Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 296: Country on the cloud

Pretending to look like nothing, Chen Tianxiu frowned and looked at Li Hao: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Li Hao calmly said: "Don't pretend. I inquired a little bit and knew your news. From the city of sin. He was also hostile to me and wanted to go back and forth, only the Guyi family and the Black Axis family. I have analyzed the black axis, it is impossible. "

Only then did Chen Tianxiu's face start to change: "Whatever you say. I don't know anyway."

"I counted three times. If you don't hand it over, then don't blame me." Li Hao said.

Chen Tianxiu hesitated to turn it over, and finally handed out the space ring. However, in the interim, the runes hiding in his hands were suddenly posted, posted to Li Hao, and said madly, "Go to death!"

However, Li Hao didn't panic, as if he had anticipated it, taking a step to make him post a void.

At the same time, a magic ball condensed in his hand, bursting like a spiral nest.


Directly penetrated Chen Tianxiu's body and couldn't see it.

Li Hao's eyes were indifferent, but Mu Wei on the side looked slightly confused about this sudden change and reacted slightly slowly.

In fact, Li Hao once gave Chen Tianxiu a chance, but unfortunately this man was determined to kill Li Hao. Li Hao not only asked the opponent to reveal his secrets and hole cards, he only found the opportunity to kill.

He also knew about Ye Guoguo's injuries, so he was very alert to Chen Tianxiu. There are a lot of unusual things that can hurt the instructor. Coupled with Chen Tianxiu's ability to participate in the sophomore elite before, he quickly jumped to the top. Step into the number one with those elites at the same time.

Even though the palace changed the rules because of special changes, he did not lag too much behind, but ranked second.

This reveals something very unusual.

Li Hao took his alchemy rune and his space ring, and then questioned and reacted with Chen Tianxiu to determine whether it was really the ancient family. Obviously, Chen Tianxiu couldn't hide Li Hao's eyes.

He confirmed.

All these can be said to be Li Hao step by step, steady and steady, very careful thinking, all of which are included.

Li Hao started fighting at the age of sixteen and showed great potential. However, the sixteen years before that have not been spent in vain.

Li Hao comes from a nobleman in a big commercial country, Gattillo. Insidious and cunning are commonplace. From a young age he majored in boxers. This unrecognized occupation was studied in the nobility as a physical fitness. At the same time, they are given different requirements for their respective age groups. Among them, the Li family where Gatello Li Hao was located was severely trampled by rival Gu Yi during a business change.

And use this time to launch siege.

The aristocracy is not what everyone sees. Enjoying prosperity and riches, they also have the effort and use value. When the use value disappears, they are worthless as trash.

The Sin City is just a special city under the ancient rule.

Regardless, it is a treasure trove of circulation in the gray area, and trafficking, smuggling, and killing are all the norm in the evil world.

If someone asks why such a city still exists, then you may not know the network of interests that exists between the nobility and nobility.

In short, this ancient family controls the evil capital.

The sanctuary does not belong to the five continents or the three empires. It is completely out of these positions.

The sanctuary is also called the kingdom on the cloud.

Once on the ground, at the peak of alchemy, it officially became a cloud country, like a city in the sky. Therefore, after all, alchemists in Sanctuary have developed far beyond other regions.

However, the peak period of alchemy did not last long, and it was the summoning era that occupied the dominant position.

The limitations of alchemy have become more apparent with the progress of the times.

The red clay continent where Li Hao belongs is a low end. If you want to go up, you must pass through the screening of the temple and enter it. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the college can change lives against the sky.

But technology has become a relatively backward existence. What we are talking about here is relatively backward, not absolute. After all, many high-end technologies still exist in mid-range cities.

Li Hao knew that he would soon leave the laterite continent. It will take some time to destroy the Guyi family with their own strength.

Looking at the rankings, Li Hao's points have entered the first!

Even the second place gap Li Hao nearly doubled the points. I ’m afraid it ’s too late to catch the horse.

Mu Weiwei teamed up with Li Hao, so both were first.

"Next, I will choose to kill Dou Ling, digest all these Dou Ling crystals, and ensure that I have greater confidence in obtaining the qualification to participate in the Seed Palace." Li Hao said to Mu Weiwei.

Mu Weiwei knew that Li Hao could temporarily improve his strength, which was enough to qualify him for participation.

But for myself, getting farther and farther from Li Hao's footsteps is even a little hard to follow. Can only try to chase it.

Some people are like a bright moon appearing in the sky, making it impossible to open their eyes. Fortunately, following Li Hao, he also made rapid progress.

After Li Hao obtained the space ring, he scraped a bunch of crystals and walked towards the middle of the fighting spirit battlefield.

Of course, it's not just because there are more creatures in the middle, but the surrounding creatures are not challenging for Li Hao.

This is a whole four months ...

Time flies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sun and moon are like shuttles.

The momentum of Li Hao's whole person has also changed dramatically. The hair that was originally moderate has the same length as a handsome man, and it has already exceeded the neck. Of course, I have washed my body in the past four months. After all, as long as I do not encounter the fighting spirit, there is still water.

At the same time, Li Hao topped the list.

At this point Li Hao's strength has reached the 17th level. If you use the hole card, you can temporarily enter the 37th level.

When receiving the convening order, Li Hao understood that it was time to end the battle.

... Leaving the fighting spirit battlefield, some mentors summoned flying mounts, hovering in the air.

All mentors centered on Sawyer, standing on his right and left.

Sawyer stood in the air, with a short sword hanging around his waist, a long sword on his back, and a brand new armor.

"I'm very glad that the fighting spirit battlefield is successful this time, it seems to have found a good seed." Sawyer put one hand behind him.

Everyone understands that they are referring to the first group.

Mu Weiwei and Li Hao.

But more people know that Li Hao is actually the reason.

This guy is too scary.

For four months, I occasionally came out with a wave of crystals and points, which made people scared.

The freshmen and sophomores are not enough to look at, they are basically crushing existence.

Sawyer took three crystal clear bottles from the trinkets hanging around his waist.

"The top three teams come up to receive Brahma water in turn." Sawyer said lightly.

The voice fell.

The audience was even more excited.

Brahma water is an extraordinary existence for the promotion of strength, which can make the strength go further. And there are no side effects. Brahma water is very rare, even the empire can't make mass production.

It is even more valuable in the market.

"Top three?" Someone said.

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