Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 373: 600,000 costs!

By the time the poisonous spiders arrived, Charlotte was gone.

What Charlotte uses is that they are unfamiliar with the terrain. About this terrain, Silver Fox has already communicated with Charlotte a lot of attention points. These attention points have become a useful place for Charlotte.

"Mum-, ​​no one!" A member was extremely upset.

"Continue to search! It must not be far away!" Poison Spider said.

The others nodded and continued to pursue their figures.


Another shot opened in the distance without a silencer. It seemed that the voice was intentionally heard.

But everyone looked for this voice to find someone.

The figures were gone.

"Grass! This guy plays for us!" Said the poison spider.

Then evolved into.

Shoot here.

A bunch of people chased after.


Another shot was fired in the distance.

What a pity!

"Fuck! It's so insidious!" Someone complained.

The poison spider's face was hazy: "Someone came here with me!"


Another shot.

The poisonous spider jumped suddenly and fired the shot, but hit one behind him.


"Awe! You guys! Axin you guys! Let ’s play with this sniper like this, we are afraid that we will be buried here." Poisonous spiders are a little upset, and confrontation can definitely kill each other. She is confident .

However, the current situation is that he has not even seen the figure.

There is no way to start.



Click! !!

"What voice?" Someone wondered.

Just now!

Everyone actually saw it!


The clockwork is twisting behind me!

"How does this robot ... feel a little weird?"

Someone frowned. It's weird that robots appear on this desert island.

And the robot leaf is the height of a knee.

The poison spider was also puzzled.

When the people landed before, only a few people saw the robots. These people were the first group. He was directly bombed, and the people behind the speedboat couldn't see the robot running towards him in the water because of the sight problem. It was just that explosion that ruined many speedboats.

The robot ran all the way, but when it was close to the poison spiders, the body of the robot began to turn red.

"Rewind!" Poison Spider realized it wasn't seconds!




Successive robots exploded directly!

This is Charlotte's RX-78 robot. As Charlotte's power level increases, Charlotte's strength increases. And the body shape of the robot will change with it. Initially, it was only possible to make a robot with a height of 15cm, but once the skills are improved, it will not only be 15cm.

Nowadays it is possible to approach the height of a knee.

No one around was spared, only the poisonous spider of the power can not be injured because of his own speciality.

But these people beside her are some of the best in action, and they are good at some fighting skills and shootings.

As a result, there is absolutely no use for it.

He was also injured by this strange robot!

The poison spider is crazy, this is her most failed operation in so many years!

She has never had such a big loss!

One is the loss in terms of terrain, the other is the loss in sniping, and the other is the loss in the unknown of the opponent's ability. This robot is a very obvious example.

Therefore, the soldiers pay attention to each other, and they can win every battle.

If there are disadvantages and unknowns everywhere, the chance of failure is very high.

Not all powers are full. Even Hydra is not all powers. There are also people with special expertise.


far away.


"Yeah! Cool!" Tony laughed.

There was a slight smile in Charlotte's mouth.

"What awesomeness is your power. Play sniper remotely and play explosive close up. This robot is good! Continue to build." Tony took some metal to Charlotte.

Each time Charlotte cools down his skills, he will make an RX78 robot.

Then put one robot after another to act as a self-destructing army.

"How many bullets do you have?" Charlotte asked Silver Fox.

Silver Fox wondered, "What's wrong?"

"I need bullets to increase my power. How much is needed! This way we have the opportunity to really fight poison spiders!" Charlotte learned the poison spider's ability from the silver fox.

The whole body is like liquefaction, and the whole body is venom.

At this time, the heart can only be attacked, but the heart has already been treated. Although Charlotte's penetrating power is very strong, with the experience of the Guangling Tower last time, it took more than ten shots to explode.

The other party would not give Charlotte so many shots.

The closer the gun's range is, the more powerful it is.

If mechanics is used as the force, the air will have a resistance value. At the beginning, the bullet that is launched is added with a force of 1000N. As the distance increases, the distance is equivalent to subtraction, which is continuously reduced.

Once 1000N became 0N, the bullet stopped.

So the closer you are, the greater the power of nature.

However, Charlotte's sniper is a bit different. Too close a sniper will affect accuracy and judgment.

And many inconveniences.

So Charlotte wanted to be powerful and had to attack from close range, but the special nature of the sniper forced Charlotte to give up the close range attack. And Charlotte actually has a certain combat ability.

Maneuver kick and BBQ.

Among them, BBQ is a judgment skill, which depends on the opponent's power level.

Above the Charlotte level, the Charlotte skill is invalid.

Equal to the Charlotte level, the Charlotte skill enters one of two states, with a 50% probability.

Below the level of Charlotte, Charlotte's skills succeed directly, killing each other.

For the sake of security, boosting power is the most appropriate method ~ www.readwn.com ~ The bullet required to boost to LV7 is 32000. Based on a machine gun with 200 bullets, Charlotte needs to destroy 160 machine guns.

"How many bullets do you need?" Silver Fox asked.

"About 30,000. It's better than this," Charlotte said.

Hearing this, the silver fox looked a little strange immediately.

To be honest, Silver Fox can get so many bullets. More than 30,000, but if a cost of twenty yuan, then in other words, Charlotte would spend almost 600,000 silver foxes this time!

This is 600,000!

Silver Fox's heart is bleeding.

Charlotte is helpless, but he does need so many bullets. And this is the best chance to kill anti-spider.

"600,000 to buy everyone peace. This wave is not a loss." Tony comforted.

Silver Fox's mouth twitched, not even 600,000.

Do you know how much it cost for us and our brother to die?

Tony actually knows the market price of a bullet.

No wonder Charlotte has never said these things in a draw. If Charlotte and SHIELD showdown, the SHIELD strength will definitely give up this money and smash Charlotte into a high-level ability.

But this also means that Charlotte must pay back SHIELD completely for this bullet.

Always working at SHIELD.

As a result, Charlotte lost a lot of freedom.

Although willing to work at SHIELD, Charlotte did not want to work for SHIELD all his life. My goal is to destroy the Hydra!

Whether you do it alone, build your own team, or join SHIELD, the goals are the same.

That is destroying SHIELD!

It's not just that Hydra experimented as casually as garbage, but ...

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