Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 375: Those who committed me Huaxia, though far away, will be stingy! !! !!

At the moment the bullet is fired!

It was like a flame wrapped in a bullet, drawing a radian in the air with the thunderous potential.

"Flash!" The poisonous spider saw that the bullet was not right and retreated to the side in the first time.


A flame erupted directly from the bullet, instantly igniting and burning!

The poisonous spider walked into the sea of ​​fire.

"Just this kind of flame can hurt me?" Poisonous spider snorted.

Soon her fingers were like venom, and the whole person seemed to have a liquid feel.

"She's using abilities." Silver Fox has played with poisonous spiders, which is very difficult.

The flames didn't do anything to the poison spider, but the men around the poison spider were not so cool.

Instantly like entering the sea of ​​fire.

"Oh! What's going on!"

"Wipe ... this won't be a flame grenade."

"Are you blind? This is a bullet shot !!!"

"I go ~ there are such bullets !!!"

The surrounding companions are extremely disintegrating. How can it be true to fight these powers with common sense?

Charlotte knew the poison spider's weakness through the silver fox long ago, and there was a radian in the corner of his mouth: "Sorry, you have lost."

With a slight pull of the trigger, a revolver attacked at close range.

With the stunned expression of the poison spider, the bullet actually penetrated the heart.

"This is impossible......"

"Huh ~ finally relieved." Charlotte sighed with relief.

Come to Hawaii to relax and meet Silver Fox and Poison Spider.

Are you sick?

I can't relax and take a good trip! !!

Tony Yee relieved: "The mercenaries and the killers are both neurotic."

"..." Silver Fox wasn't good at the time. The mercenaries recruited you? Uh ... it seems to be a mess.

But you know I'm still next to you.

Tony looked at the Silver Fox still: "Ha ha. You don't hear it."

At that time, the silver fox was almost in tears, and the ghost didn't hear it.


I heard everything, alright!


"Sorry for bringing so much trouble to your journey." At the end of the matter, Silver Fox still took a puff of cigarettes and said lightly to Charlotte and Tony.

Charlotte and Tony look at each other, taking this as an episode in the journey, but this episode is not fun.

Obviously traveled to Hawaii.

Make you into a desert island scary night.

Really helpless.

I simply wrote this account down on Hydra.

Without you, there would not be so many things coming up.

Silver Fox looked at the brothers: "Sorry everyone ... Through this incident, Old Fox I intend to wash my hands in the golden basin. I won't do mercenaries anymore."

Everyone looked at Silver Fox, then said with a smile: "Even if you don't do this, you are still our boss. We are brothers. You can get together when you have time."

When Yinhuo heard this, Lao tears crisscrossed, "It's worth it. It's worth it. My old fox knows your brothers are worth it."

For a moment, Charlotte looked at the situation without interrupting.

This brotherhood is indeed good, but they are indeed mercenaries.

In this world, mercenaries can't be good or bad, and everyone has their own insincere experience.

"Right. What is the Ye family you said?" Charlotte probably remembered.

Yinhu took a deep breath and said, "Well. You look very much like China's Ye Nantian."

"Ye Nantian?" Charlotte asked.

Silver Fox nodded: "That's a qigong family. Ye Nantian is one of the masters of qigong. He even followed the wolf teeth many times and returned without injury. Do you know what it is to return without injury?

Tony said, "You are an idiot. Returning without injury means returning without injury and returning intact."

Charlotte groaned. "You mean he's already strong enough to go out and act without any injuries?"

Silver Fox nodded.

"Hydra ambitions are extremely ambitious, not only want to control the SHIELD, the United States. Even some of its strongholds and headquarters around the world. So it dare to threaten, cut off one head, and one head. Come!"

Charlotte's explanation puzzled Charlotte.

"It's impossible. Hydra's power is so strong? How could there be so many people willing to join Hydra?" Charlotte asked.

Silver Fox said: "You have n’t joined SHIELD for a long time. You will be able to access this information when you have a long time. Everything I know was told to me by myself. Of course, this person is Who, I can't betray my friends. "

"The reason why so many people join is because they firmly believe that the world is unfair, and Hydra is willing to build this fair system for them. So these people joined Hydra for faith. In addition to faith, Hydra encircles these people through wealth, working hard for Hydra. "

"The source of Hydra's wealth is often accumulated through some gray transactions. You must know that this is a fast and wealthy act of accumulating wealth. In order to stabilize Hydra, they have to take risks. Except In addition, Hydra seeks benefits by provoking wars in different regions and countries ~ www.readwn.com ~ Among them, there are many methods, including parcels and sales of weapons, gray transactions, military support, intelligence support, etc. These are one of the means by which Hydra gathers wealth. "

After listening to Silver Fox's explanation, Charlotte said, "In fact, there is no absolute fairness in this world. There is no need to pursue complete fairness. We can only pursue relative fairness. Absolute fairness does not exist. Hydra is simply using the public These mentalities have stirred up the flames and strengthened themselves. "

Silver Fox nodded: "You see the problem very well. You also caught it. This is the problem of Hydra. Of course, disintegrating Hydra can't be done in one click."

Charlotte laughed: "Even if the Hydra is no longer arrogant, it will be a gray force. Such a force will certainly be suppressed by all countries. Darkness will be wiped out by the dawn of dawn. Isn't it?"

Silver Fox laughed: "Ha ha ha ha."

Tony's face was aggressive, and you felt that you were really noble.

Later, Charlotte learned many legendary stories about Ye Nantian from Silver Fox. Also learned more about Hydra.

After listening, Charlotte was also very interested in this Ye Nantian.

Ye Nantian, a ten-year-old named Jiangbei, is known as Jiangbei Ye.

Twelve years old, Megatron Dragon Tooth.

Fifteen years old, challenge the First Budokan!

Seventeen years old, decisive battle Lei Qiang.

Nineteen years old, the final battle of the Forbidden City.

At the age of 20, he battled the top of Tokyo.

Twenty-one years old, fist burst helicopter!

Twenty-two years old, crushing the tank!

Twenty-three years old, no one in the world knows king.

From then on, Megatron Huaxia, Megatron International, and everyone really knew Ye Nantian. And behind Ye Nantian is Huaxia! An ancient and powerful country!

Those who committed me Huaxia, though far away, will be stingy! !! !!

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