Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 326: Decohas Project

"Hydra did not want their subjects to fall into our hands," Sonkney speculated.

Charlotte frowned. "Don't you think this reason is ridiculous? Grab me as a test subject without authorization. Now that I have been rescued, they will destroy my existence?"

Sonkney looked out the window: "I don't know the specific reason. But Hydra is so arbitrary, no one can change what they decide. But since you joined SHIELD, we must be friends. I won't let The people of Hydra move our people! "

"They killed a few of our guys who were going to join SHIELD. We turned one of his strongholds upside down this morning." Sonkney said very lightly, but no one knew that the action was definitely not. Peaceful.

"Are you interested in destroying the Hydra with us? That's how our SHIELD was born." Sonkney looked at Charlotte.

Initially, Charlotte knew how to learn more about herself by unlocking the truth, but as she learned more about Hydra, she began to resent Hydra.

They decided to do an experiment, and they could grab some people to experiment.

Whoever they want to die can desperately let anyone die.

They want to sell hot-flow weapons, whether dirty or not, no matter how much death or injury, they only look at profits.

This is hegemonism!

Sonkney patted Charlotte's shoulder lightly: "Actually, you are in action. The outstanding performance of yours has been passed on. One person is a unit. This strength is indeed promising. The small colonel of Lor is definitely trying to win you over, but he guessed I was coming, and he didn't dare to invite you to join their military area. "

"Our rights are much greater than the local ones. Even at the same level 5, we have to push harder." Sonkney smiled.

Charlotte took a deep breath: "I do want to join SHIELD. I just want to be able to equip me with some weapons. My abilities require weapons to play out."

"Firearms? Really good."

"I approve of your conditions," Sonkney said.

At this time, Tony on the side said, "Boss, it's not fair. When I first joined the SHIELD, I wanted to have a light-speed laser sword, but you didn't approve of it."

"Then don't you have it now?" Sonkney said.

Tony said, "I have only recently. Okay. I didn't even give it to me at first."

"You're too skinny," Sonkney groaned for a moment.

"You're too skinny!" Tony said dissatisfied.

Looking at the two, Charlotte did not feel the boss and his subordinates. Instead, there was a kind of complaint between friends. This relationship does not seem to have superiors or subordinates. It can be seen that the SHIELD approach is indeed relatively peaceful.

After the two left, Charlotte was left in the entire ward, and Charlotte cast a window to look at the sunlight outside.

Slightly dazzling.

"Hydra? You treat me like garbage. Experiment if you want to experiment, kill if you want to kill. Sooner or later, I will show you how the garbage has turned your giant snake upside down!" Charlotte pinched Clenched his fist.

"Mr. Charlotte, relax." A nurse twisted her hips and came in with a thermometer.

Suona's variety in conjunction with nurse uniforms does have some beauty, which always causes male hormones.

"Come, Mr. Charlotte. I need to take your temperature. This is a gun thermometer. This is mercury temperature." The nurse came closer.

Charlot glanced at the gun-type thermometer and looked carefully, indeed he was more attentive.

I even wondered if this nurse was also a Hydra.

"37.5. The temperature is normal. Mercury is under the armpit, should you know? If not, let me." The nurse smiled.

Charlotte took the mercury: "I'll do it myself."

The nurse laughed: "Such a big man is still shy. People in your military area really look like this."

Charlotte smiled and didn't answer.

The nurse was a little gossip and asked Charlotte if she had a girlfriend and where she lived. Where does it work.

What kind of person do you like.

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever minded talking to me?

You like me or not.

"..." Charlotte looked aggressive.

At last the nurse looked at the time and panicked: "I'm going to be busy. It will be too late."

So he hurried out.

But as he left, a smile came from the corner of the nurse's mouth: "I was placed in this ward at such a young age. It was a rare man."

Charlotte's ward generally contacted some senior people, and the people who looked at Charlotte were the colonel and the SHIELD, which really made the little girl tempted.

Coupled with Charlotte's careful look, she really has a clear eyebrow. She has really felt good for a long time.

Charlotte took a deep breath, a little helpless, and looked out the window.


The 871th team of Hydra.

"How did you arrange this? You ca n’t do such a small thing. It was n’t long before Charlotte was trained by the psionicist that you ca n’t kill him ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now the SHIELD guys will definitely send them secretly Human protection. It is very difficult for us to have such an opportunity again. And as the power of the power is getting stronger and stronger, with the potential shown by him, it is likely to be another Hulk, a spider man. "A woman blamed harshly.

"Captain, in fact, we can't commit to killing Charlotte. He is a grasshopper, and he can't get up no matter how hard he can reach. And if this continues, the SHIELD action will definitely be targeted." A team member said.

The woman was blame, Lengheng: "You stupid donkey! Do you know what the Dirkhas experiment is? Charlotte played a vital role here. We are going to see people, we are going to see dead bodies. This hacking operation It's all because of Dirkhas. "

"Oh." The team members dare not refute.

The woman sighed: "We have to find a way to deal with Charlotte earlier. The task they arranged last time didn't make it clear. The people below thought it was just killing Charlotte. Our actual purpose is to get Charlotte at all costs. Even a corpse is enough! "

"The drone small time bomb recently issued to you is a little bit more useful. The R & D department seems to have some new actions."

"If we can kill Charlotte, he is willing to pay us 10 million. You can hear clearly, but this is 10 million. By then, your family, in another country, buy a land, open a store, and casually It's been a long time to do business. The organization and weaving have never paid so much attention to it, and it has been a long time since we have given us such big rewards and lures. Other than our team, other teams will definitely want Charlotte's head.

"It's not easy to get alive, but dead, for us, it's much less difficult."

"I have all the latest news from Charlotte, you must report to me as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

The woman's eyes micked: "Charlotte, you are dead!"

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