Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 438: Counterattack of the Fallen Angel

Xu Ruofei glanced around his eyes for a moment, and the surrounding area had already been formed by the empire.

One of the different features of the current Nasha Wetland from other maps is that the Empire players can step into the Nasha Wetland of the Federal camp from the map of the Empire camp. Because the central NPC is federal, it can be said that this map belongs to the federation.

A strong NPC guard in the center area is responsible for guarding.

Attacks all non-federal players and monsters entering the area.

"With such a good thing, how can we be without us." Tirami hugs her hands and smiles.

Player LOVE Xiao Xiao stood aside: "Unexpectedly, the frenzy still has this effect."

There are already many advanced players around the entire frenzy, but they can't enter them. Everyone tried, as long as they were over 40, they could not enter.

The federal camp suffered heavy casualties as a result of the imperial raids.

White light rose into the sky.

However, the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth raised a radian, revealing a smile of winning.

"What are you laughing at ?!" Tiramisu frowned.

Xu Ruofei said: "Actually you will come, I already have this guess. But don't forget, this is a frenzy."

"What do you mean?" Tiramisu knew nothing about the frenzy.

After all, the second-level player of card 25 is unknown to many maps of the outside world.

next moment!

I saw the federal players who died in the tide, resurrected in situ again!

Tiramisu frowned: "It turned out that the death of the wild tide will be resurrected within the wild tide, and it is likely to lose both."

"Both defeats? Impossible. Although you can come to this map, but don't forget it. This is the map of the federal camp. If you come so brazenly, aren't you afraid that other groups will join in?" Xu Ruofei said.

In fact, Tiramisu has already thought about something: "Look at who the team belongs to."

Xu Ruofei led the attack on the Baizuo with everyone.

Due to the large number of players who originally belonged to the player camp, this time they have become empire players. The tricky boss turned into a mid-course meal. The Herd of Mercenary Mercenary Corps, who is chasing the wind, is also completely in the direction of the Empire camp because he is already standing. Directly scolded traitor group!

Immediately, some mercenary groups turned on strong P!

No matter how these people think of themselves, chasing the wind has only one purpose. That is making money!

Therefore, even if the player in the federal camp is chasing the wind, as long as the empire earns money, he can also stand on the side of the empire. He didn't want to return to the factory, he wanted to change his life through this game.

"Rather I lose the world, and the world loses me!" Chasing the wind, his eyes were gleaming, and his eyes were fortitude.

The current ownership was originally taken away by the wind. As a result, the Federation directly opposed the strong P and also opened the strong P to kill them. The two sides fight, because the players in the same faction, causing the strong P on both sides has generated sinful values.

The name of the ID has turned yellow.

Behind the yellow is red, the red ID will drop things and die in prison.

"Grass mud horse, you dead traitor! Just follow our federal camp. You eat on both sides before, do you think we don't know? I didn't expect you to choose the Empire camp in the end." A player glared.

Zhuifeng said: "It doesn't matter which camp I choose. As long as it can make money for me. Hahahaha. You guys die! This time the 100s are definitely ours!"

Xu Ruofei rushed up with two teams.

"You must take down ownership!" Xu Ruofei said.

Arian Hurd nodded: "It seems that from now on, the whole game everyone knows this secret. Killing a certain number of tides will summon the tide boss, restricting certain levels of players to enter it. There must be good things in this belonging ! "

"Sister, do you change physics or gunpowder?" Bingling Xueer asked.

Aryan Hurd said, "The gunpowder. The crit is high, I'm going to kill them!"

She has three-line equipment, so she can switch between three lines in the choice of heroes. Gunpowder is the profession with the highest crit. She put on gunpowder gear and cut the hero. Attack downwards.

"Failure! Alchemy silence skills!" Aryan Hurd said!

"Looking for love! Blades a skill control!"

Xu Ruofei smiled slightly and nodded toward the crowd: "Good judgement. Do as she does."

Xiaoyu and others also went to cooperate with them.


A pile of gunpowder bombed there. Directly turn over most members of the Moon Independent Mercenary Regiment. Tiramisu saw that the situation was not good, and quickly directed many players to rush to help.

As soon as Tiramisu was ready, a voice sounded in his ears.

"Your opponent is me!" Xu Ruofei smiled.

next moment.


Xu Ruofei launched the Aegis Shield to launch a direct attack on him. Because Tiramisu is a card at level 25, when Xu Ruofei was at level 30, he could not resist the attack of Xu Ruofei. Xu Ruofei now raises the level to 33.

At the same time, Xu Ruofei clicked on the backpack's pet capsule, and hit the first burst of fallen angel's additional card in the capsule. Then click on the previous experience to gain pet experience Dan.

Raise your pet level directly!

Ding! Congratulations on raising your pet to level 1!

Ding! Congratulations on raising your pet to level 5!

Ding! Congratulations on raising your pet to level 20!

Ding! Congratulations on raising your pet to level 25!

Ding! Congratulations on raising your pet to level 30 and reaching the first level! Current ceiling level 30/30!

When Xu Ruofei released the fallen angel, it immediately attracted the attention of many people ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fallen angel requires level 26 to use. For them, it is impossible for Card 25 to achieve this level.

Xu Ruofei's fallen angel will not actively attack the player. There is one exception. That is the provocation that the blade hero uses when he uses a skill. Force nearby creatures and players to attack him. Increase your counterattack strength and defense.

The creatures here also contain pets.

Therefore, summoning a fallen angel in a melee is very easy to be triggered, making the pet force to attack the blade hero.

"Blade! Go back! Don't use a skill!" Tiramisu immediately decided!

Xu Ruofei sneered: "It's too late."


Blade skill!

That player is already using it!

next moment!

The fallen angel suddenly flew out!

Stretch out five fingers!

Grab it in the air!

A wide range of attracting skills directly open!


As if a flame appeared around the player, it swept out. Spread from the ground onto the player. A powerful suction, like the skills of a butcher hero, directly pulled over!

The main attacking method of the fallen angels is to attack a large area of ​​purple flames from the sky. The second attack method is similar to the butcher, the fire of **** directly **** the monsters not far away. The third attack method is to spray damage in a straight line.

This is its main attack method.

Almost all are group attacks.

There are not many pets that can actively attack players. For example, Snow Maiden's skills are aimed at any player who attacks the owner. PK **** pet.

When the fallen angel is summoned, the player's attributes will be increased according to the pet attributes.

Contains defense and attack power.

"Not good!" Tiramisu was instantly pulled over by the fallen angel.

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