Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 444: Economy of Super God Island

The price of ten million is an inaccessible and even terrible consumer concept for most players.

Instantly made many players feel unable to play and hurt.

But it also illustrates the popularity of this game. When a new thing can be so high, there are still players willing to buy it. It can be imagined that this game has more influence.

Of course, this holographic game is not for the tyrants. For fairness. Now that one is willing to pay, you can enjoy early and experience some other players not yet. Nor are other players unable to buy. Players can do tasks through the game, work hard, and constantly brush. Sooner or later one can buy it.

If you hope that ordinary players and gold players can be at the same level, there is no fairness. Players have the same money as not money, so what do you do for money? Do people buy stupid money and buy more?

What you want is an experience, what you want is a show off, what you want is a feeling of great attention.

How dazzling you will be when someone holds a long sword and you hold 98K. When other people are riding horses, how cool you are riding a dragon. When others land into boxes, you land on a three-piece suit, while eating chicken. You will feel this comfort.

Players save money for coolness, as well as the world-renowned Hollywood for coolness. The finale of a Hollywood blockbuster is usually not a sad ending, but ends with a better ending. It can be said to be a happy ending. From a Hollywood business perspective, the audience is enjoying the movie. Not to find abuse.

The same cool feeling is also in the world of web text. If you write a protagonist, be green, don't abuse, the main thing is not to fight back. You can fight, you can't fight back, you can't fight back. It's the same. Maybe the readers were dismissed directly. Readers also read books for the sake of refreshment.

However, in terms of readers, in fact, different websites have different market positioning. For girls, the setting is usually not smooth. You love him, he doesn't love you. But another person loves you. Another parent made a horizontal bar, entangled in love and hatred, and tortured to death. But the abuse here is different from normal abuse.

Boys have no brain Shuangwen and Gao Shuangwen. Gao Shuangwen is for readers who have a lot of age. The supporting role should be mentally disabled, do things logically, and not pretend to compare. But there must be a pretense plot. The climax and so on.

No brain Shuangwen is whether the supporting role of the brain can not be disabled, as long as it is cool. Generally speaking, this belongs to Xiaobaiwen.

At this time, the business model of Super Hero Island is also for refreshing.

In the world chat stone brushing heroes cheats.

The asking price keeps rising.

Storms and Thunders: I have 11 million!

Man in Black: I bought it. Don't rob me. 11.01 million.

Lavender: Well, why don't you add 10,000?

Man in Black: Ten thousand is not money. I, say, your consumption concept, look down on 10,000, right?

Rocket tractor: I have 12 million! Cash transactions!

Charm Moon Mark: 17 million labor and capital! Online banking transactions!

If you ca n’t beat it, just flash: P! Your online banking can trade 17 million? Do you think you are Wang Sicong?

Lan Yuxi: I have 12.1 million. You can sell me if you sell it. Absolute reputation. Empire old player. You can also trade gold coins. I went to buy equivalent gold coins for trading.

The entire world has been swiped by many players. The shouting of the Master was directly stunned for whom to find love and never fail.

This is definitely the asset that makes the whole life counterattack.

For whom to find love squeezed his face: "This is not true ..."

His eyes were a little hazy, not surprised by too much money. But because of the money ... parents don't need to be affected. Suddenly I feel that this game is really good, sometimes giving myself too many surprises. It also gave many grassroots a chance to counterattack.

When a game can make an ordinary person counterattack, this game can be said to have been very successful.

Super God Hero Island is really the pinnacle of their growth.

Everything here, no matter how long, they will always remember. Become a precious memory that will become the pinnacle of glory.

Because some players on the world chat channel are joking. So some bids are not real. Eventually the transaction was made at a price of 13 million.

Both books are at this price. I don't know if their parents knew how much their mouths would have been if they had made money they would never have imagined in their lives. But that's both of them.

There was a smile on the corner of Xu Ruofei's mouth.

Xu Ruofei and everyone went to the NPC town of Nasha Wetland Center to hand over tasks.

The mayor looked at Xu Ruofei and others with a smile and said, "Brave warriors. You are finally back. The mission is completed?"

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Well, the task is done."

Ding! Submit task!

Ding! Submit task successfully!

Ding! Congratulations for completing the mission to get 100,000 reward experience and 100,000 crystal coins.

"We must improve our strength." Xu Ruofei also knows what happened to the Valley of the Evil. The stronger the power, the stronger the right to speak. Maybe he is already in the subversive core position of the second gear, but the third gear is obviously not looking at himself. So you have to raise your level even higher.

In addition, the pace of skills should not be too backward.

Some players use all the experience to increase the level in order to quickly increase the level. As a result, the skill level is too low ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if it is also 65, it is not even as good as a 40-level player. Daguai is also stressful.

At this time, go to play low-level monsters, no experience at all.

The levels differ too much, with very little experience, or even only 1 experience.

Then this player can only choose to play the monster of his own level, but because he upgrades too much, his skill level cannot keep up, and his attributes are too poor. The monsters at the same level can't win at all. They can only continue to grind the monster's blood by taking medicine. Difficult killing one monster after another. Usually skill level 6 is a big change, the highest skill level is LV14. But not every hero's skills are LV14. It may be the highest level of 13 or the highest level of 12.

Because every skill upgrade will show the required level.

For example, the rookie **** blue skills at level 6 and displays level 26 to learn LV6 blue suction. There are prerequisites.

For this reason, players need to control the rhythm themselves. Don't just blindly upgrade, it is fun to enjoy the whole game to bring the game. It's just that the designers of Super God Island game did not expect it. After this game appears, there will be so many local tyrants pouring into this holographic game.

Causes the price of this game to rise again.

The original setting is that the player positioning is a mass player. Let more people enjoy the game.

I just did not expect that the local tyrants changed this state. Some rare things are not inferior to the price of a house. The official Super Hero Island is also trying to solve this problem.

However, this should not make these local players lose their money. Only a non-radical, reasonable, step-by-step approach can be used to try to change the game's economic system.

Therefore, it has created today's super hero island ...

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