Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 294: Strong rise

Sawyer in the Paladin was sitting in the conference room, and the atmosphere of this meeting seemed a little dignified.

Due to the coincidence, the sanctuary had previously been explored in advance, and the sanctuary had also played a role. Among the personnel who entered the fighting spirit battlefield, all the mentors were arranged for confirmation.

Some suspicions and pretenders were expelled through identity verification, but they now found that the change in the standings was too unusual. This phenomenon is even a little strange.

"About the changes in the standings, I believe you all heard the news ahead of time." Soya put his hands on his chin, a thoughtful look.

The remaining instructors nodded.

"What do you think about this? The Investigation Department has already acted, and I believe it will come to fruition." Sawyer's face did not see that he was extremely concerned about this matter, or that he was calm with his back hands.

A mentor said: "I took a look at the changes in the standings and found some special places. According to previous years, there are some excellent people in the freshman class who will enter this ranking, but after all, they are freshmen, so the ranking is better than After. The vast majority are sophomores. Another thing is that most people are usually teamed up, so this ranking will be higher. Therefore, the sophomore sophomore is the most appropriate choice. "

The instructor didn't continue to say, but paused, worried about speaking the wrong thing.

After all, the guy in this knight costume comes from the Paladin.

"Keep talking." Sawyer waved.

The mentor saw this and said, "However, you all know the current situation. Without mentioning the junior and junior teams, the rankings are basically high. I also looked at the fastest points to get points. One team. It's Jinling's team. "

"Every time the Jinling team rises, the rest of the freshman will also soar."

"So I suspect that the root cause is probably related to this Jinling team."

As soon as the words fell, many people looked at Jinling.

The representative of Jinling Lu Shumo remained silent. He also guessed something about this, but he was not as accurate as this instructor.

Sawyer didn't say anything extra, but waited for the return of the investigative department.

After a few minutes of silence, a voice broke the situation in the conference room.

"Master Sawyer has been found through the ability of the alchemist. Some people secretly used louvers for the sophomore. So the sophomore and the freshman are in a relative position to fight each other. But many teams have reported that Li Hao is different Unusual strength. You can crush your sophomore. These points are divided up. If Li Hao did not bring those people, Li Hao may stand firmly in the first place. "

As soon as the news came out, everyone in the conference room was choked.

"Li Hao?"

When the originally silent Lu Shu heard the news, he slapped his thighs and laughed, "Good boy, this time we won! I never thought you would return, and still have such a background."

Haha laughed at Lu Shu, and the others looked strange.

However, Lu Shu quickly glanced at Soyana's solemn complexion, and quickly put his face away.

In the past four years, Jinling has suffered a lot in the fighting spirit battlefield.

In addition, the number of top students is far lower than that of other colleges. Now Li Hao's strong rise has made him very popular.

Next, Soya decided to send an alchemist to clear the remnants of the blades of grass and arrest the users. Since the status of the ranking is already this way, although he has the right to speak on the battlefield. However, it has to do with the sanctuary and report it.

The end result is that the ranking remains the same, and the rest depends on snatching.

But this time it is stipulated that it is strictly forbidden to form a team of more than five people!

And not across colleges.

As a result, the rankings have changed again.

Originally, Chen Tianxiu teamed with the sophomore elite for some reason and held the first place. Because of this sudden notice, he became second. The original elite team eliminated Chen Tianxiu and entered the first place.

There are only four players left in this team, all of whom are among the best.

Chen Tianxiu, who lost his asylum, was second, and Li Hao had already entered third. Just one step away from Chen Tianxiu.

Chen Tianxiu clenched his fists and looked at the rankings: "Damn guy, I sacrificed a lot of things to reach the second! I must have something to do with you, Li Hao! You wait for me!"

After that, Chen Tianxiu hid quickly.

If he loses his asylum, it will be very difficult to win if he meets a sophomore strong team.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Tianxiu also made rapid progress and entered the thirteenth stage.

Li Hao is currently the twelfth peak.


"This movement is a bit big." Mu shook her head slightly.

Li Hao was also very helpless. This was originally someone who helped the situation, but now it looks like this, in fact, it is acceptable.

"By the way, are you going to participate in the temple seeds?" Mu stopped slightly.

From the current existence that Li Hao can enhance his strength in a short time, he does have this qualification, even far beyond the senior majority.

Li Hao also has no shortage of junior combat experience.

Just Mu is curious, Li Hao's past, why is he so rich in actual combat experience ~ www.readwn.com ~ Did Li Hao have any unspeakable experiences?

Most of Li Hao's understanding came from his brother and outsiders.

The magnificence of four years ago is now rising strongly.

Li Hao stared into the distance and groaned, "Well. I will go back. Beyond them!"

"..." Mu said slightly.

Group of two, entering the third.

Freshman knew Li Hao's hidden strength, so did sophomore. The entire fighting spirit battlefield does not say that everyone knows, at least seven adults know. For a moment, Li Hao became the invincible representative.

At least in the Dou Ling battlefield, whoever meets Li Hao obediently pays points.

If you don't pay, you will be able to try out the power of the mentor in minutes.

So far along the way, I saw Li Hao running desperately all the way, and Li Hao could only kill the fighting spirit creatures hard.

"How can I be third? I want to be the first when I say anything." After feeling this power, Li Hao's mentality returned to the strongest period in the past.

"Li Hao! Look! There are five teams fighting a giant fighting spirit creature. It is estimated that the strength of that fighting spirit creature should reach level 20."

Mu slightly excited pointing at the diagonally opposite direction.

People on the way ran away when they saw Li Hao, and they felt a little bored. There is a big wave and a large fighting spirit creature, which is interesting.

Judging from the body shape, this fighting spirit creature should be in the twentieth order. For sophomores, it's hard to kill.

But Dou Ling is, after all, not a special existence. It does not have its own keen thinking space, so the phenomenon of ants biting more can still happen.

Li Hao wants to go, not to help, but to ...

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