Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 372: Secretly


A scream made everyone run away.

Due to the explosive power of the RX-78 robot, the speedboat approached and capsized directly.

Charlotte frowned, and things went a little unexpectedly. Why there are two groups of people on this island, and the purpose of these two groups is not clear.

Of course, doubt has something to do with you.

Charlotte generally had such a confirmation.

Soon, people on the speedboat landed.

One speedboat, two, three ...

"There seemed to be our old rival, Silver Fox, just now." One of the women's eyes was somber and whispered.

The rest looked at the woman and remained silent.

"Go search! Also, bandage the member who was bombed by that weird thing just now. We must kill Charlotte. Otherwise, let the silver fox be killed. The 20 million yuan will be ruined. You have to know that it was hard Coming from San Francisco. If the money is not available, I am afraid it will delay my precious time. "

The woman snorted.

A woman is one of the leaders in a snake.

Poisonous spider.

Possessed by venom, their bodies can transform venom and block physical attacks. To attack her only power or hit her heart. However, because of his special ability, the heart of the poisonous spider has been modified.

High-intensity defense is added around the heart, similar to a super body armor.

In this case, the only person who can attack her is the power one.

Because of this, she escaped from the official many times.

"Chasing!" Said the poisonous spider.


"Who are they? Why should we run?" While Charlotte ran, he gradually approached Silver Fox.

Silver Fox glanced at Charlotte and groaned: "It's true that you should be my target. But you are the Ye family, and I still decide not to participate. But I didn't expect that the viper was coming. I do n’t worry about encountering poisonous snakes. However, the situation now is that I do n’t have any more hands than poisonous snakes. ”

His brow frowned, and he thought of the trouble of poisonous spiders.

A very difficult person.

Tony ran as he said, "Why is there no signal on this island? I have tried not to get in touch with the outside world."

Silver Fox ran and said, "You don't have to try it out. The island first has no communication signal tower, and the satellite signals are disturbed. It is almost impossible to contact. Unless ..."

"Unless what?" Tony asked.

Charlotte looked at him and didn't speak, but Charlotte didn't understand. Yinhu said what happened to the Ye family?

What is the Ye Family?

What does it have to do with you?

Charlotte could not know, but knew at least one piece of information, and there was a direction to follow.

Silver Fox said: "I set up this signal shielding device, unless I use my laptop or destroy the entire shielding device, I can get in touch with the outside world."

The crowd kept running, and there were constant gunfire in the rear.

The other side is in desperate pursuit.

"I know this way, there is a place to hide later!" Silver Fox waved!

After this time, I need to wash my hands.

Everyone followed Silver Fox.

Keep going around and finally get rid of the people behind.

At this time, people are considered temporarily safe.

Charlotte's arm was injured, but he was slowly repairing the skin injury. This is the horror of the power person. The stronger the power, the stronger the resilience. Of course this does not mean any serious injuries.

It is a small-scale injury that can be repaired by yourself.

Many researchers are eager to clarify the data genes, amino acid nucleus, etc. of these powerists. Unfortunately, not much progress has been made.

Silver Fox and his brother, as well as some of the successful flight attendants, were worried.

Because this thing is something they have never experienced before, they knew the fear of being hunted down.

The feeling of struggling on the death line is not good. Fortunately, they are still alive, which means that there is still a chance.

Charlotte briefly treated the wound.

"We need to set a strategy now, we can't just sit here and wait." Charlotte analyzed calmly.

Silver Fox nodded: "You're right, we really can't sit still. We need to fight back. We certainly can't fight head-on conflict. But since I'm more familiar with the island, we have a certain geographical advantage."

"So what do we need to do now?" Tony said.

"I'm good at using guns and can be sniper. Just once the shot is fired, my location will be exposed, so I need a high point and a place to evacuate quickly. We also need to shield your signal device Unlock. You need to tell us where the device is. "

"This is a short-term partnership," Charlotte said.

The silver fox froze and smiled immediately: "Good boy, it really is this material. Your analytical ability is almost the same as Miffy I know."

"Do you know Miffy?" Charlotte was surprised.

Silver Fox said: "Well. I touched her a few years ago. A woman with a strong analytical ability."

Charlotte generally knows why the seventh group under the Federal Bureau of Miffy feels that the intelligence analysis ability is so strong. It turns out that if there is a father, there must be a mother. Master taught it.

Silver Fox began to tell Charlotte and Tony and others about some of their ideas, www.readwn.com, and locations.

Then he looked at his brother and said apologetically, "Sorry."

Silver Fox doesn't want to affect them.

They smiled and said, "It's okay. Because we are brothers."

Hearing this, a certain mystery in Yinhu's heart seemed to move.


"Report! They are gone!" A member bowed his head, afraid to look directly at the poison spider.

Poison Spider: "That's fine this time. We don't know each other about this terrain."

"Use the detector to start looking for thermal reactions." The poison spider has more to prepare.

So don't worry about each other playing hide and seek with yourself.

"I have found a heat source! These heat sources are a bit scattered. They seem to be in action. But the signal is too bad and these heat sources seem to be delayed a lot. We can only find each other roughly." The member said.

The poisonous spider's eyes turned slightly: "If I am not mistaken, the island should be equipped with some signal shielding devices. Our devices are the latest developments, otherwise, there is no signal at all."

at this time!


A man next to the poison spider penetrated his head and died!

"No! They have snipers!" The poison spider looked at the direction in which the shot came, "surround that place!"


"Hey. Charlotte, you're getting better at shooting." Tony laughed.

The corner of Charlotte's mouth raised slightly: "We play guerrilla warfare with them. Go and start to retreat. They should find out where we fired. We now move quickly and give them another shot."

Tony felt like he was secretly making things worse.

Suddenly gave you a shot.

After driving, just run.

It's a bit like running when you're finished loading, what a real sense of sight ...

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