"Look, that looks like Li Hao?" One of the knights was even more surprised.

"Looking at the costume, it seems to be a freshman in Jinling."

"Is it freshman? Well, it's too far away from us."

Four years ago, Li Hao gave most people an unparalleled shock. Now he sees Li Hao's participation in the palace seed pre-selection again. This seems to be a bit funny when he had to go to Peking University, but was relegated for four years.

Many people watched Li Hao.

However, Li Hao only looked up slightly, looked at these knights who were already able to stand alone in the air, pouting and smiling. The smile revealed a very powerful self-confidence.

Seems to be saying, I ... Li Hao is back!

Ye Wei frowned, staring closely at Li Hao, flashing a bit of hatred towards his eyes.

Li Hao doesn't have much memory of Ye Wei and doesn't have much impression. The only thing I remember was that he seemed to be chased for seven days and seven nights during the trial, and finally Li Hao buried him in the picture, set up alchemy runes, and left with satisfaction. Unexpectedly, this guy eventually passed the assessment completely.


There is no master in the Paladin, only some high-level.

The Lord of the Temple was busy, dealing with some important things. In general, the entire job of recruiting is done by the Twelve Halls.

The twelve halls are the Paladin Hall, the Holy Soul Hall, the Black Dragon Hall, the Shura Hall, the Star Hall, the Refining God Hall, the Demon Hall, the War Method Hall, the Feia Hall, the Ice Hall, the Temple of Darkness, and the Dark Temple. As for the different selection requirements of the temple, the attributes of the fighting spirit are different.

Paladins are mainly based on light properties.

The hall of holy spirit is mainly based on holy attributes.

The Black Dragon Hall is dominated by corrosive properties.

Li Hao is still not clear about his attributes, because this thing needs some instruments to see.

That's why we say that the temple is a turning point in life.

Although in terms of Li Hao's current strength, the peak of the senior is not necessarily his opponent. However, the key is that Li Hao's strength can only last for a short time. Once it disappears, it will enter a state of weakness. At this time, he had the worst defense and mobility.

Nevertheless, Li Hao found something unusual. That is, this duration can be extended through multiple uses.

From five minutes in the beginning to seven minutes now, the increase has been close to 40%.

"You are very welcome to participate in the trial of the temple. Our temple is the strongest force outside the Three Kingdoms. The three countries need high-level personnel to also recommend from the temple. I look forward to your performance." Mikasi touched his own and Hu Zha, not long, stared at everyone.

Makashi's status in the Twelve Palaces is relatively high, so he spoke, and everyone had no opinion.

"First of all, there will be four districts. The first district, the second district, the third district, and the fourth district."

"It allows cross-level challenges."

"The top twenty-four places in each district will be left. Do a round of chase. Don't worry about the losers because of your pride. Those who fail in the top twenty-four places will look for bright spots in their performance. If it is better, Then you are the scheduled seed player. And the winner, you are very welcome to join the temple. At the same time, we will also give a generous gift to your college. "

As soon as the words came down, everyone knew a little about this rule.

No wonder, the college said that freshman is watching, sophomore is possibility. Only the junior and senior are the real confrontation.

You should know that the first year of learning is basic calling, one cannot be used flexibly, and the other is a limited type of calling.

The sophomore began to learn flexible control, the junior practical experience, and the senior has been basically skilled.

Of course there are some outstanding examples, but such people must be European emperors, not African chiefs.

Makashi said, need highlights ...

Freshman is equivalent to learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. What highlights do you want him to find?

Could it tell you a second, 1 + 1 = 2?

So the key play is still a junior.

Sophomore is a bit hopeful.

Freshman, you can basically ignore it.

Fortunately, most of them have known for a long time, so they come to see the palace at best. Judging from the momentum and territory of the Twelve Palaces, it is very grand. And each of the twelve halls has its own army.

Think about joining the palace, mixing to a certain level, waving a million elites, and then cooperating with the million summons.

Being crushed in minutes.

People in each region discussed one after another. Should they challenge themselves and find out their bright spots?

But this thing is equivalent to taking life.

The seed pre-selection is actually a bit desperate, because after the baptism of war, they know that the greenhouse is hard to produce a hero. Even if the junior is honed by actual combat experience, that is still not enough.

Therefore, in the seed pre-selection, the two sides are based on life and death. However, it is not too harsh, as long as one side surrenders, it is strictly forbidden to kill the other side. Otherwise disqualified.

Their strengths are not much different, and they have the opportunity to speak of surrender.

The power gap is too big ... Surrender to Huangquan.

At this time, everyone sings again, we are different ...

The feeling of this picture is full of tears.


"I plan to join the Feiya Temple. I hope there will be a bright spot." Mu stared at Li Hao ~ www.readwn.com ~ gritted his teeth.

Li Haofeng said from the cloud, "Oh."

"..." Mu Weiwei, "Then what hall are you going to join?"

"It depends." Li Hao said casually.

"..." Mu gave him a slight glance, and he couldn't chat well.

It ’s just like that, do n’t you know?

Pangu! !!

Mu Weiwei joined the Temple of Fias because her brother was there, but Mu Weiwei knew that she had little hope. After all, his strength is equivalent to a sophomore level.

And sophomores may not be standing still, maybe they have reached the junior level?

Thinking of this, Mu slightly could not help but hope.

One to two years, I will definitely enter the temple again.

The pre-selected quota of seed highlights is actually in the single digits.

Four grades, twenty-four in each grade, twelve halls. It is equivalent to eight places in each hall, and these eight places will still be chased. It is estimated that the four places are the limit.

Being able to select this person from hundreds of thousands to enter it can be described as the elite of the elite.

After the highlights are selected, they are called pre-selected seed quotas. This quota will be added to the palace when the senior graduates successfully. Take time to settle. The quota obtained through battle is called the official seed quota. Choose directly to join the temple.

In fact, Li Hao paid more attention to the stone statues in the Twelve Palaces, and always felt that what was inherited in the twelve temples. Of course, it is also impossible to think about it. After all, there are so many elites in the Knights Palace, and they have been taken away long ago.

However, Li Hao still felt that these stone statues had a special feeling.

He shook his head and didn't think about it.

"Moved!" Li Hao was startled and glanced at the stone statue.

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