Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 311: 1 speak with facts and evidence

Charlotte followed the group of seven to the intersection.

This is a crossroad, and the crossroads can no longer describe the complexity of this road. It's more like a meter-shaped road.

On both sides are some people pushing iron carts to sell barbecues. Barbecue is not only a kind of food, but also a culture. It is still very popular around the world.

The heat of Zila wafted the scent of iron squid.

The scent of lamb skewers, hesitation, chicken legs, chicken wings, and beef skewers are even more wanton in the air, so that passers-by from around can stop and buy from time to time.

The eyes of the merchants are directly looking at customers. In their eyes, these are God and money!

"What do you want to eat? I treat you." The black widow was also attracted by the scent.

Women always choose between weight loss and food, but from time to time they also choose to release their needs.

"I want squid!"

"I want beef skewers."

"Charlotte! How about you?"

"Uh ... then give me a grilled chicken wing."

Several people were eating kebabs, and they looked more like people coming to shop, rather than people performing tasks.

"Do you think this food tastes a little weird? I always think this food has been around for a long time and has deteriorated. He added a lot of MSG and other seasonings and tried to cover up the taste with barbecue." A team member said.

The others shook their heads: "I don't feel it. Is this your string?"

Sometimes it's more convenient between women, and the black widow took a bite of the food in her hand: "I didn't eat it. I feel fine. The taste is OK."

The team member looked at the string bitten by the black widow in his hand: "Captain, how do you bite my food."

"How do I know if there is no problem without biting. It's all female, afraid of something. It's not Charlotte's biting." Black Widow said.


Charlotte was shot while lying down.

The team member murmured: "Maybe I'm particularly sensitive to food."

After eating, the crowd continued to pretend to look around, waiting for the target to appear.

Charlotte did not have headphones or earphones for this operation.

The reason is simple. Charlotte's hair is not long enough to be seen by anyone wearing anything on her ears. This is an unstable factor for action.

And women are completely different. As long as the hair that was originally **** is put down, it is easy to cover the ears. And also release a kind of female intellectual beauty, there is no doubt about it.

About half an hour later, the black widow whispered, "The target has come towards us. It seems that they cancelled the operation. It should be something found. Really sly old fox. We must not lose them! Just find them and leave The place may find dens. "

The others nodded.

There are guns on these people. Since it is a hot trade, he must be armed.

Once fired, the impact is still great.

"It should be here in forty seconds."

"Because most people are hiding, it is not convenient for us to arrest them. We must catch them at the first moment later!"

At thirty-eight seconds, the crowd saw five figures.

The five of them deliberately picked up the prepared peaked cap to lower the viewing angle and did not want to be exposed to the camera. Stores will basically install some cameras.

And they put some insoles in the shoes, the effect of this is to interfere with the later clues.

Generally, the technical staff can perform a series of complex functions based on the angle and distance of the camera to make a copy of the person's height. If you add pads, it is easy to have errors.

For a woman wearing high heels, it is difficult to know how tall she is. If it is increased internally, it is even more difficult.

This is not muddy soil. If muddy soil can still be judged by traces and forces, it is clear that the roads of the commercial street are all cement.

This does not exist.

"Good situation." The black widow's eyes seemed certain.

A group of seven, following five, is more than enough.

"I'm with Charlotte. The rest of you follow one separately. As long as we catch one, we all have a big win. It's better that everyone catches each other."

The seven quickly followed and dispersed.

The cap man noticed a quickening of his pace. Charlotte is also stepping up. The other party has already found out, they can't let them run like this!

Charlotte followed the black widow all the way, but after ten minutes of running, her stomach was a little bit wrong.

"Those **** vendors!" The Black Widow couldn't follow a little, and there was an urge to release.

Food moves in the stomach.

Charlotte felt okay: "I have good physical resistance. It should be that the food has spoiled."

The black widow couldn't run, and Charlotte could continue to chase.

Running for more than ten minutes was quite tiring, and Charlotte found that her physical fitness also improved with the upgrade.

But Charlotte felt the back of the man in front very familiar.

It seems like that ... the owner of the bookstore.

Charlotte shook her head, wondering if she thought too much.

The flow of people in the commercial street can really be said to be busy, and at the moment of turning, Charlotte was lost.

"Damn." Charlotte looked around.

I still suffer from this.

Charlotte returned without success, and the black widow chased after being uncomfortable, but did not mean to blame Charlotte at all. After all, this road is very complicated, and it is also a crowd of alleys, which is easy to lose. Charlotte is unfamiliar with this, and this is extenuating.

"Did you catch it?" The black widow asked about the headset ~ www.readwn.com ~ The seven groups of people recovered.

"Report captain, no."

"Report captain, no."

"Captain, I have arrested one!"

"Captain, I'm blocking one and I've caught it."

The black widow couldn't help but pinch a sweat, but fortunately caught them, otherwise this time it really came back. Those **** vendors. Black widow is looking for a dealer. It turned out that the vendors were long gone.

"It's a bit of a hassle to find him on a mobile barbecue." Charlotte said.

The black widow looked poorly.

It is true that many dishes are very delicious, but the ingredients are not clear. Even if it is spoiled, it is still used as a cover up for sale. As long as there are interests, the conscience of these people is optional.

And one of the biggest characteristics of mobile traders is that once there is anything, people may not find it. Unlike fixed stores, you can also make theoretical claims and so on.

It may be that the street vendor is on this street today and will go to another place tomorrow.

"Close up," the black widow said into the headset.

"I think ... the man we followed seemed to have met." Charlotte decided to speak out her doubts.

The black widow froze slightly.

"I went to the grocery bookstore and bought two toy guns that day. I felt that the back of the man was a bit like that bookstore owner. And he had a hand with a thick layer of cocoon on the front two fingers. Of course, I am not sure about this. I just said That's it. "Charlotte said, looking at the Black Widow, because she could not take suspicion as any evidence.

This makes no sense at all.

Everything speaks with facts and evidence.

The operation ended, and the task team dispatched by the 19th Bureau returned together. And left with two people ...

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