Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 446: Hero combination

Xu Ruofei waited for the team members at the bridgehead of the center town of Nasha Wetland. The center town of Nasha Wetland is actually a town built on the lake. So there are four bridges around. Each of the four bridges has 4 guard NPCs and NPC guard captains. Will be responsible for attacking monsters and nearby camp players. Therefore, the car hijackers were not arrogant enough to hang the NPC.

And even if you have the ability to single out the NPC, you will not choose to sneak attack when so many federal players gather.

Xu Ruofei randomly came out of the silver car, but no golden car appeared. But even a silver car is lucky. For whom love is a copper car, the fish skeleton is also a copper car. Ye never said defeat and Qi Sara is also a silver car. Arian Hurd obtained a bronze car this time, his mouth a little murmured, indicating his dissatisfaction.

"The sky will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must choose to suffer their minds, strain their bones, and starve their skin. They can do whatever they want." The little fish skeleton comforted Aryan Hurd.

Aryan Hurd gave him a blank look: "... you go. There is a big job for taking on the task. It must be Miss Belgian Kuromoto."

Xiaoyu Skeleton and Xu Ruofei stared at each other: "Ha ha ha ha. Don't care about the game. And there are three chances. In total, you three times are copper cars. You see we are all copper cars. Is it because you wear the governor Is fashion special for you. Random. Hahaha. "

Everyone is ready to start and rush forward.

The first place is the map in the bottom left corner of Nasha Wetland, the Skull Valley. This is a popular gathering place for skeletons. Everyone has no problem here. The maps after level 30 are exactly monsters after level 25. Most of them will actively attack nearby players. Therefore, the car escorted by the cart will encounter the invasion of monsters.

The car cannot use the skills to give the car blood.

The car has blood. Even if blood is gone, even failure.

Different levels of cars have different health and defense.

The first guard of the NPC was good for everyone, no problem. Just the reward is a bit low. But it was the first NPC after all. The higher the back.

"Everyone be careful." Xu Ruofei said to everyone.

The crowd nodded.

For whom love is at the end of the line. The player must follow the speed of the car, not too fast. Otherwise, the car can't keep up. If you get lost in a car, if the player is not in the vicinity of the car within 20 seconds and the car dies, it is also considered a mission failure.

So everyone's speed is a relatively stable thing.

"Leader, someone sneaked in!" Whom to scream for love.

Xu Ruofei turned to look at the past. He is a level 40 villain valley player, using an assassin and martial arts god. Assassins are invisible. Valkyrie is output and control.

Seeing who is searching for love is only half the blood left!

Kisala was carrying a blade and a shield.

A blade skill forces the opponent to attack themselves. That player couldn't continue to chop the car.

Ding! "Love meets you" was killed by the player "Qisala".

Qing ai met you with a grimace: "I'm going to a team of ten ????"

Ye never sent a game emoji package, a arrogant laugh expression: "Ha ha ha ha. Even you like this to hijack the car."

Xu Ruofei said: "Looking for love, you use the blade and the war spirit. Your car is running low and you cannot add blood to the car. You can use the two skills of the war spirit to target the car you want to protect, and you can add blood."

Who is looking for love for a moment: "Really? Still this kind of operation?"

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Well. I have read the official website's statement about car hijacking before. There are indeed War Souls II skills that can add blood to the car. In addition, there is also a swordsman's call totem to add blood. The blood increase is continued in place, and the blood increase is slow. There is no practicality of the War Soul Two skill for the car. "

For whom to find love and hear the words, cut the hero into a war spirit.

Try it out.

1000 blood per second.

After the skill cools down, add more. A few more times, the blood is almost full.

For whom I have found love before, I actually went to the official website to see it, but I didn't know so much. He just knows that if the target of the two skills of War Spirit is not a friendly player, but a pet, it will instantly add 1000 blood to the pet and increase the life limit.

One characteristic of the heroic heritage of the battle spirit is that it restores 1% of blood every 3 seconds.

The War Soul Hero, who is looking for love, summoned a large lobster and followed to protect the car. At this time the skill level is LV5.

"Everyone pay attention. I guess assassins are the most commonly used car hijacking method. There is no trace." Xu Ruofei said.

Arian Hurd turned his eyes slightly: "Actually, I have a way to make the assassin appear. The setting in the game is that the assassin is invisible. When the skill level is low, the movement speed is slowed down. When the skill level reaches a certain level, the assassin is invisible. At the same time, it began to speed up the movement. We chose to kill us with assassins. The skill level is definitely not low. "

"So at least the speed of movement is close to us to dare to hijack the car. Secondly, I have seen the assassin's big move. There is a time limit for stealth. Full level seems to be stealth for 5 minutes. During this period, players actively attack or pets actively attack monsters. Players will show up. You all know this. But Junjie has said it. That is, you can use nearby poisonous tricks to show up assassins nearby. "

"A big hit on an invisible assassin, the assassin will enter a state of continuous poisoning, and reach a certain time. Within this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ players will appear. In addition, there are other skills to explore assassins . For example, Cavaliers' heavy skills. "

The crowd ran all the way to guard number two, all while talking about these things.

Everyone looked at the only mage in the entire team.

Ice Spirit Cher!

The rest were either soldiers or gunpowder.

"Okay. Alright. I change the poison. The other one changes the poisonous snake. Whoever comes, I will use the transfiguration. I will trap him again. You guys." Bingling Xueer said.

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Your big move is a range skill, not a single skill. So, if you look at the time or feel that something is not right around you, put a big move."

Bingling Cher replied, "OK."

So she changed into a combination of Venom and Serpent.

The serpent's trick is to summon a large number of totems at once. If a large number of totems are not cracked in time, basic players will be spiked. One skill is cold current, group-wide attack. The skill is transfiguration. Three skills are tied skills. The big move is to summon a lot of totems in place.

One of the heroic skills of Poison is a single attack, which weakens the opponent's defense and also causes continuous poison damage and a high amount of damage. However, after using the skill once, within 30 seconds, the general attack has a certain probability of poisoning, causing poisonous damage.

The three abilities are summoning totems, summoning one plague totem at a time.

Four skills are the big move, the plague. Spray like water. Spray the poisonous juice on the surrounding players and continue to withdraw blood every second. Blood deduction is related to player's damage.

While walking, when the distance was guarded by No. 2 car, Bingling Cher felt almost the same. Use very toxic tricks.



There are actually ten empire players scattered!

Everyone is stuck!

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