Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 342: Letter and envelope

Charlotte came to the parcel room and unpacked her parcel.

The first parcel saw a pennant, and it seemed as if Tom had delivered it. The second parcel, Charlotte, opened again.

It was a little weird after reading it. It was a letter with a strong threat.

"Humble Charlotte, do you think you can be safe by turning on the ability of the psionicist? You are just an experiment, you should be glad that this is not a bomb but a letter. But next time you will not be so lucky .Ha ha ha ha. "

Seeing this malicious letter, Charlotte shredded the letter to pieces: "boring."

Send a bomb?


SHIELD's parcels have been specially scanned, and this dangerous thing cannot be sent.

"It looks like it's probably a arrogant guy in Hydra." Charlotte looked slightly.

But since you dare threaten me?

I will find you!

Although Charlotte tore the letter, the package did not.

Taking a picture with the phone, Charlotte walked back to SHIELD. This phone is a phone purchased by Charlotte in installments. As long as the SHIELD salary is paid, the full amount is also available.

SHIELD has a standard communicator, but after all, the standard configuration is standard, and there is still a gap between it and the private one.

"You'll have the parcel so fast?" Tony said in a chair, banging on the computer, without looking back.

There is a task combing in front of him.

"Well," said Charlotte, "a boring threat letter and a pennant."

Tony smiled and said, "Let me guess, the banner is definitely Tom's. As for whether the threat letter has been written, you will not be so lucky next time."

"Huh? How do you know?" Charlotte was surprised.

Tony said: "When I first joined SHIELD six months ago, I received this letter. It's different and safe. A boring person would do it."

"I think we should be able to get this guy out." Charlotte said slightly.

Tony shook his head: "Don't think about it. Although the package is now a real-name system, I have checked all this information. He used a fake ID."

"I think the progress in science and technology will definitely be very big six months ago and now. And the monitoring efforts six months ago are not as great as we are now. We still have a chance to find such guys ... find out. Interested ? Dude. "

Looking at Tony, Charlotte was actually thinking about something else. Assuming that this person is a member of Hydra, then it is likely that they can follow the vine.

If it weren't for Hydra, maybe there would be something new.

"Okay. I haven't seen a suitable task recently. It's a good deal to catch this guy." Tony took off his clothes and stood up.

The two walked towards the delivery station on the parcel.


Group of Hydra AA520.

A woman in research suit pushed her glasses and stared at the group.

"We seem to have mastered amazing discoveries. Charlot ’s ability is a weapon type from the data point of view. But it seems to be completely different from the ability we have. This seems a bit unusual. The boss decided to increase Charlotte's stack, and still It doesn't matter whether it's life or death. It's currently raised to 15 million. "

"From his battle with Noktinman, his firearms not only strengthen weapons, but even have a floating effect. And he has gradually started a little prestige in the SHIELD, which is very different from our Hydra. I'd love to see it. And he seems to have some self-destructive robots in his hands. It's not clear if it was provided to him by SHIELD or he made it himself. "

"If it was given by SHIELD, it seems that SHIELD has stepped up its efforts to study various new items."

"If it wasn't for SHIELD, then this Charlotte's ability would be terrifying."

The woman kept telling Charlotte's analysis and information to the group members.

The eyes of the group shone: "This Charlotte's head is getting more and more valuable. But why is life or death?"

"Dead and living are biologically different. But there is absolutely no difference in our ability research. Dirk Hasa's plan still lacks some key things. We agree that Charlotte It is very likely that it will have a very great effect on our Dirkhasa's power fighters. "

The team members looked at the value of Charlotte and couldn't help licking his mouth.

"This is the latest research on fortifying fluid and veterinary fluid, which can increase your strength in five minutes. But the side effect is that it may be very weak after the strength is weakened."

"Therefore, do not use it. After all, this is not a true psionicist. Charlotte is closely related to the entire Hydra. We must always pay attention to him!"

This kind of dialogue is not just this group, the topics in other groups of Hydra are also very close.


"How about. I'll just say it. It's all fake ID. You can't find anyone based on the information you sent." Tony smoked a cigarette.

Charlotte still didn't give up: "I won't believe it. We can't find his information yet."

"Don't waste your time. Now the courier is going through multiple sites, how do you know which site he sent it from? And how do you find out that the other party is disguised? I think the other party is a jumping grasshopper ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't care. Just let him threaten enough. "Tony said.

In fact, Charlotte never stopped studying during her visit to SHIELD.

On the premise of continuously accumulating gun knowledge, it is also reading a lot of books.

The content of the book covers every aspect. But with limited energy, Charlotte could only do as much as he could.

The reason why Charlotte is so persistent is because he hates Hydra.

He didn't like this kind of person who was treated as an experiment by Hydra and abandoned as if he wanted to kill.

If Hydra is the source of evil, Charlotte is willing to use his strongest power to destroy Hydra!

So as long as it is information about Hydra, Charlotte will never let go!

The letter in front gave Charlotte a great message, so Charlotte would not give up easily.

"Not necessarily, I've seen it before. Every time a courier arrives, there are records, including the initial location and the destination."

"In other words, the initial place is where he sends things, and the end point is us as recipients."

Charlotte looked at Tony.

Tony looked up at Charlotte, but he didn't say a word. Exhaled a cigarette: "Okay. Then we will go to the initial location to investigate. But don't have too much hope."

Charlotte nodded: "I know this. Since the other party dares to do so, it must have done something. But it depends on who is more capable. As long as there is a glimmer of hope. I will destroy the Hydra!"

Tony sighed: "In fact, my original intention is very similar to yours. I thought the same when I joined SHIELD. Someday, I will destroy the Hydra myself. But after this half year, I know more I was not capable enough to fight Hydra. I remember when ... "

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