Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 338: The Phantom Strikes

If you think about it like that, Tom is really safe. But there is another factor now, and that is whether Noktinman is an ability. This is critical.

And according to the previous data, this guy has a certain intensity of combat effectiveness.

Charlotte shook his head helplessly, can only look forward to finding further clues. Most of the people around were prepared for this tense moment. Of course, the fish and dragons are mixed, and no one knows who.

Never close the museum and stop visitors.

Regardless of whether tourists are willing or not, even Tom will try to stop them.

"It's getting closer and closer, and I have to order a takeaway." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Brother, help me too. Call me back for you."

"it is good."

Eat outside and visit inside the museum. There are red lines at the ticket office to distinguish the inside from the outside, but most of them eat at the door. Charlotte also sees herself as a tourist, looking at museums everywhere.

Compared to other museums, it does feel bad.

The long wait brought an increasingly tense atmosphere.

Tensions gradually spread.

Squeeze your hands and look around.

"Two minutes left."

Charlotte sighed long.

The gun was loaded with bullets and fired immediately.

At the same time, Charlotte has made six RX-78 followers, which can be quickly removed from the compressed capsules once the crossfire occurs.

Charlotte walked at the door of the office, and everyone else's vision was at the door of the office.

Now Tom is afraid to come out.

Night fell at this time, getting closer from 18:18.

"One minute left."

"Thirty seconds left."

"Ten seconds left."


The light goes out instantly.

An army officer Lengheng said: "Fortunately, I have long been prepared and the emergency equipment is on!"

They had long guessed that the other party might cut off the power supply, so emergency equipment was already prepared. In addition to blocking the switch, the power can be cut off as long as the line is cut off at any point in the connection. A little understanding of physics and electricity is clear.

So they can't always arrange personnel anywhere on the wire.

The lights went on instantly.

"The sound of gunfire coming from the office !?"

Someone was stunned, that is, that person entered it just a moment?

Many people sighed about this evil pen and thought that it was dark and entered it. Everyone in the **** wants to know that there must be firepower inside.

Alas, Bai looked forward.

However, everyone found that the sound of gunfire continued.

"What's going on?" Someone exclaimed.

The guards and security guards suddenly kicked and hit the door.

哐 Dang!

The door was hit hard against the wall.

I saw a man without a clear face holding a riot shield against him. Everyone who has played CS knows that this combination with a pistol has a very good effect.

But the moment the door was kicked open, the back of the Hydra member was exposed to everyone's vision.

"I! Fuck! It is an explosion-proof shield! This unlucky guy is finished now!" Someone said.

Charlotte suddenly shouted, "Tom, get down!"

Tom gets down!

next moment.

A bullet hit Tom's original position as quickly as the phantom.

"Damn." A shadow disappeared quickly in the distance.

Charlotte's eyes looked at the roof's vision, because at that moment, he saw infrared rays. Obviously the other party also knew that the police side would definitely be prepared from electricity. What he wants is this effect.

Shouted by Charlotte, Tom failed to die.

In the dark environment, a figure entered the sight of the armed men and attracted their attention. Attract firepower through explosion-proof shields.

You anticipate my actions, but I also anticipate your actions.

You count me, I count you.

Unexpectedly, Charlotte's attention was so powerful that she noticed the sniper at this instant.

It's a pity that this shot.

Tom had a lingering fear. If it wasn't for Charlotte's shout just now, he would have been shot.

The red-haired man quickly emerged from the crowd and looked around.

at this time!

The man holding the explosion-proof shield began to liquefy throughout his body and seemed to begin to emit water.

"It's a power!"

At this moment, they are highly alert.

Charlotte frowned, and at 18:18 this time, if he said, he had already completed the task just now. If nothing else, the opponent will definitely act again within 18 minutes.

"Protect Tom!" Charlotte said.

At this point the door had been broken and could not block the view. Obviously the other party also expected this.

Judging from the current situation of the psionicist, the person holding the explosion-proof shield and starting to liquefy should be the clone.

In other words, this power possesses the ability of liquid avatar.

"I need some special police to climb the skylight, and the other party may be at the commanding heights of the museum," Charlotte said.

Because Charlotte had seen the environment before, there were windows around it, all with anti-theft nets. The opponent must not be able to invade directly. This is a normal person. If the opponent is an ability, then these windows and skylights may enter.

And the other person is obviously a sniper, so the sunroof is a very good place.

Charlotte's gas field was a little stronger at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that it has been affected in this way.

The red-haired man froze slightly and immediately stopped: "They must cooperate with my actions. Instead of pointing at you! Go! Follow me on the skylight!"

Charlotte frowned, already holding a handful of Greens in her hand.

At this time, Charlotte looked very modest.

Ask a man holding a green in a museum, it must be extremely dazzling.

"This power can actually control the clone?" Charlotte was very curious about the power of this power, and the other party's experience was very sophisticated.

Not only was it expected that the police would be ready to cut the power supply, but it was also expected that someone would break into the door after hearing the gunshot.

When everyone was attracted by the explosion-proof shield in the door, he secretly picked up the sniper and aimed.

All this is really flowing and very sophisticated.

There seemed to be a crossfire sound from above, and everyone's eyes were heard by the crossfire sound.


The entire skylight was blown open!

"Go away!"

Someone shouted that it was no joke that these glass and metal were smashed.

A police officer fell from the air.

Soon, another policeman fell from the sky.

"What a **** **** thing! These powers are so difficult!"

Redhead man gritted his teeth.

The other side was a man, unable to see his face clearly, but he could see the Hydra behind his trench coat.

"You're nothing like this." Noctinman looked slightly cold.

The red-haired man showed no weakness: "You can't strengthen me too much. It just happens to restrain me. If you talk about strength, you are definitely under me."

Noktinman sneered: "It's ridiculous. Do you think you are from SHIELD? Don't laugh at your strength."

next moment.

Noktinman is out!

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