Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 297: 12Templar Knights

As the top three number one, Li Hao and Mu Wei slightly went forward. And the second and third teams are equally spirited. Compared to Li Hao, they are still a bit afraid.

No wonder it was the peak black horse four years ago.

It is even more empty now.

Sawyer first walked to Li Hao and patted Li Hao's shoulder gently: "You are excellent."

"Thank you," Li Hao responded lightly.

The first place Brahma water is filled with a bottle. The second place is missing. The third place is missing even more.

After doing all this, everyone returned to the team of their college.

Ye Guoguo smiled at Li Hao, and seemed to be saying, yes.

Sawyer said: "The next 97 groups will be eliminated. The top thirty-two teams can participate in the temple. Of course this is a seed pre-selection, you can choose to challenge. You can also choose to watch."

After saying all this, I simply said something. Then the colleges started, each said something, and each went back to his own home.

The playoffs started the next day, using a melee.

Li Hao doesn't care at all. After all, who is going to do that is their business.

Your quota is fixed, so there is nothing to worry about. Looking at the Brahma Shui, Li Hao also knows a little. This amount is a bit large, it seems that the interior of the Knights Palace is quite good.

Back to the dormitory, I drank it without a burst of imagination.

Instead, a kind of wine slowly invaded his stomach, very soft, and even the impulse of the wine. This Brahma water then seemed to condense into a source of fire in the stomach.

The flame was getting fiercer, and Li Hao felt uncomfortably hot.

If someone saw it at this time, Li Hao's body was red, and even the surrounding floor was a little burned.

Brahma Brahma, burn everything.

Not only did he burn and release, Li Hao felt his pores were dilated, and some impurities in his body were released.

He felt some black dirt in the flame, and Li Hao clenched his teeth.

Usually others absorb it little by little, and rarely drink it like Li Hao. However, Li Hao wants to break through the twentieth order.

This way you have a better chance of winning.

Then the flames on Li Hao were strongly sucked into the body. At this time, he was motionless like an old monk Dingchen.

When he returned, he didn't dare to alarm him.

This sitting was three days and three nights.

Because of the knockout games, there was no course, and everyone went to watch and participate.

"Come!" Li Hao opened his eyes sharply.

A flame appeared in the eyes, and the flame became more and more exuberant, and then disappeared like a flash of light.

Li Hao stood up and found a dirt and a bit foul smell. Quickly went to wash.

"It really is a good thing. It can also remove some of the underlying things in the body."

Then Li Hao went to watch the playoffs. Due to the melee, in the end, many teams were exhausted and panting. A variety of summoned creatures on the stage engage in a tug-of-war.

After several days of fighting, it was finally completed.

Mu slightly saw Li Hao and waved at him: "Here, here!"

Li Hao walked over.

"How much have you reached?" Mu Weiwei was still very curious about Li Hao's strength.

"Twenty-level peak. It's not far from twenty-first." Li Hao smiled without taboo.

Upon hearing this, Mu suddenly felt a little disappointed: "You pulled me away again. I was only at the peak of the eighteenth stage."

"It's not two steps away," Li Ha joked.

Mu slightly murmured: "The difference between the two orders is at least a few months. You know, you were obviously lower than me before. Now you have surpassed me. And you have the ability to increase your power for a short time, which is equivalent to close to forty-one Xun ’s strength is comparable to my brother. "

Speaking of which, Li Hao did not continue. If it wasn't the unforgettable accident, maybe she even surpassed her so-called brother.

But it's okay, I will definitely surpass them.


Three days later, they teleported through the space-time door summoned by the summoner to the pre-selected place of the Twelve Palaces.

This time, the elites selected from the sophomore, junior and senior years gathered here. Most of the freshman is a foil. As an audience, sophomores and juniors can take a look. The real peak matchup is still a senior.

The twelve halls were dispatched.

Different color armors have different symbols on their bodies, representing their identity.

There are tokens hanging on the waist, and they write their respective palaces.

The twelve halls were screened in multiple cities, and the final selection of these people was selected as the seed personnel.

What does seed mean?

It is equivalent to a reserve player, that is, without accident, you can join the temple as a part of it. Enjoy the same treatment and high status as them.

Faculty mentors were not allowed to enter the pre-selection of the temple.

Only the Dean and the Deputy Dean were allowed to watch the game.

The deputy dean of Jinling College is a woman, and the blue uniform shows her figure to the fullest. Shows extraordinary charm. The slender legs shine even more.

The dean was very mysterious. He wore a blue robe and stayed in a magician's hat, so he couldn't see what it looked like. There is a sense of sight that traditional summoners wear ~ www.readwn.com ~ holding a staff, wearing a mage hat, and a blue robe.

People were very curious about the dean who did not see the dragon at the end.

Obviously, everyone couldn't get close to the dean.

The trial space of the Twelve Palaces can be described by its vastness. And there is no exaggeration.

The entire site has twelve huge stone statues, about thirty meters high. These stone figures have a serious face, with a jewel short sword tied around their waist, holding a long sword in their hands, and holding up above. As if their twelve swords were to come together and be united.

The terror of the twelve stone statues is very compulsive, as if they were superimposed with the spirit of fighting spirits above the stone statues.

"So powerful."

"quite handsome."

"I don't feel like a stone statue, a bit like a real person. And it's a living one."

"Don't talk nonsense."


There was even babbling around.

Li Hao also looked at these stone statues. He knew that these stone statues were the pioneers who guarded this sister. They were remembered for generations. The Twelve Halls are the people derived from these twelve people.

Later, Li Hao saw many people wearing armor in the air, silver armor, black armor, red armor, blue armor, and so on, flooding the surrounding.

Instantly burst the audience.

"Crouch! So many people can fly!"

"Well! Look at the one on the left! Isn't that Mu Mu who joined the temple three years ago!"

"Rely on it! It's him! I can't think of wearing handsome clothes like Paladin, if I wear them, I don't want to take them off for a lifetime!"

"It's awesome. They can stand up in the air. It seems their strength is improving very fast."

When everyone was enthusiastic, many formal members of the palace, young knights noticed Li Hao!

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