is different. Those are people who have participated in the colorful trials. There are some people who can be called demon evil, called "ten demon and one king".

Li Hao was the dark horse that almost became that king during the trial.

The higher the trial level, the more difficult it is and the more intense the competition. Mu Weiwei wondered exactly what happened.

It just seemed that even Li Hao had forgotten what happened, and even his power was not fully turned on. However, now Li Hao has shown a very wicked talent.

Shaking his head, Mu no longer thought about it.

Li Hao walked ahead, Mu slightly followed.

"Do you say the people below can always be below?" Li Hao asked suddenly.

"Isn't it possible for the people below to go up? Why is it always below?" Mu Weiwei said, wondering what Li Hao wanted to ask.

Li Hao didn't say: "..."

Mu was puzzled and didn't ask much, hesitated and said, "How can you always say that you are Chen Tianxiu, pull hatred."

Li Hao laughed and said nothing.

Thinking about a bunch of people in trouble with Chen Tianxiu, Li Hao felt happy.

Just as the two were talking, a sophomore team appeared. This time is Hailan College.

"Look, we can start another team. Isn't that Jinling freshman?"

"Oh. It really is. I'm giving away points again. Sophomores are robbing freshmen. It's pretty cool. They can be promoted faster than sophomores. Sophomores are so risky.

"Just clean up those who cleaned Jinling."

Several people appeared in front of Li Hao with bad intentions.

"The twelfth-order ghost flower, the thirteenth-order cannibal flower." The man in Jinling called quickly.

Li Hao had a strong sense of crisis at this moment.

There is a sophomore peak among this group of guys.

"Come on!" Li Hao shouted loudly. At least now he doesn't think he can crush these people, and he knows the actual gap.

In plain words, "what kind of strength do you have?

Mu Weiwei also realized that this was a hunter's team encountering another hunter's team.

The weaker one can only become a prey.

"Catch up!" Several sophomores rushed to catch up.

Li Hao and Mu slightly said at the same time: "Wind boots!"

This is wind magic, which can increase speed.

Pull away instantly.

"Damn! It's a magician!" One of them was unwilling, but really couldn't catch up.

"The last thing I like is to meet the magician. We can't be singled out but we summon the teacher, but the escape speed is really fast. If I am stronger, I can summon the mount to catch up. Unfortunately.

"You don't even use summoning skills, and you count on mounts? Summoning a walking pig is about the same."


Although unwilling, several people did find it impossible to catch up.

Li Hao and Mu were slightly fast and ran all the way, finally pulling away.

Mu slightly still running, Li Hao stopped.

"Stop it," Li Hao said.

Mu slightly tilted her head: "What's wrong?"

"No need to continue running," Li Hao said.

"... Oh." Mu slightly.

The two have paid great attention to dodging sophomores, but they still encounter each other, which is a bit tricky.

Li Hao's eyes looked to the rear, with a slight meaning: "Should we go and rob them?"

Mu froze slightly, then said, "Are you crazy? They are sophomores!"

Li Hao said with a smile: "Do you remember what Ye Guoguo said? There are no strongest professions, and each profession has strengths and weaknesses. The summoner can summon many creatures to conduct mass attacks. But the body is very fragile. We can Make the most of this. "

"... You mean, we ambush ahead of time, and when they are relaxed, they are caught off guard by magic attacks." Mu Weiwei said.

"Bingo." Li Hao made a move that you guessed right.

Mu Weiwei said, "But at most I can only attack two people. They have five people. I two, you two, and the remaining one can be easily chased and killed by creatures summoned by him. At that time, we will not be separated like before. It's convenient. It was because of some distance just now, but the distance of the sneak attack must be very close. We have no chance to escape. It is likely that the current points will be ransacked. "

Li Hao shook his head: "You are only half right and half wrong."

"What went wrong?" Mu said slightly.

"I can solve four, and you only need to deal with one person." Li Hao smiled lightly.

"..." Mu slightly.

After hesitating, Mu slightly felt that Li Hao was indeed excellent in some aspects, so he still did as he said, which should still be very reliable.

"How confident are you?" Mu asked slightly.

"Ten percent." Li Hao calmly.

Mu slightly could not help but startled, this also means that when Li Hao was just escaping, it was not just a pure escape. It is a quick observation of the strength shown by the opponent.

This observation ability and mentality is a bit scary.


Think carefully.

"We are detouring from the left. If they follow the way they are going, they should be heading southwest. We speed up and wait in advance." Li Hao wiped his hands, a little excited.

Such things as looting sophomores never happened, and maybe I will soon become the founder of the first wave.

Start a new mode of hanging out seniors ~ www.readwn.com ~ towards the designated route, Li Hao and Mu slightly detour, and find a few big trees. Hiding in the tree quickly, waiting quietly.

After about ten minutes.

Those five people appeared again.

"Finally in the top 80. Sure enough, the team came fast. But this first place is too abnormal."

"It's okay. We can still move forward. As long as we stabilize the top 100, it will be fine. But I think we must advance to fifty to be more secure."

"Uh-huh. Go, find out if there is any team. There should be no more ghost magicians. After all, the number of summons is still more."

"It's okay. Those magicians are just oiling their feet. Afraid of eggs."

"Yes. We are sophomores, as long as we don't encounter metamorphosis. Teams have almost no problems."

Li Hao winked slightly at Mu, asking if he was ready.

Mu nodded slightly, a little excited on his face, the magic charm quickly condensed, and a thunder ball was in his hand. Although it is not enough to kill the opponent, it is also enough for the opponent to play.

Mu slightly feels not addictive, and the other hand also condenses the thunder ball.

The two thunder combined, and bowed left and right.

Different from Mu slightly, Li Hao was highly concentrated, and a small black cloud appeared in his palm. This dark cloud is a bit like the magical skills that the alchemist used when he was in the mystery.

Li Hao tried to mix several kinds of magic. When he returned from the mystery, he tried many times and finally successfully used it.

He used this as his hole card, never speaking to anyone, and not showing it.

However, when using this trick, Li Hao sweated slightly on his forehead. Obviously this was not so condensed.

As they passed slightly below Li Hao and Mu.

"Shoo!" Li Hao held the mini Heiyun suddenly leaning forward.

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