Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 367: silver fox

Charlotte and Tony booked their tickets and came to the airport.

Truth be told, this was the first time Charlotte had arrived at the airport, and the first time since she was rescued by Miffy.

The airport is very crowded.

The radio kept shouting.

"Passengers heading to Hawaii, please go to channel 7. Your plane A7730 will take off in 30 minutes. Please wait in line for the ticket check in advance."

Charlotte and Tony have compressed capsules and don't need to bring anything.

This is something ordinary people don't have.

However, convention still requires Charlotte and Tony to go through the checker.

The alarm is sounding.

"What's going on?" Charlotte looked puzzled.

Tony stunned: May be our compressed capsule ...

So Tony took out the SHIELD certificate and the two were released.

at the same time.

There was a group of people behind Charlotte that didn't seem to know each other, but they were far apart and were using headphones to speak.

"The target has been confirmed. It is indeed Charlotte." One of the men whispered.

The other nodded.

These people have long received the news that Charlotte is going to Hawaii. This gave them a great opportunity.

Compared to Charlotte and Tony, their methods are more rigorous, and they also bring compressed capsules. A barrier was set up outside.

Of course, this barrier will not last too long, because no way to stabilize this material has been found.

So they passed the inspection safely.

This is not to say that Tony and Charlotte's response was not as good as these people, but the purpose is different.

Charlotte and Tony are there for relaxation, so there is no need to do some processing on the compressed capsules.

The purpose of these people is not the same. Their goal is Charlotte. Of course, since Tony is also there, they will solve it together. That's why a temporary barrier was created.

One of the men's eyes was a little decadent, with a sense of vicissitudes.

Before reading the news at home, I found that Hydra encountered a difficult opponent.

So he took the initiative to find the Hydra to negotiate, and the other party gave him suitable chips.

He is responsible for killing Charlotte.

Someone calls his team.

silver fox!

A dedicated mercenary, exclusive to the killer!

Charlotte and Tony didn't pay much attention. After all, everyone was flying. Who knows, who has a ghost in his heart.

Pass the 10,000-ticket gate, get on the escalator, and go to the airport.

The wide airport has its own planes.

Everyone who has done an airplane knows that there are different types of airplanes. Generally, the more people the airplane can carry, the cheaper the economy class is. The less the aircraft can carry, the more expensive it is.

In addition, everyone will hold a leaflet before entering the aircraft, such as precautions.

It is not allowed to turn on the phone in the aircraft, there will be electromagnetic interference and so on.

Tony and Charlotte boarded the plane, and the rest also boarded the same plane.

The leader of the Silver Fox is the vicissitudes of the man. The entire team is named after him.

"Our seat numbers are linked." Charlotte glanced at the ticket and found that the seats were connected. But it is quite convenient.

The two sat directly on the plane.

"Miss, give me a 82-year-old Lafite." Tony just said, as if the word Miss was a little strange.

So he re-ported and said, "Sister, give me a 82-year-old Lafite."

The stewardess listened, and her face was covered with black lines.

Are you sick?

Where did the plane come from in 1982 Lafite.

But thinking that the customer is God, he responded with a smile: "Hello sir, this aircraft does not provide these services."

"Then give me a bottle of Maotai. I heard that the Oriental wine is very good." Tony said.

"No." The stewardess resisted the impulse and still smiled.

"Is that rice wine? I have lowered my requirements so much," Tony said.

"No." The stewardess didn't have a smile, so she couldn't smile any more.

Tony sighed. "None of this, nothing of that, nothing. Flying."

The stewardess had the heart to die.

Do you think the plane is a winery?

What wine do you want?

Tony shook his head: "This plane is really bad. Last time I heard Tom said that he still provided Lafite for 82 years and many famous wines. It was cool. Why did I fly with nothing? too big."

When the stewardess heard it, she glanced blankly at the time: "You are afraid that Tom is not a private jet."

"..." Tony.

In fact, Tony was flying for the first time. I was really reluctant to spend my own money on a plane before. Money was passed to the family. So it was completely blank for the plane.

All hearsay.

Hearing the voice of the stewardess, Tony seemed to understand something.

Lying down.


Are you bragging at the time!

The most important thing is that I actually believe it!


Don't look at the fact that although Tony is already the father of several children, there is still a blind spot in knowledge. Some things you haven't experienced, naturally you know less. You can only understand by listening to the side knock.

"Give me a cup of coffee," Charlotte said lightly.

The stewardess breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally a normal person next door, otherwise it would go crazy.

I also met an old man last time ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said that he wanted to pay with WC.

are you crazy!

What a plane!

It is not easy to be a stewardess. To maintain a smile and manners, the most important thing is to always meet these strange guests.

The customer is God, which is really a troublesome criterion.

Tony looked at Charlotte in amazement. "You should be flying for the first time, right?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. It just feels like I used to fly a lot. So it feels familiar."

Tony was thoughtful, and it seemed that Charlotte's previous background was not simple.

Is it a businessman?

Always fly? And it's the one with the bigger business.

Or is it some magical Oriental family?

It's hard to say, after all, Charlotte's specific information could not be found at all.

The world's information is not interoperable, except for the number one wanted man, the world will join forces. Normal citizen information is not circulated. Of course, the SHIELD is currently communicating, can you get all the information called Charlotte from the East?

So maybe there are some signs, maybe something can be found.

Charlotte took out a book and brought her "High-level Common Problems and Tips on Guns", and started to open it.

Tony also ordered a cup of coffee: "Aren't you bored looking at this?"

"It's interesting," Charlotte responded lightly.

Tony stared at Charlotte with a grimace, which was also fun?

I really don't understand the world of big brothers.

No wonder you have LV6 now, and the permissions are still three and a half.

I am LV5, the level of authority is still three.

At the same time Silver Fox has rushed into the cabin!

"Don't move!" Silver Fox held a silencer gun.

The captain and the deputy captain suddenly froze.


The captain wanted to press the hidden alarm. Silver Fox realized it and started to do it!

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