Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 366: God assists

Out of Max's office, Charlotte returned to her workbench.

"What's Max asking you to do," Tony asked curiously.

"Well." Charlotte handed her agent certificate to Tony for a look.

Tony didn't see anything at first, but was shocked when he saw the agent's authority.

Lying down!

Lying down!

"Your authority has been elevated !?" Tony exclaimed.

Moments around the ninth inning, people looked at Charlotte.

Charlotte said, "Be quiet. You're afraid the world doesn't know."

Tony wanted to cry without tears: "Your uncle. Upgraded permissions. Do you know that wages will increase? Wages multiplied by the agent's permission coefficient. You guys, that's how it works! Next time let Max make a decision When it comes to the proposal, taking me as the center, I can certainly make a great contribution. "

Of course Tony knew it was impossible.

Your own power is very suitable for singles alone. As your ability level increases, the more powerful the individual, the stronger the compressed air, and even unlocking some new power skills.

But Charlotte is different. Charlotte's is a firearm type. Tony guessed that Charlotte must be a firearm.

Penetration and power are increased, and they have certain special abilities.

Just Tony was curious, what happened to Charlotte's manufacturing machinery?

Is it really like Charlotte said, he is a gunner?

In that case, is it true that the gun can also exert special abilities in his hands?

The thought of Tony was rather speechless.

The SHIELD platform was restored again.

[Rocket Man Duwick: Guys, seeing Lao Tzu's cow b no, I really unlocked the rocket. I told you long ago that I am not only fast, but also play rockets. 】

[Poison Lace Martin: You are a bull B, but do n’t you shoot a shot? Hahahaha. 】

[Thunder Roger: Hahaha, mind. 】

[Silent Gunner Sika: ...]

[Mind Control Funtsway: This time Charlotte was praised. Although Sonckney also praised others, this is the second time for Charlotte. It's really my role model. 】

[Compression God Tony: I have a great teammate. I'm under great pressure. But ready to liberate. Our twelve group should be on holiday tomorrow. A half-month long holiday. Also paid, cool one. 】

[Thunder Roger: Tony, do you go back with your child's wife this long vacation? 】

[Compression God Tony: Stay with the family for a week, the rest is temporarily free. 】

[Peak Gunner · Charlotte: Keke. I won't see it for half a month tomorrow. 】

[Compression God Tony: MMP, of course you didn't see it. Your god-like teammate has been upgraded. There are actually half grades! Just announced the holiday arrangements, you went to Max's office. 】

Charlotte looked at Tony weirdly and looked at the chat platform again.

Obviously next door, chatting with a computer, I always feel an inexplicable feeling.

And now with understanding Tony, Charlotte felt a word.

How can we grow without refreshing our worldview.

Haven't felt Tony's mouth so big.

It feels like the big loudspeaker, I just took out the matter of just raising the authority. Tony let everyone in the studio know. Now even the platform knows.

[Thunder Roger: Big brother, big brother, terrific. Society, can't afford to play. 】

[Poison Lace Martin: Old iron, not mean. I was promoted so soon to raise my salary, are you planning to marry Natasha? Go to the pinnacle of life. 】

[Silent Gunner Sika: Natasha is next to me. 】

[Compression God Tony: ...]

[Thunder Roger: ...]

[Poison Lace Martin: ...]

[Mind Control Funtsway: ...]

Natasha is a female of SHIELD and she is extremely sexy.

Usually, I can play that leg for a year.

All refer to people like Natasha.

Her legs seemed to be a work of art, not just simple legs.

Coupled with that beauty, it is enough for men to ignite a desire to conquer.

However, Charlotte knew nothing about Natasha, and did not even notice this while working with SHIELD.

Charlotte glanced at the time: "It's almost time to get off work. So we are going to go on vacation and continue to work after half a month?"

Tony nodded: "Well. Announced just now when you were away. How about it? I'll do it for you. Promote your elevation."

"You did it on purpose?" Charlotte wondered.

Tony said, "In fact, if you want to rise, SHIELD must make yourself particularly good. Let more SHIELD people know you so that you can have a chance to rise. And this rise will not make people sick. For a long time Before the SHIELD rules were not established, a guy raised two levels of authority at one time, but everyone never heard of him. It's not fair for this. "

"So there was a storm in SHIELD. Later it subsided. SHIELD didn't need any rice bugs. Everyone went up by their own abilities, and they fought with each other. There was no such thing."

"As a team member, I can see you step by step, and I'm very happy for you. This time we destroyed the third headquarters of Hydra ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm very happy. Do you know that? When I looked at the second daughter's sense of weakness, Hydra brought it. "

"You know, when your strength is not enough to protect your loved ones, watch them hurt your family. That feeling will suffocate you. As a companion, I don't want you to have the same experience as me. Really Yes, I see the potential of some heroes in you. "

"Maybe I can only be a leader, not a hero. You are different. You can even say that I have pinned my hope." Tony sighed.

The corner of Charlotte's mouth raised slightly: "Don't care. In my eyes, everyone is a hero. No matter what the power is, just work hard. It will always get stronger. If Hydra has destroyed us, then we must grow to let How scared Hydra is. "

"We are all heroes!"

Charlotte's words hit Tony's heart deeply.

I was shocked.

"Well, since we have a holiday tomorrow, is there any good place to introduce?" Charlotte asked.

Tony said: "Hawaii? There are beaches, there is hot dance. Exotic, very interesting. If you want to go, man, I will go with you. But for this money, you have to reimburse me. I will be a guide for you . "

"Isn't you also paid?" Charlotte said. "You need me to reimburse you?"

"I have to leave more money for my family. Maybe I will kill Hydra one day." Tony said with a smile.

Charlotte said lightly: "Relax, I'm here, you won't hang it. Anyway, this money is not very useful to me. It's not very useful except buying some supplies. Just treat me as a treat."

"Big guy, big guy, so generous! Knowing your teammate is a **** assist!" Tony smiled and turned off the computer.

ready to off work!

Welcome to a new journey!

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