Everyone is looking forward to Li Haolai's explosion of this power.

However, it is not coming.

"What's going on?" Li Hao frowned. Was there a wrong step?

Sophomore did not know what Li Hao wanted to do: "What do you want to do?"

"I'm so sorry. You guys are really a lot worse than us."

Mu slightly worried, she seemed to be aware of Li Hao's problem.

Obviously, Li Hao just wanted to use that power, but there was no movement.

"What's wrong?" Mu asked slightly.

Li Hao said, "Let me delay, which step I may be wrong."

The rest knew this, but they had no choice but to resist.

Several sorcerers tried to sneak in sophomores, but sophomores also had sorcerers.

In addition, there are more courses in the second year than the first year, so the ability to dodge this piece is naturally better.

Within a short time, these freshman members were losing ground.

After a while, Da Liang actively tried to attack Li Hao from one side.

Mu slightly blocked, but his complexion became weaker. The strength of the creature summoned by both sides is completely crushed.

Sophomore members mainly call for creatures from the tenth to fifteenth stages, while sophomores mainly focus on the zero to tenth stage. Although there are fighting spirit crystals, everyone has improved somewhat. However, freshmen can be promoted, so can sophomores. Only the relative amplitude is different.

The goblin summoned by Daliang attacked together with Mu Weiwei, Mu Wei evaded in time, and was hit. The whole person flew out, but fortunately not far.

It was just hurt.

At this time, Da Liang looked at Li Hao: "Well. This is the gap."

"It's done!" Li Haozhang looked at Daliang.

At this time, the river water in Li Hao's body was boiling again, and Xiao Ding shivered above the river water. Water is constantly decreasing and Li Hao's strength is constantly growing.

Da Liang next to Li Hao felt even more obvious, a surge of power came surging, hitting him directly like a big wave.

Let him look stagnant.


A strong breath erupted directly from Li Hao.

"Twenty-fifth-order fireball!"

"Twenty-fifth-order Thunderblade!"

Li Hao did not use it at the beginning, but used the strength of the 25th level.

The freshman cheering behind him suddenly.

The fireball was like a scorching sun, and it waved directly from the left hand. Although the empty print is not as smooth as Li Hao.

Take effect a bit slower.

"Run!" Sophomores realized that it was not good, and the rest of them were no longer in love and started running. Only then did they realize why the people behind Li Hao were so confident, it was all because of Li Hao ’s hidden strength.


The strong flame impact severely injured the sophomore. Twenty-fifth level of fireball is equivalent to the strength of a senior.

"Fuck! Is this still a freshman!" One person was not affected by the fireball because of distance.

You said that the seniors who have this kind of strength are completely outstanding and are ready to graduate.

However, the freshman has such strength, it is scary.

Li Hao knew that this force would not last long, so he should loot as soon as possible in the event of a deterrent.

"Take points! Whoever moves, don't blame me!" Li Haoxiang pretended to look fierce.

It's like a **** of evil, leaving the rest unwilling to resist.

If it's not that bad, everyone fights.

If it's too much, let's give up.

But because of Da Liang prepared in advance, his face turned pale, staring at Li Ha with dread, silent.

His complexion was whiter and bluer.

"You have the smell of louver." Li Hao didn't kill these people, but the target he hit was a coma for a short time. One of the main reasons was that he didn't hate each other. Just a competition.

If it were an enemy, Li Hao would choose to kill the other without hesitation.

Like the twelve pretenders, show no mercy.

However, these people are not, they are just the seedlings of the spirit summoner. Excavated seedlings for the subsequent development of the continent. Although they are stunned, they will fall into a coma, and the number of creatures in the fighting spirit battlefield is likely to be attacked.

However, Li Hao still kept a little backhand, at least a few of them will be in a dazed state.

In other words, most people are unconscious for a long time, but a few people wake up quickly. After waking up, I choose to ask for help, or wait for the others to wake up, or abandon these unconscious people. That's their own business.

At least what Li Hao should do, he did it all.

When Li Hao said the louvers, they looked a little unnatural.

"I said that I always feel that it is easy to ignite, it turns out to be this kind of thing!"

"But when were we targeted by this Chinese herbal medicine?"

A few people were talking about louvers. In fact, there are two kinds of louvers. The first louvers is also commonly known as peacock tail, which has heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. Indications: sore throat; dysentery; snake bite and so on.

The second type of louver is a special Chinese herbal medicine, which can play a role of sleep, can also be used as hypnosis ~ www.readwn.com ~ It will subconsciously stimulate some of the body's adenoids, making people particularly impulsive. Coupled with this method of adjustment, as long as they hint at something during their use, they will follow suit.

There is a mixed feeling of ecstasy and maggot.

It was just that their consciousness was sober.

He knew exactly what he was doing without doubt.

This is the magic of this kind of thing.

Those who have caught shamrocks can't smell the shamrocks and become immune for a while. Those with no middle louvers can only smell the smell.

Li Hao didn't leave much time for their doubts. After the ransacking, they quickly stunned.

"Hey. Hey. I'll wear it if I don't slip." Li Hao must not shake his head.

Li Hao looked at the rankings and even entered the fourth place?

"... Fourth ..." Li Hao was somewhat unexpected.

Mu slightly looked at this ranking dumbfounded.

And the chaotic behavior on the scoreboard quickly attracted the attention of the entire fighting spirit battlefield.

They noticed that the scores were very wrong, freshmen and sophomores were just a mess. And the top 100 teams, so many freshmen actually occupy so many.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

They decided to investigate.

The knights from the Paladin's Palace thought about it after hearing this. The representatives of all the colleges were summoned to the camp, and it was decided to investigate the source of this matter.

The other colleges realized the seriousness of the incident and went straight to the camp.

"What happened?" A mentor asked.

"The temple called a meeting. Let's hurry."

"It seems like there is a big problem with the leaderboard!"

"Go! Let's hurry! It seems that this time the trouble is big!"

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