Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 445: Federal cart

The prosperity of Super God Heroes Island is closely related to the overall development of the world. This is no longer just a holographic game, but a second world. It is also a milestone in the history of scientific development.

When Ruofei completed the task, he used the experience of the task directly to upgrade. The level is now at level 35. One step away from level 36. Beginning at level 36, Xu Ruofei is considered a real third gear.

Some of the equipment is now in third gear, and some are still second gear.

And third gear equipment has begun to combine three-hole attributes. That is 2 additional, 2 card slots, 3 holes.

Xu Ruofei clicked on the skill level again and felt that the experience was even worse. Without direct experience 36, I just want to make progress in stability. Xu Ruofei's Raiders on Super Hero Island is not to be overlooked. This period of time is coded every day. Will also arrange to get and see Raiders.

Watching the strategy is not simply saying that it is just watching a strategy, but to better understand the game and enjoy the game.

World System Tip: Attention all federal players. It is holographic world time, 11:55. At that time, from 12:00 to 13:00, the NPC City Owner of the Federal Nasha Wetland will announce the task of pulling cars. Duration is 1 hour. 13:00 to 14:00 is the time for the empire to pull carts, and receive the haul carts at the Empire Sunset Farm. Duration is 1 hour. The car pulling task is started randomly three days a week. Please cherish the car pulling time.

"Pulling a car?" For a moment, looking for love. It seems that I did not see this introduction on the official website.

Grandpa never said a defeat and said, "I saw it. There are always pulling cars. Players starting at level 30 can accept this pulling task."

Xu Ruofei nodded. In fact, Xu Ruofei also knew about the task of pulling a car. Pulling a car is actually similar to the dart in martial arts novels, and other games have similar. It is to protect the fleet to reach their destination safely. Other games are some strange hijacked cars. This game is all about players.

When escorted by the federal camp, Empire players will come to hijack the car. A total of 12 guards were escorted. Follow the instructions given by the system to **** the car all the way. The reward is doubled every time an NPC passes. When you reach the 12th, the reward is even more. And there is a small probability that some rare items will erupt. Including hero remnants, fashion, equipment, pet capsules, pet cards, vehicles, and more. Escort cars, you can get 100% experience, crystal coins, gold coins. The longer you persist, the higher the reward. There can be three opportunities to **** the convoy on the same day.

Empire car hijackers can also get rewards, such as getting gold coins above the car.

The only currency that can be traded in this game is gold coins. Everything else is similar to the equivalent. Therefore, gold coins are the main bargaining chip for players.

The **** route of the federal camp is Nasha Wetland (starting point)-Yuemu Pasture-Sunset Farm (final). After arriving at the end, the car will be returned to Sunset Sun Farm-Yuemu Pasture-Nasha wetland.

The **** arc of the Empire camp is: Sunset Sun Farm (starting point)-Moon curtain pasture-Nasha Wetland (final point). After running, returning to Sunset Sun Farm again is a real round of **** vehicle.

Xu Ruofei also plans to pull the car, and there are gold coins, crystal coins, and experience rewards.

"I'll go and pull the car, will you go?" Xu Ruofei asked.

Everyone nodded, everyone had this idea.

Aryan Hurd said: "I also pull cars. But I still recommend everyone to pull cars. After all, the people who pull the cars are not only us, but also other players of different levels. There are even full-level players. Here is the word , We are very disadvantaged. After all, equipment and level are there. "

Xu Ruofei groaned: "Seven sisters are right. Let's form two teams. I don't believe it, 10 35-level ones are still relatively safe."

Seven sisters brought a group, Xu Ruofei brought a group.

A total of ten people.

"I'm going to learn new cheats." Xu Ruofei actually began to feel the pressure of money. Because the copyright of the grave robbers sold part of the cost of the cooperative agency. There are audio rights, film rights. Plus five million at the beginning. My parents said no, at best they were **** and stored. Xu Ruofei said nothing. Although the current situation is not a tyrant.

But it is enough to choose a smooth and peaceful, what is needed now is to enjoy life.

Xu Ruofei opens the backpack and clicks on the teacher.

Ding! Player "Seraph" gets a new hero, the inheritance of the division.

Because they are new heroes, learning these heroes will automatically remind the world. Generally, no reminders will be given after one month of being a hero. But at least this month, it will remind.

Suddenly the world caused a lot of vibration.

A pillow fell into the fragrance of flowers: rubbing, the local tyrants directly learned the teacher's inheritance.

Hundred Ghosts Night Walk: Isn't this the six-winged angel beta lucky player announced on the official website last time? I ’m going ~ Tyrant ~ Is there a pendant on my thigh?

Don't run NI to kill you: Tyrant, are you missing a 666? I'm a salted fish who can shout 666.

What is / Capital: My little universe has been burned into **** by the local tyrants, and I can no longer feel love. The world is full of crit damage.

I'm very dishy: ten years later, I must ask my great offspring to burn a book for me. Then I can laugh out of hell.

Greenhouse neodymium: There are monsters upstairs, everyone run away!

After Xu Rufei learned the hero, he was equipped with Divine Shield and Master.

Well, this combination seems to have a weak output. But it should be very protective. In fact, for new heroes, Xu Ruofei is also ignorant. Aegis's big move is the unbeatable Xiaoqiang. The division is summoning members of the entire mercenary regiment. It's similar to the small Joe big move in the MOBO game. Teleport skills. Teammates can choose whether to teleport.

Several others also chose to learn new heroes.

Suddenly the world seemed to be hurt by a million crit.

How is this ... lie ~ www.readwn.com ~ ding!

World System Tip: Ding! 12:00 has arrived. Players are invited to the Nasha Wetland to accept the task of pulling a cart.

The Empire's 12 NPCs are divided among these three maps. After pulling the car, a car will randomly appear to follow the player. But the speed is fixed to a certain degree. If you stay in place for a long time, there will be wild monsters hijacking the car.

The game sets players, no car hijacking monsters. But if the player stays in place for a long time. A monster will appear. Attack is not strong. But it will cut the car.

"Go, pick up the car." Xu Ruofei also went to the NPC after changing heroes.

Because at this time, it is the peak period for pulling cars. There are especially many players. It can be said that it is very congested.

"Squeeze your sister. Don't squeeze. Squeeze my cup even more." A shouting male player shouted.

Suddenly, people around the corner of his mouth pumped.

But there is nothing to do, it is really crowded. I do n’t know how many whole holographic suits accept the cart. There are pull carts at levels 30 to 65.

Xu Ruofei managed to squeeze into the crowd before he actually arrived in front of the NPC, the owner of the cart.

"I want to take the task of pulling a cart."

The city owner said with a smile: "Players, don't worry. When you launch a car-pull mission, one of three kinds of cars will be generated for you to protect. Gold cars, silver cars, bronze cars. Gold cars have the highest rewards. , The blood is the most. The bronze car is the lowest, and the blood is the least. Please players to protect the car behind you. If you fail, you can ask me to give up the task. You can only pull the car three times a day. "

Ding! The city owner issued a task: federal cart-driving activities (0/12, NPC), not completed.

Xu Ruofei responded: "I accept."

Ding! The main mission of the city has been accepted.

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