Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 376: Leaf ink

For such a character, Charlotte is very interested. If Ye Nantian's story is rewritten into a novel, it must be very hot.

Although according to the information given by Hydra and Silver Fox, Charlotte is a member of the Ye family branch, an undervalued Ye family branch. Don't even care about life or death.

But this is just one aspect of Hydra, and the specific information cannot be confirmed at all.

Charlotte was simply interested in Ye Nantian and was really curious about her blood. It's finally a clue now. It's really hard to imagine that a person can be so powerful.

Next, Silver Fox swept away the shielding devices one by one, those who had died.

There can only be rest.

Young stewardesses, young passengers, old people who are already dying, are buried on this unknown island ...

The breeze rolled up against the sea ...

The waves on the beach slammed on the shore ...

Residual speedboat debris is floating on the shore ...


Charlotte and others took another flight to Hawaii.

As if nothing had happened.

But Charlotte knew that those passengers were killed a lot.

And those who stay are lucky.

Maybe they will cherish life a lot.

"Dude. You can finally relax this time." Tony laughed.

Charlotte looked out of the window of the plane and had a clear view of the clouds.

A vast expanse of white.

Occasionally, you can see high mountains and booming high-rise buildings.

The era of peace seems better.

But there are always some early birds who want to break this peace and try to get more profits.

Money is the source of all evil, and this statement is always true.

Charlotte was sitting in the plane, looking out the window, thinking.

Tony said, "The crowd of Silver Foxes is so fast. If it's half an hour at night, all of them need to be taken away."

"You are also from SHIELD. Why didn't you fight them? Instead, watch them run away."

Tony groaned for a while and looked out the window: "I just simply felt that this time we worked together to escape the blockade of poisonous spiders. I owe them nothing but I will definitely arrest them next time!"

Charlotte didn't speak, so she leaned against the window ...



Located almost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, this island is the largest secondary island in the Polynesian Islands.

Under the blue sky, a clear sea appeared in front of Charlotte and Tony.

Many people walked back and forth on the beach in bikinis.

"I'm going ~ A lot of beautiful legs. I can watch this leg for a year." Tony's male hormone burst.

The corner of Charlotte's mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled, "If your wife knows, you either kneel on the clothesboard or kneel on the keyboard."

Tony said: "No. I just look at it and see that it doesn't break the law. I don't even have the right to watch it. It's too strict. And I didn't do anything."

Charlotte smiled.

Many people on the beach lie in their chairs and bathe in the sun.

Tony and Charlotte also found a beach chair and sat down.

These beach chairs can be brought or rented.

Charlotte and Tony were only traveling, and they were not very useful.

After paying some money, Charlotte and Tony were lying there, ready to rest.

at the same time.

Hawaii Island has a group of people with yellow skin.

"Miss Ye, why don't you be mad at coming to Hawaii?"

"Don't care about you!" Ye Zimo was dissatisfied.

Ye Mo has a ponytail, a half-covered white sun hat, a slanting bangs on her beautiful face, and a white sportswear, which is very eye-catching.

She is also from the Ye family, but her blood relationship is not that big. In terms of blood, her ancestors were already branches of the Ye family.

Bloodlines are low.

If it wasn't for her having special pneumodynamic power, Ye Family would not even remember her existence in the family.

She never knew about this, because she was sent to Ye's house at a very young age, and didn't make much impression.

It wasn't until my mother died a few days ago that I accidentally heard this fact. Then I learned the truth. I mourned my mother's heart. Pushed out the Ye family martial arts competition and went to Hawaii to relax.

The feeling of being deceived is really uncomfortable.

"Do you bother, what do you always do with me?" Ye Zimo said dissatisfied.

Several people said: "Hydra has been acting a bit lately, and we must protect the safety of the lady. Before the lady is fully grown, we have an obligation to ensure the safety of the lady."

Ye Zimo looked at the sea, and the dissatisfaction and loss in his heart gradually decreased. I have to say that the sea is really a magical thing, sometimes it really relaxes when I look at it.

Looking at the sea, Ye Zimo glanced at the people around her, but her pupils shrank.

Several people around looked at Ye Zimo's expression, and they were also curious, and when they looked at them, their pupils shrank.

"It's Master Ye !? He doesn't look very much like him, but he's very young!"

Everyone froze.


"Charlotte, you see, there is a beautiful girl staring at us on the left. And a few men around her are staring at us." Tony was aggressive, you said, it is normal for a woman to look at a man.

As a result, a bunch of men ~ www.readwn.com ~ a woman stared at herself.

That's weird.

Staring at a man.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Charlotte glanced at: "Maybe some rich lady. It is estimated that the people around are similar bodyguards. You see the invisible oppression they bring, a very simple group of people."

At this time, she and them came towards Charlotte.

She also laid down her chair beside Charlotte and Tony and lay down to rest.

It was just looking at Charlotte with a strange look.

The girl said suddenly, "Do you know the Ye family?"

Charlotte froze: "What Ye family?"

The girl thoughtfully: "Oh."

Tony wondered: "Is the Ye family you said Ye Nantian?"

The girl was a little bit lost when she heard Charlotte's words, and she immediately smiled when she heard Tony's words: "Yeah, you know the Ye family?"

Tony heard Silver Fox on the island before, so he knew more or less about things, including Ye Nantian.

When Charlotte heard this, she felt that it was too coincidental. It may be a coincidence, it may be something hidden. So Charlotte didn't say know directly, but pretended not to know.

In this way, you can make a prejudgment based on the next speech or facial expression of the other party.

It turned out that Tony said directly whether it was Ye Nantian. This special head is so funny.

However, Charlotte doesn't blame Tony, let alone talk about relaxing on vacation. Tony's original character is helpless. Tony is actually more proud of SHIELD. He has always been proud of his ability. After Charlotte appeared, he began to doubt life.

No wonder the Central United Bureau said that Tony was more reckless and more aggressive!

According to Charlotte, there is a sense of sight of Zhang Fei ...

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