Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 448: Strong love to defend love

The secret of speed doesn't bother players in the world who call themselves secret dogs.

For most people, dogs are used to call each other.

For example, male and female inspections, enemy camps, or people with a bit of hatred are called male and female dogs. Or dogs-men and women.

The secret of speed is also known as the secret dog.

Brian, also known as Ryan Dog.

In this game, most people like to call each other like this. An inexplicable sense of hilarity.

"They are you a wandering mage?" Xu Ruofei asked as he led the team.

The secret of speed, with both hands resting on the back of the head, walking leisurely: "It doesn't count. I just haven't joined the group. I often grab someone's boss alone."

"..." Xu Ruofei hehe.

Where is this wandering, this is simply a wave!

"My friend has joined the group. You agree." Secret of speed.

Xu Ruofei clicked and opened the mercenary regiment system management interface. I saw two IDs.

MJ Hin!

Undead swordsman.

"Your friend?" Xu Ruofei asked.

Speed's secret nodded: "Well. They saw me in the group. I was curious and said I wanted to join in."

The secret of speed is currently level 45. The two who joined were also at level 45.

Swordsman is physics, MJ Xuan is gunpowder, the secret of speed is the mage. All three lines are occupied.

Aryan Hurd's secret to look at speed slightly: "You want to be the first mage in full service?"

The secret of speed shook his head.

Aryan Hurd was wondering.

"The first mage in full service ... become my son." The secret of speed smiled arrogantly.

Grandpa never said anything.

mom! of!

So arrogant!

I'm afraid not everyone around you wants to kill you.

Arian Hurd: "..."

The next three guards and the fourth guard were all fine.

There are many players around who have encountered car hijacking by imperial players.

"Day! The labor-pulled car was actually robbed. You waited for me. By the time your empire pulled the car, I would also rob your car!"

"You're fine. I've been hijacked. Now it's all turned into a grave."

Said a grave next to it.

The player was startled.

Lying down.

You are even worse.

Not only was the car hijacked.

Even you all die.

Died into a grave.

After a while, the player turned into a white light.

"It's almost time to guard No. 5." Xu Ruofei said.

Guard No. 5 has left Nasha Wetland and reached the Moonlight Pasture. In the middle of this map is the place where the Fourth Regiment Resource War is. That is, the materials to be upgraded by the mercenary group come from here. Basically, the fourth gear is competing here. This map does not explicitly belong to the Empire or the Federation. Because this map has no faction NPC guards.

The central town of Nasha Wetland has a federal guard NPC, so you can count this map as federal. The same empire sunset farm center is also the empire guard NPC, so it is considered empire.

But this map is special.

There are no offensive NPCs other than the NPCs that guard the carts.

"Someone is turning on the strong P and guarding the car on the 5th. Pay attention to moving." Xu Ruofei frowned.

Because, Xu Ruofei saw the NPC position guarded by No. 5 trolley and saw a 65-level soldier with a sword sign on his head. That is the state displayed when strong P is turned on. He is already a yellow name.

This 65-level warrior picked up the roaring epee and chased and killed the players around him. There are only 40 players around. Not an opponent at all.

"Kill my apprentice? It seems that you are very arrogant." The player defended love glaring.

A few players chanted.

"Fart! It was your apprentice's arrogance. He grabbed us. The dragon was discovered by us. We killed him. As a result, your apprentice called someone to kill us. We fight back and kill your apprentice."

"That's it! It's your apprentice who grabbed us!"

"It's great to have a master. The apprentice is garbage, and the master has no taste."

Defending love frowned: "Hum. I care who you are at fault. Anyway, don't try to pull the car today. I'll cut it once I pull it!"

"Ignore him! 65 is amazing. Sooner or later we will also be 65!" Several players rushed forward to talk to the NPC.

Defending love Lengheng: "Sooner or later, 65, but you are not yet level 65. If you have the ability, call your master to come here too. But I am talking here. Among the level 65 fighters, I am also a leader. Maybe you When Master comes, he will also abuse me. "

"Swordmaster Bafang Beheaded!"

Defending love snorted, the whole person turned into a phantom, as if there were all directions. Octagonal beheading is not a single attack on a target. Sometimes when there are many players around, this skill is to randomly attack a target or multiple targets multiple times.

Accumulated 8 times.

You know, this apprentice is his brother. As a younger brother chasing and killing a group of players, the defense of love must be brought back. Let these players realize that some people can't mess with it. At least the next time I see my brother, I think he has a strong master. Definitely not going to do it again. That's why they came after them.

So strong P is turned on.

Bingling Xueer's car had already lost some blood just now. Then for whom to find love gave her car blessing war spirit skills. 1000 blood were returned.

At this time, the level 65 fighters' octave slams and randomly attacks nearby targets.

There are two knives cut directly on Bingling Xueer's residual blood car ~ www.readwn.com ~ Next moment.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since my sister ’s car is gone.” BingLing ’s two big eyes were slightly wronged.

Arian Hurd was a little upset, and looked at the 65-level soldier coldly: "Are you sick? My sister's car has been lost by you. If you are an empire player, it's a car hijacking. I definitely want to You're gone. But you're a federation. Strong P at the end of the moon. Is it fun? "

In defense of love, she didn't bother to wear a governor's fashion, only she was at level 35: "I drive a strong P, what's your matter? When did Junjie have such a low-level group?"

Arian Hurd sneered in the corner of his mouth: "Hehe. You remember it for me."

Bing Ling sighed, "I'll pick up the car again, anyway, there are three opportunities. I'm out of luck."

Defending love took a look at this team, not mindful.

"You want me to remember? After I kill these people, I'll get rid of your car." Defending love After hearing Arian Hurd's words, I felt a woman speaking so coldly, Coupled with too much work pressure during this time, it really upset him.

Xu Ruofei frowned. If it was said that the strong P was not careful at first, everyone is still in a nothing stage. But now the words surrounding love are really depressing: "In fact, when you kill with all directions, you know that this skill will be random. It may attack other innocent players, but you still choose to use it. That means You don't care if you are an innocent player. "

"I'm right." Xu Ruofei looked at defending love.

Defending love and looking down at Xu Ruofei: "What's the matter? Do you want me to abuse me at a low level? Come on. I have the ability to ask for abuse."

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