Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 327: Dick Thunder Mouse

During the period of Charlotte's hospitalization, the Black Widow brought seven members to visit. Miffy also came over once during this time, but didn't stay long before leaving.

"Congratulations, you can be discharged. They have completed the discharge procedures for you." The little nurse went into the ward with a smile.

These days the little nurse asks more and more frequently, but after Charlotte's understanding, it doesn't seem so unacceptable.

The nurse's parents have been urging marriage and arranged many blind dates for her. But she doesn't like the feeling of blind date, she still likes to find it by herself. It was a bit petty to see Charlotte, but she could see it. Charlotte was really absent-minded in this regard.

It seemed that the center of gravity was not here, and a slight sigh passed quickly, leaving Charlotte with a phone number for nostalgia.

"Tough work for your care these days," Charlotte said.

The little nurse smiled and said, "It's my job to be so polite. It should be you. If you have the chance, you can invite me for a meal. I think you should not be so mean. "

"There should be a chance." Charlotte smiled.

A middle-aged man soon appeared at the door, embracing his hands and slowly walking into the ward.

"Go, we can be discharged." Tony glanced at the little nurse.

The little nurse stuck out her tongue and picked up some tools before leaving the ward.

Charlotte stood up, now fully recovered, a long-lost sun shining on her face.

"Let's go."

Tony looked at Charlotte: "Did your power level improve a lot? I heard the discussion in the bureau that you killed the red scorpion on your own. As a newcomer, you did not lose the face of our nine innings."

Charlotte didn't refute. At least at that time, she hadn't joined the SHIELD nine innings. Unless the SHIELD identifies itself from the beginning, it will definitely join the 9th inning.

"Okay," Charlotte replied vaguely.

Tony basked his muscles: "I can fight ten special soldiers one by one. You know, I've been a very fast-moving power for six months. LV5!"

"Oh," Charlotte replied lightly.

"Don't you think I'm bullish?"


"Let me tell you, don't be too arrogant."


"You say something else! Charlotte! You're going to blow me up! If I change to someone else, I'll smash him!"


Tony had a tearful sense of sight. Did Charlotte listen or didn't listen?

Ahhhhhh ~~~

Charlotte ignored him, just thinking that Tony's promotion of LV5 in half a year is considered fast, but he has already reached LV5 in a month? And last time consumed 98K almost, now LV6 is not far away.

The two walked out of the First People's Hospital and boarded a car similar to Wuling, but the car was bulletproof.

The space is not as large as expected, but it is ok. Tony drives the car. A plastic bag was placed behind the car, which seemed to be some toys. It should be something for someone.

"That's right. What is SHIELD's main job?" Charlotte asked.

Tony finally had a little proud capital: "Maintaining world peace, the main opponent is Hydra. They claim that we can't completely destroy them. They are like Hydras, chopping off one head and one head."

"It sounds a bit second." Charlotte's careful listening to the phrase maintaining world peace does feel like I have heard it in many cartoons, but think about it, whether it is the army or police for this peace.

There are always people who will try to gain their own interests by undermining peace.

War is always between and erupts.

Tony said: "Is this a secondary 2? I don't feel it at all. They need us. We take the taxpayer's money to maintain a stable law and order. Everyone takes what they want, isn't it good?"

Charlotte didn't explain: "Well. I finally know why Superman wears tights."

"Why?" Tony said.

"It's important to save people," Charlotte said.


"You're telling a joke ... Our powers are somehow superhuman. They are better than ordinary people. You can understand this. You should be very fortunate that no one in your family will tell you. The greater the ability The greater the responsibility, "Tony said.

"... It seems that you are also a master of cold jokes." Charlotte shook her head, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

The car was driving on the road of SHIELD. Suddenly a stop was set in front of the car.

"Why is there a bar card here?" Tony drove the car, but suddenly found that there was an extra bar card here. But not before I came. What happened here during this time?

When Charlotte looked at it, he shouted, "Hurry up!"


The sound of car brakes!

A trail of drift slipped directly on the road.

At a glance, Charlotte seemed to flash something in the position of the bar card, and it looked like a mouse?

"No! It's Dick Thunder Mouse!" Tony exclaimed!

next moment!


A loud noise!

A group of people descended from a distance, and even the vehicles behind were frightened by the sudden explosion.

"Look for Charlotte's body." The car, which was moving slowly ahead, stopped. Out of five men in trench coats.

They walked towards the Wuling-like car that Charlotte was riding on ~ www.readwn.com ~ and suddenly something was caught at their feet and fell to the ground.

"Dare to attack Lao Tzu!" Tony waved his fist, blue light in his hand, and smashed at one of his faces.

A few others saw this, and a black plastic appeared in their hands, twisted gently, and suddenly became a laser sword.

He slashed directly at Tony.

Tony hurriedly dodged.

Just at the moment of the explosion, Tony compressed the air to form a short circle of protection. This was directly killed. Charlotte hid to the left and Tony to the right.

Now seen on the right, it's already fighting.

The power of the explosion did not blow up the entire car. Charlotte didn't grab it, and it was really hard to play.

But Charlotte has six active skills, several of which are not needed.

"Right!" Charlotte picked up a piece of blown metal and held it in her hand.

Palms glow with blue light.

After the light had dissipated, a small robot appeared in the palm of Charlotte's palm.

RX-78 Chaser!

Charlotte twisted the clockwork and said to Tony aloud, "Quick flash!"

Tony was originally entangled with each other. When he heard this sentence from Charlotte's mouth, he hesitated to choose to run quickly, but his heart was secretly saying, what kind of gourd does this guy sell in his head?

Don't you think I would win them?

I saw the next moment.

With a loud noise, five people were directly blown up.

Not dead, but seriously injured.

"......... I'll wipe it." Tony gaped.

Charlotte stepped out: "... powerful."

Soon, the sound of a police car came. Because of this incident, the onlookers chose to call the police for the first time.

"How did you do that?" Tony asked over.

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