Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 343: Target lock

Tony's eyes were a little dark: "When I first joined SHIELD, my father was killed by Hydra."

"I hate those cold-blooded guys. I swear, as long as I find Hydra, I must destroy them!"

"But about the thirteenth day when I joined SHIELD, my second daughter was abducted. I thought I could save her, but those people were all Hydra. They wanted to catch my daughter to do something. Khassa experiment. It's really terrible. "

Speaking of which, Tony's arrogant face seemed to remember something unwilling to recall: "Can you feel my eyes watching my second daughter falling in the sea of ​​blood? All I can see is the full blood. I felt my weakness and the power of Hydra. "

Tony took a heavy puff of cigarette, dropped it on the ground, and stamped it out.

"Later, SHIELD took my family to another place, and it was much safer. My heart didn't need to be so suspended. I wish I could pull out all the plants and trees of Hydra. Unfortunately, I didn't This ability. "

Tony looked at Charlotte.

When Charlotte first met Tony, he was arrogant, but in fact there were things behind such a person that he could not forget. In any case, everyone wants to destroy Hydra. So everyone came together.

We are part of SHIELD!

Our goal!

Destroy the Hydra! !!

"I believe that Hydra will definitely be completely destroyed by our efforts! Darkness will be broken by dawn after all, and decay will be replaced by justice after all!" Charlotte said swearingly.

Looking at Charlotte's voice, Tony was lost for a moment, and then said, "SHIEL invites you, it seems that this decision is very good."

After asking about the initial location of the courier site, the two went to the initial location.

A hut surrounded by dazzling boxes.

There are foam boxes, cartons and bags.

A lot of paper was stuck on the wall.

A courier rule, a work rule, and some price lists.

The whole house is messy.

Charlotte noticed that cameras were placed at the site's doorway and item location.

"Hello, are you sending something?" The messy house was changed to a courier station.

A woman of average appearance sat in front of the computer and asked.

Tony looked at the woman. She should be a customer service: "We are not sending things. We are the police. This is our certificate."

Ok. Did not take out SHIELD documents.

It's a more official certificate.

In most cases, ordinary people do not necessarily know about SHIELD.

The woman froze: "Let's do nothing. All are legal operations."

Tony glanced at Charlotte.

Charlotte said: "Well. We know. But our purpose is not you, but we want to check the surveillance video. Do you remember this express order? The date is on it."

The woman looked at the single message, thought for a long time, and shook her head: "Things are complicated. Forgotten. I don't remember the specific time. You can look at the monitor."

"The monitor is in the next room." The woman finished, and the phone rang.

It's asking for express information.

Charlotte glanced at Tony: "Let's go. Look at the surveillance."

Tony nodded, but he knew it was really hard. Courier was originally converted from the two-bedroom and one-story hall on the first floor. There are parcels in the lobby, one-bedroom monitoring, one-bedroom customer service, and many people come and go on the site.

Some send parcels and some take them. It's really hard all day to figure out who it is.

The structure of small courier is basically a home owner who gives the next agent the right. Then they will hire customer service and courier. Cheap customer service, handling express logistics information, and telephone communication with different courier companies. Responsible for handling courier courier and so on.

Couriers are usually based on how much money they give for a piece, plus the squeezing of time, these couriers are actually the bottom life.

However, when someone wants to send something, these couriers have more profitability. The company gave them a price, and they negotiated another price with the customer to make a difference.

All in all, this industry is not as profitable as the outside world thinks.

Now Charlotte looks at the monitoring, and it's no different from a haystack. I only know the date, but I do n’t know the time. So many people are investigating? Where do these sources of information come from?

Can you find everyone in the video?

The workload is unimaginable.

Fortunately, Charlotte learned some methods in the Federal Bureau, looking beyond the surface to see the essence.

"Not found. So many people. Too much information," Tony said.

There was a slight smile in Charlotte's mouth: "Not necessarily."

"Oh? Do you have a way to target quickly?" Tony was surprised.

Charlotte nodded. "Do you remember when your original package arrived?"

Tony said, "I remember this clearly. Number 6. What's wrong?"

Charlotte said, "Is it the 6th? Then we postpone this time in accordance with the timeliness of logistics, and we know that the approximate time to send it out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tony is still aggressive and did not understand.

Charlotte looked at him blankly and said, "Since it's mailing something, then someone will definitely appear. If this person appeared on the date of my deposit this time, then this person also appeared on your date. Including SHIELD others This person also appeared on the date of. Then we can quickly target. "

"In this way, this person will appear in our sight multiple times. We can quickly target by video." Charlotte said.

Tony slaps his head: "Fuck! You can. Dude! How so good your head is!"

Charlotte: "..."

The two then contacted the other SHIELD through the connector and asked about the date on which they received the parcel. Most people remember, a few don't.

The monitoring information of this express station is retained for two years, and the express order is retained for one year.

Express orders are mandatory for one year, and most companies do so.

Tony and Charlotte stared at the monitor tightly, and through video comparison, a figure frequently appeared in the field of vision of the two.

"It's him! It must be him! It's him!" Tony exclaimed excitedly.

A smile came from Charlotte's mouth: "Well. The target is indeed locked."

The two kept comparing the video and it was a bit tiring to target, but it was well worth it.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Charlotte said, "Judging by height, this person should be less than one meter seven. Wearing a peaked cap. Because the courier is out all year round, he also wears a hat to block the sun. . "

"From the video, we can see that he hasn't worn a hat several times, which means that he may have been disguised. But this problem is not big, and we still have clues ..."

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