Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 310: Huanair Commercial Street

After work, Charlotte found a grocery bookstore near the 19th Station. In addition to selling books, this bookstore also offers stationery and toys.

"Boss, do you sell guns here?" Charlotte asked.

The boss froze for a second, looking strange.

"I'm talking about toy guns," Charlotte added.

The boss suddenly understood, relieved, and said immediately: "Are there guns? There are one, six, and dozens. You can see what price you need."

Charlotte glanced puzzledly at the boss and walked towards the toy area.

"Boss, can I swipe my card? I don't have any cash." Charlotte's card was given in the 19th inning. There is a limit in it, and some money will not be fully credited until the day the wages are paid.

So Carry has some money, plus 19 meals to live and sleep, Charlotte's money can still be used elsewhere.

The boss nodded: "Yes, no problem. Online banking or mobile payment is fine."

Charlotte continued to look at these simulated toy guns. In the United States, citizens can hold guns legally, but some levels of firearms are not open to the public. Of course, more things are not involved.

These toy guns are something that boys love and have been in contact with since childhood.

A pistol with a short range, usually a plastic pellet with yellow particles.

Sniper, long range, bullets are similar.

If it weren't for these guns not loaded with bullets, maybe Charlotte had even saved the money. Anyway, just try to shoot and increase experience, who knows the result.

"Boss, how much are these two." Charlotte took two, metal texture, very realistic. It can almost be fake. A revolver, a sniper.

By the way took a pack of bullets.

"Thank you for your patronage, a total of forty-three." The boss smiled and looked at Charlotte at the same time.

Charlotte fired a gun and tried it on the road, only to find that ... it was ovum.

There is no way to increase experience, but it does no harm to Charlotte. It's just that there is another layer of understanding in exploring the path of the day after tomorrow.

However, Charlotte did notice some details of the boss's actions.

For example, the boss's right hand has a thick layer of cocoon on the two thumbs. Strange, why are there only two fingers?

Secondly, what did he seem to be hiding?

Is he thinking more?

Charlotte wasn't sure.

Returning to the dormitory, the simulated toy sniper was dropped on the bed, and the revolver hung around his waist, and began to work.

In the next few days, I will follow the seven groups to perform tasks everywhere, and indeed there are a lot of tasks to be maintained. Including research, investigation, forensics, analysis, action, arrangement, planning, and so on.

A few more days passed.

The black widow said with a dignified look: "Today we need to investigate the heat flow."

The rest nodded.

The so-called heat flow is actually an abbreviation for investigating the illegal use of heat weapons, and it is generally only talked within the bureau. Therefore, many people listened to the 19th inning as if they were talking at night, they didn't understand it at all.

This has a certain confidential nature.

In the United States, citizens, green card holders, and immigrant visa holders can buy guns, but they include a series of privileges such as whether to register, whether to buy a gun permit, and whether to issue hidden guns.

Holding a gun is a right, not a privilege. However, there are some gray people who ignore the rules, transport them to other places and sell them to people who are not in accordance with the rules. Therefore, the Nineteen Bureaus are fully obliged to bring these people to justice.

The Black Widow looked a little dignified and continued: "According to the informant, they will conduct private transactions today at Huanair Commercial Street. Other departments are expected to have taken action. Our seven groups will be responsible for marking people and blocking their direction. "

Charlotte nodded: "Well. When can I get my shooting gun down?"

"It should be coming soon. There will be anyway. But there is a monthly limit on bullets. Random shooting is not allowed on non-special occasions."

Charlotte secretly secretly emptied the bullets at the end of each month. There is a passive skill in the LV2 level, so Charlotte knows that there must be [M-137 Green Machine Gun], [M-3 Flamethrower], [BBQ], [Focus Flamethrower], [Laser Cannon], [Sniper rifle], [Quantum bomb], [Satellite ray] These skills.

I don't know if it means that as long as you have a gun, you can use these skills to achieve the same effect?

Or do you need other conditions?

But just thinking of these skills, Charlotte really has some expectations in mind.

What limits let him go!

Upgrade is the most important.

No more bullets.

Charlotte took a special bus to Huanair Commercial Street.

This is a very prosperous commercial street with Xu shops and snacks on both sides of the road. A variety of speakers are scrambling for volume, trying to get more customers to notice the store.

People coming and going add a lot of uncertainty to this street.

The more complex the environment, the better it will be for them to evacuate.

So the task of the 19th inning is still a bit arduous.

Once you give each other breathing space ~ www.readwn.com ~, it's likely to be empty. This kind of thing hasn't happened before, usually Hydra likes to use this method. The more concealed, more complicated, and the more unexpected places, the more they like to be active in these places.

Nineteen innings can't wait for the source of the disaster directly, the Hydra directly destroyed!

However, Hydra is too complicated, and the age of existence in the entire historical trend is even more unexpected.

Very old time.

However, the current task is to arrest the heat directly.

This operation was different, so Charlotte was not assigned a gun. After all, the seven missions are different.


"Siro, what's the thing I want?" A man in the phone booth lowered his voice, looking vigilantly and constantly scanning.

Phone end:

"Rest assured. This is not the first time we have cooperated. I have received the deposit. The place is still the same."

"Okay. But pay more attention. The wind has been a little tight lately."

"I watched growing up on Huanair Commercial Street, not the ruined area of ​​the poor cellar. The terrain of this place is more familiar to me than those hunters."

The man hung up and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

An Os restaurant on the second floor specializes in fries and fried chicken.

A nineteen-inning man in plain clothes looked at the phone booth slightly, took the Bluetooth headset, and said, "Report the captain. Target 02 has moved towards the designated location."

"Keep hiding." A voice from Bluetooth.

A man in plain clothes picked up a spring roll: "The taste of this oriental cuisine is really good. If there are those guys from SHIELD, you can even hear what he said on the phone. Unfortunately, it is too close to the target and easy to find."

After speaking, I will continue to eat spring rolls, watching the foreign side, this time I really hope to catch each other!

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