Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 437: Belong to the team

With this scream, everyone seemed to see a huge dark shadow in the hazy fog.

"what is that!?"

"Oh! What a big one!"

"Fuck! It's BOSS !!!"

Due to the large number of players, it is already a state of crushing colorful butterflies. A color butterfly will be chased down by dozens of players, and some unlucky color butterflies will be intercepted by thirty or forty players.

In this state, the denseness of the mist is very fast.

About half an hour, this huge black shadow had appeared.

I don't know why, everyone only saw a huge shadow, but they couldn't see the players around them. In addition to hearing the voice of the player. This makes everyone nervous.

Feeling cold on your back.

In the fog, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared, staring at the player.

With the clearness of the shadow, everyone finally saw it clearly!

This is a BOSS!

Hundred feet!



Everyone took a sigh of relief!


at the same time.

Inside Super Hero Island.

"Supervisor, someone triggered the frenzied boss." A designer holds a notebook, and there is a customer service next to him.

The supervisor was still smoking, and he was taken a sip when he saw the situation: "Ahem ... Boss Boom setting, hasn't the player always found it? I thought no one could know this setting."

The designer frowned: "Well, that's true. But we haven't released information about the frenzy to the players. Leaving something unknown, the best experience for the players. Only this time ... "

"No one has been triggered by the tide, and every time there is a tide, the BOSS corpse will be condensed. It is estimated that all the corpses that appeared before are now superimposed on this BOSS. It should be difficult to kill." The supervisor took a cigarette and then put a cigarette Put it out in a smoker and discard it.

The customer service stood by: "Do we need to do something?"

"Isn't I going to update the water monster heroes and puppets tomorrow? Build this information into the program in advance. It can be updated in advance. If they can win. There is also a chance to explode these things. Arrange it. Then let the assistant go to the official website. Update the content. It is said that the update is ahead of schedule. It is a compensation to the player. "

"I just didn't expect that some people would find the fog tide. Originally, I thought that the designer who originally designed this game wouldn't say that no one could find it. I didn't expect anyone to find it wrong. Curious, who found this setting? "

The customer service hesitated and said, "Yes ... Seraph ..."


Misty deep forest.

Hundred feet appeared!

At this moment, advanced players who occasionally pass by around cannot enter this map range.

All got stuck here.

Many players around are talking.

"What's going on with this map? Why can't I get into this area? Is it a bug?"

"No. You see, there seems to be fog there! And it seems like a giant puppet can be seen!"

"It's impossible. I've played Super God Hero Island for so long and I haven't seen this BOSS!"

Players have different opinions.

Is Seraphim an insider of a gaming company?

I go! !!

Players talked a lot.

But here too, a tense battle has begun.

"Knights keep up!"

"Mage! Great move!"

"Knights open fast! Don't drive hard, this boss is immune to these buffs!"

Many heads of mercenary regiments and cadres command their teams to fight. Almost all attacks fell on this boss.

Although this boss has more health, there are also many players. Thousands of people attack a huge boss at the same time! The scale is huge and bloody.

And there are many creatures summoned by players around. The serpent totem and plague totem summoned by the mage constantly attack the boss. Gunpowder uses wolf heroines to summon young wolves to attack, and some richer players use twin heroes to summon mirrors.

Mirroring has a certain lifetime, just like a player. It is difficult to separate the main body, the only difference is that the mirror attack power is only a certain percentage of the main body's attack power. No defensive attributes.

It is most suitable for assisting attack and bewitching sight. Gemini's big tricks are few and can only be used by local players. You can **** others' blood instantly. One breath can recover thousands of blood. However, it can only be used against players and cannot be launched against any monster.

at this time. Members of the rising dynasty also came to this place one after another to join the fierce battle.

The dazzling skills are as colorful as fireworks!




"Kill this puppet !!!"

Everyone is constantly grinding the blood of this BOSS. If it is killed, there must be something good! !!


Hundred-footed shouts roared, and suddenly whipped his huge tail, soaring directly to several players.

"No, this boss has a knockout effect!"

Someone shouted.

next moment!

A bunch of players are being pumped!

This time the player finally experienced what it feels like to fly, but ... it's flying.

The expression was as if the roller coaster was out of control, with a grimace and panic.

"Which team does it belong to?" Sa Dingding frowned.

"Leader, now it seems to belong to the lost mercenary group. It is their leader Xiaohe!"

As soon as the voice fell ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiaohe's team had one, because the knight did not keep up with the blood. died.


Hundred foot maggot blood volume increased by 20%!

Although not as legendary boss Redis. Full blood at one time, and the blood cap increased by more than one million horrors.

But 20% of the blood was recovered as soon as the dead belonged to the team. Very difficult.

"No, Xiaohe's team was attacked!"

Everyone was surprised to find a mercenary group, and it was also for the federal camp. Actually open the forced pk directly.

Xiaohe's team was already struggling against the boss, and was suddenly attacked.

In that moment, the whole team was destroyed!

The boss is instantly full of blood!

The surrounding players were silent and looked angrily at the attacking team.

"Are you chasing the wind, are you sick?"

"Don't you see that the boss belongs to the team to recover some blood?"

"Well, I didn't even call your Yueli Mercenary Corps here. You come here to make a fart !!"

Chasing the wind with his hands in his pockets, sneer: "You ca n’t come without me shouting. Funny, is this map yours? Don't forget, this is the area of ​​Nasha Wetland."

Xu Ruofei's eyes were tiny, and he said coldly, "What do you mean!"

"What do I mean, you don't know? You look around. Hahahaha." Chasing the wind and laughing.

"Seraph, we meet again." Tiramisu led the Empire mercenary group to surround the player group of the federal camp.

A trapped, ambiguous situation was formed.

Xu Ruofei was shocked.


This is Nasha Wetland.

From this map, the federal players and the imperial players formally fought.

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