Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 377: Parting ways

Tony doesn't have as much as Charlotte thinks. In his worldview, the power is to speak by fists. Whoever has a fist is great. Breaking down ten drops is Tony's most reasonable statement.

As long as you are strong enough, no matter how outside you are, you are not afraid.

Ye Mo smiled.

She probably knew that the two knew Ye Nantian, but one did not disclose it directly, and the other directly.

"Let me introduce myself. I am from China's Ye Group. Now the world's largest AM, AT, IP and other groups are supported by our consortium. It can be said that we are the largest shareholder behind the scenes." Said.

Tony was shocked: IP is also your Ye family consortium? Isn't this IP a mobile phone built by Bridge. incredible!

Of course Tony is not convinced, after all, this is what the girl said in front of her, it is difficult to tell the truth.

Charlotte said lightly, "What do you tell me about this?"

Ye Momo smiled: "Because you look like Master Ye, Ye Nantian. My name is Ye Mo."

Charlotte knew that Tony was wearing a gang, and he began to tentatively ask: "I heard that the Ye family turned a blind eye to the children of the next line, and turned a blind eye. Even as garbage?"

Ye Zimo shook his head: "Who said that. Ye family actually has its own rules. Ye family is divided into the main family and the family. The main family is those who have the power within three generations and will be assigned to the main family. Contact the three generations Those who did not produce qigong were divided into families. Although the people separated were not in the same position as the main family members, in fact, the Ye family lived as capable people. "

"Even if they are separated, the Ye family will arrange work for them so that they will not mingle on the street. At least it is better than the work of ordinary people. Although it lacks the glory of the host family, it is also a white-collar worker. After all, it is big. For a consortium, if they have only kept separate families and have no income, then the Ye family is not far from the end. "

Charlotte listened, and it seemed that Hydra had lied.

"What happens to the family member who was killed or arrested? Ignore it?" Charlotte continued.

Ye Zimo stunned: "Where did you get such a tricky question? And this question is also well explained. The Ye family has been developing for thousands of years, and has been able to follow the dynasty until now. It can be said that it has experienced many twists and turns. But the sidelines It ’s too much to make the host ’s family Gu Xia. If the side line is dead and no one speaks, it may not really be known. ”

"Once the Ye family knows, the Ye family will definitely cooperate with the police to bring these poisoned people to justice. The Ye family has been serving Huaxia. We know that no matter how strong a family is, it should not directly compete with the country. . The best way to exist is to serve the country. Because we all burn the same blood! "

"..." Charlotte was stunned when she looked at Ye Zimo, and the little girl spoke very well.

Speaking is also a set, and it seems to have been specially trained.

It is estimated that the host class did not do less.

In fact, Ye Zimo was cultivated as heir because of his excellent qigong pedigree. Of course heirs also have to compete. The Ye family does not distinguish between men and women in this respect, and men and women are equal.

As long as you are good enough to lead the entire Ye family, then you are the heir!

Charlotte listened but didn't speak.

Thinking about something about myself.

Ye Zimo took out her phone and patted Charlotte and Tony directly.

"Why do you shoot us?" Tony froze.

Ye Zimo pretended to be a mysterious laughter: "It has its own magic."

Charlotte didn't even have to think about it, she definitely wanted to investigate herself when she went back. Because you can't ask anything if you ask directly. But it doesn't matter, she should know it sooner or later.

If the Ye family is so strong, it will also be a benefit to China.

Charlotte currently has no plans to return to the Ye family, maybe this is an episode. Not to mention any feelings, Charlotte still quite likes Huaxia. I just don't really want to go back to Ye's house.

I don't have the talent to practice qigong, so I definitely belong to Ye Fanjia.

In this way, it is better to let yourself go.

And now his power level has reached LV7, if according to Tony's statement, it is equivalent to working in SHIELD for several years.

There is still room for improvement.

Rather than return to Ye's house and suffer cold eyes, it would be better to stay here now.

Ye Zimo saw that Charlotte didn't care much about himself: hum. What is it? Isn't it just like looking at the owner.

The ink leaves simply ignored Charlotte.

Tony looked blank, why was the family relationship so complicated?

Forget it, leave them alone.

Continue to watch the sea, and then walk around and have a good time to spend this holiday.

Hawaii has only two seasons: summer, May to October and winter, and November to April. In addition to being the southernmost state in the United States, it is also the only state in the United States that is all located in the tropics.

It and Alaska are the only states in the United States that are not connected to other states. It is also the only state in the United States that has no land on the American continent. The Hawaiian Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, extend a total of 1,523 miles on the surface of the Fire Mountains. The 8 main islands and 124 small islands formed by the volcano ~ www.readwn.com ~ are combined by reef rocks and minarets surrounding the islands.

During the next period, Charlotte and Tony went to many places in Hawaii, occasionally encountering leaf ink.

But Ye Mo snorted coldly, then turned his head and looked a little cute.

Seeing that it was almost time, Tony also took the initiative to buy an air ticket to the place where his wife was. The place was relatively secure, and people from SHIELD took turns to patrol and guard. It's also safe.

As for children, there are also special staff for school.

This is all for their safety.

"Then I'll go back, you go home first." Tony bought some souvenirs in Hawaii and was going to take them home as gifts for his family.

Charlotte laughed: "I'm not a kid. Go back. I'll go back to SHIELD first, because there is still some time before the end of the vacation."

Tony nodded. "That's good! Thank you brother!"

"Don't be so nasty," Charlotte said. "Otherwise, people would think that what happened to you and me."

"..." Tony.

"Just kidding. Hurry up." Charlotte waved.

The two parted ways.

Charlotte got on the plane back.

Ye Zimo watched Charlotte leave, his mouth slightly raised: "Is the SHIELD? Very interesting."

"Miss? Should we stay here or go back?" The rest asked.

Ye Zimo looked at the blue sky and took a deep breath: "I figured it out, I still go back, as a Chinese and Ye family. I should have my own choice. Although they concealed me, it was really wrong. But From a growth perspective, it's really for my good. "

"Miss you have grown up ..."

"Let's buy a ticket and go back ..."


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