Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 286: Tang Pao

Li Hao and Mu slightly launched an attack with a thunderbolt.

"No, there are people above!" They exclaimed!

"Flash!" Someone said.

"It's too late!"

The next moment, Li Hao and Mu slightly attacked as expected.

Mu Weiwei's two lightning **** shot back from his hands, like two lightning bolts, with extremely powerful momentum.

But the moment Mu Wei saw Li Hao's offensive, it was a slight sign.

I saw the small cloud in Li Hao's hands rapidly zooming in the air, expanding rapidly.

From a slap to a person's size, it progressed into a large cloud.

In the clouds, you can clearly see the wind, fire, and lightning staggering each other, like a sleeping lion suddenly opening up, the violent energy hiding in the clouds, revealing the extremely dangerous danger.

"Endless Ghost!"

The next moment, four horrific beams of light arrived on schedule, hitting them heavily.


The pupils of the four contracted, then were hit by a beam of light, fell to the ground, and lost consciousness.

"Hoo ~ I'm finally shocked." Li Hao paled slightly. This trick requires a lot of magical breath, and even barely supports it with the dragon breath.

Mu stared at Li Hao for a moment, speechless.

It took me a while to respond: "You! You! You!"

"Don't be thrilled. Hurry up and rob them of their points." Li Hao knew that it was impossible to completely kill the four with this blow, but he could still stun him in a short time. If this power hits one person enough to annihilate the other.

Mu was slightly lost for a moment, and the message also crouched down, standing on one of them and pressing his pocket watch a few times, and the points automatically turned over.

"We're sixty-one!" Mu was slightly excited.

Li Hao couldn't help laughing: "The first seventy was finally squeezed in, and I need to take a break. If there is a blue medicine, it will be fine. This way, we can continue to choose the next wave of sneak attacks."

"Hurry up. Let's find another place for refining and continue."


About three hours or so, they woke up one after another, and their clothes were fragmented. At first glance, several people looked like beggars. Looking at the points shown on the table in their hands, they almost collapsed.

"Strangle this group of people!" The man's expression was tense.

I saw one of them shook his head: "This time I lost my face. I was ransacked by the freshman. I didn't expect them to be so brave. They dared to come and attack us. Seeing that they were wearing a Jinling and a Hailan People. "

"Good horror boy, that move is memorable. Why haven't I seen this move among school magicians?"

One person's eyes lingered slightly: "No, I've seen it. I saw it before I entered the academy four years ago. At that time, one of us had just stepped into the first rank of the magician, and he had already A magical blend capable of blending other elements to create new attacks. "

"How can there be such a person?" The companion stunned.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, all the people in the entire town were suppressed. Not only that, but also unexpectedly killed a freshman. They were said to have participated in the colorful trials. It is a concentration camp of evil spirits. The people who appear there have great potential. It is very likely that the boy in front of him is also the one who is trying colorfully. "

"I don't understand. The people who tried the colorful trial reasonably said that they should have joined the temple now, why are they still here?"

"So I'm also puzzled about this. But this ability is very familiar."


Li Hao officially entered the twelfth stage, Mu slightly tenth peak.

"There is something weird on you!" Mu slightly did not hesitate.

Li Hao laughed and didn't explain.

"Do you want to continue robbing your sophomore? We might shock the top 30. The chances of keeping the top 30 are still very high. Are you interested?" Li Hao embraced with both hands and said with a smile.

Mu slightly stunned: "Ah? In the event of a cautious summoner team, we will die."

Li Hao nodded.

This is indeed the case.

The advantage of the summoner is that it can fight in groups and summon many creatures. The stronger the spirit of the spirit, the stronger the creature summoned by the summoner. The disadvantage is that its combat effectiveness is relatively weak.

If the summoner is summoned only during the battle in order to save the spirit of fighting spirit, then they are given a great opportunity to address the shortcomings. However, if the summoner is of that cautious type, they still summon a group of creatures around, even if it takes a lot of fighting spirit to maintain the existence of the creature.

Can act as both an attack and a defensive role.

You can attack and you can defend.

As long as there is no way to target the body, the summoner can be said to be invincible in the same order.

"I can't say no to the situation you said. But ..." Li Hao looked at Mu slightly, with a hint of obscurity.

"Sophomores will always encounter sophomores. At this time, the competition is not just strength, but also the spirit of fighting spirit. So at this time, who will go to kill their spirit of fighting spirit so that they have the advantage?" Li Hao said.

Mu bowed her head slightly, silent.

Li Hao is right, the situation does exist, but the freshman robbed the sophomore, this thing is a bit shocking.

The freshman and sophomore are divided by strength. What strength does not participate in the jump assessment?

Why stay in freshman?

Irrational ~ www.readwn.com ~ Good. Then we rob the sophomore. Mu Weiwei originally felt that it was difficult for the top 100. Now it seems that the sophomore has more points than the freshman. It seems that they have also ransacked many freshman teams.

Sure enough, freshman is a group of lambs for slaughter.

So now the question comes. After Li Hao reversed, who is the hunter and who is the lamb?

Mu took a deep breath and followed Li Hao.

However, within ten minutes, it had been attacked by the fighting spirits who came out many times.

"The fighting spirits are getting denser." Li Hao frowned slightly.


In front of Li Hao, he saw a teenager with a cold face, facing others, and quickly signaled Mu Wei: "Get down."

Mu slightly conditioned reflexes, quickly got down, unknown, so he looked forward.

That was a group of sophomores, one of them was from Jinling College, but his uniform was tied around his waist and he didn't wear it.

And the man was wearing a little Chinese robe and was very young. He looked coldly at the people around him.

"Twelfth-tier Goblin!"

"Thirteenth-level Goblin!"

"Twelfth-order fire element."

The group summoned a group of creatures to attack the man, but the teenager remained calm.

"You advise you to take the initiative to surrender the points." The group said to the Tangpao boy.

Tangpao sneered: "Do you think that you are better than me?"

"Ha ha ha ha. Isn't it?" They seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

Mu Weiwei and Li Hao were lying on their stomachs, staring forward: "Are we going to help Brother?"

"Do not move for now," Li Hao said.

Mu was puzzled, shouldn't he help a senior student at this time, and then strike back?

But soon, Mu slightly surprised her mouth.

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