Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 339: boiling!

Noktinman's hand glows blue, and like most abilities, it glows when using abilities. This is also the case with Charlotte. When manufacturing RX78 followers, Charlotte will also glow blue light.

At this time, after the flood, his entire hand began to liquefy, and the liquefaction dripped around, and three figures appeared directly. Knockdingman's hand shook something and moved very quickly.

"Three ?!" The red-haired man stepped back quickly.

At this moment, several policemen around were also forcibly repelled by holding firearms. At the moment of the split, Noktinman flew out.

Obviously prepared in advance.

Several police and party personnel were all attacked, while some dodged and fell off.

Fighting ordinary people is an elite, fighting powers is much more difficult.

The red-haired man looked dignified: "Your power is a gravity liquefied clone ?!"

Noktinman didn't explain, because the other party already knew his ability.

Charlotte glanced at the time, still 18 minutes, ten seconds before the end of the minute.

From the analysis of the current situation, the number of his avatars has not been determined, and high vigilance is needed.

But there is a very obvious characteristic, that is that the clone does not have weapons. That is, if you want to use weapons, you must be prepared in advance.

At this time, Charlotte had an unpredictable premonition, and began to look alertly into the crowd, trying to find clues.

Suddenly, Charlotte saw keenly in the crowd that a figure very similar to Noktinman's appearance quickly left, and Charlotte shouted again: "Leave the office!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Because Tom had reminded him once before, Tom missed death and reminded him again this time. He immediately ran out without hesitation.

Several special forces wanted to discourage it from being more dangerous outside, but Tom had already gone out, and their mission this time was to protect him for this period of time.

Just ran out!

Just heard a bang!

A loud noise!

boom! !!

Many people fled far away, and those who could not escape lay down.

This moment is enough to make everyone tinnitus.

The guard stood awkwardly in the distance.


How could the other party set up something like this under the eyes of everyone.

In fact, just now, Charlotte was more sensitive than others with some passively increased abilities of the LV5 gunner. Since you can take the moment when the power is off and let the avatar appear in it with an explosion-proof shield, then you can definitely do something else at that moment.

Charlotte believes that since Knockdingman had expected someone to break into the door, he sniped while attracting attention. The sniper was blocked by Charlotte. This may be unexpected.

But the opponent certainly didn't just play this move, even the backhand.

And ten seconds before the end of this minute, judging from the stand above, he seems to be at ease, that is to say, he is likely to be ready for the second hand.

So Charlotte focused on the office again.

Really a sly guy.

One count, two counts, three counts, one after another, one count after another.

Charlotte started to feel a little bloody, and the more difficult her opponent was, the more she could learn.

Charlotte also saw that an ability person's absolute control over his ability was even more powerful to a horrible degree after being good at calculations.

It was already 18:19.

Noctinman heard the explosion, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Want to fight with me again? When do I want you to die, you must die."

However, when Nockdingman's eyes noticed that Tom was standing outside, many special forces around him were protecting him.

"Do not!?"

"how can that be!"

"How could he not die!"

"Who disrupted my plan! Damn it!"

In a moment of Noktinman's absent-mindedness, the red-haired man slammed Noktinman.

Noktinman was like a kite upside down, but immediately he flew a dagger out of his sleeve and fell into the red-haired man's arm.



The double shots again, the red-haired man can only dodge.

Now Knottman knew that he had failed, but he didn't know who had seen his plan. You must evacuate now, and you won't be able to leave here without one night of evacuation.

After all, they belong to the gray forces, and once they encounter light, they cannot exist for long.

Charlotte could not judge the avatar and the body, but when one of the figures showed signs of leaving, Charlotte's goal directly locked him.

"Protect Tom!"

Charlotte replaced it with a sniper and rushed out.

The crowd nodded and stared at them.

The moment Charlotte rushed out, Tom looked at the time, and this time of death had passed.

In other words, now that I have earned an extra minute, I really can't underestimate this young rookie from SHIELD.

20,000 yuan without white flowers, really worth it.

Very value.

Tom never thanked Lafie so much at this moment, thanks to Charlotte.

This Charlotte was very impressed.

Wit and accurate judgment time and time again, give yourself tips.

Without these tips, I'm afraid that Huang Quan would have been killed.

This feeling of passing through death ~ www.readwn.com ~ relieves Tom of relief, and his heart is full of gratitude.

And at this time.

Charlotte picked up the sniper, with a pistol around her waist, and rushed out.

There is also a police force on the periphery, and the firepower is full when you see it!

Bang Bang! !! !!

Fierce gunfire sounded.

The people around them are even more passionate.

They had heard of this scene for a long time and did not expect to see it with their own eyes.


Hot blood!


Knockdingman looked at such a large firepower, frowned, and took out a capsule.

Amazingly a compressed capsule.

Remove a mech from the capsule.

The strong bullet did not directly penetrate the mech, but Norktinman was also very uncomfortable.

The impact of this bullet has not been disintegrated and it slammed!

boom! boom!

Noktinman also took out the standard machine gun and started sweeping.

Police Fang had expected that the other party was a Hydra, and he would definitely have some defensive weapons with him.

Therefore, when these attacks failed, the VK9 rocket artillery was taken out. This is a long gun with a diameter of about 20CM. The dark barrel can be placed on the neck.

It's like a rocket gun, and it's like a turret based on a human triangle.


Perceiving the power of this horror, Noktinman did not resist, but evaded directly.

boom! !! !!

Although not hit, the power is terrible.

"This man's skill is very agile, and it is very difficult for the rocket launcher to hit him." Police Fang could not help but frowned.

By this time, Charlotte had rushed out. Stare at the locked target and take a deep breath.

Take the sniper and start pulling distance.



Charlotte gently pulled the trigger ...

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