Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 449: 0 Armies and Individuals

Xu Ruofei laughed: "You're 65, you are really arrogant. But I tell you, if you dare to rob all of our cars today. I will hit your love mercenary regiment in the next day, no grass! No believe, you Just try it! "

"Hahaha. Are you going to hit my love mercenary regiment? Where does your confidence come from? This is the best funny joke I have heard." Defending love disdain.

When he finished killing those players who were not high level, he turned his attention towards Xu Ruofei.

Xu Ruofei frowned: "What do you want to do?"

"Send you back!" Said defending love.

At this time, Xu Ruofei was a little unwilling. If it is said that the empire player hijacked the car because of camp reasons, then the Federation drives P federal car hijacking. It ’s okay to say if there is a hatred, but it is just a few sentences of oral **** friction to move towards yourself.

Really think you are bullying?

"Summon me!" Xu Ruofei spoke on the team channel.

Since you are going to do it, preemptively!

Instantly summoned a **** stone man appeared in front of Xu Ruofei, and actively launched an attack. As long as you have attacked the player in the strong P state, you can attack directly before entering the next map or going offline again. Treated like an enemy camp.




Attacks have slammed into the siege love, but this harm is not painful for the siege love. Because the players at level 65 have 20,000 blood at the medium level, and the top players have 30,000 blood.

200 damage to him, each attack is equivalent to 1% of damage.

"Weak." Defending love humming.

Attack directly with the sword priest's blade storm, turning the whole person into a whirlwind. Keep spinning. Badger's blood was clearly visible.

Xu Ruofei shot, and the rest also shot.

The secret of speed is a spell combo, and the blood to defend love has dropped by 20%.

"It's a pity if I put on the fourth gear. I must kill him!" The secret of speed shook his head.

I was shocked to defend love: this mage has a high level and output. This ID is familiar and seems to be heard somewhere.

At this time, as a level 65 fighter, he began to fight back!

Just a moment, everyone's blood dropped.

If you are at the same level, this is definitely not the case. But now the levels are too disparate.

"Yueyuemen!" Xu Ruofei knew it would be impossible to fight directly. But don't forget, the master's big trick is to transfer skills. You can teleport the entire mercenary group.

Hum! !! !!

A huge door appeared in everyone's eyes, like a space-time door that connected the space of the other world.

In the wrong eyes to defend love.

Xu Ruofei summoned a space gate, and Arian Hurd summoned a space gate.

霎 That room!

Hundreds of players between levels 25 and 40 emerged from the space gates. They all have a uniform mercenary name!

Rising Dynasty!

Another space gate was summoned by Aryan Hurd.

Junjie mercenary regiment!

"Seven sisters." Everyone greeted Aryan Hurd.

Almost everyone in the Junjie mercenary regiment is level 65, and some soldiers have already worn sky suits. That is to strengthen the fourth gear equipment.

This kind of equipment can't be manufactured. There are only four gears. It takes a few rolls to upshift, making the fourth gear an enhanced fourth gear sky set. Compared with the fourth gear, the attributes are actually less than two or three hundred. Normally players can wear four gears. Those who have a little money will choose to wear enhanced fourth gear. Players are free to choose.

Defending love actually saw so many people in the sight of the two special moon gates, and there are actually handsome people.

Speaking of Junjie, almost no one knew him in the fourth gear. As a top-four mercenary regiment, it has an extremely strong cohesion. This mercenary group is in many bosses and resources. It has participated in many battles with Redis. A player may have limited influence, but when this player gathers a group of players similar to himself, it is completely different.

Thousands of horses and strong horses or individual strong?

The moment I saw the Junjie mercenary regiment, defending love realized that it was not good, but it was so influential in the regiment, so many people came at once.

"You drove Qiang P to rob their car?" A level 65 Junjie player stared coldly.

When I saw so many people defending love, I still persuaded: "Oh, I'm kidding. Well, you guys keep talking. I'm leaving!"

Then without waiting for love to go away, Junjie a bunch of players rushed straight up.


He turned into a grave and died in place.

"Junjie's people are all irritated. It really eats the bear heart leopard courage." A head of the sublime standing charmingly beside Arian Hurd.

Seven Sisters are quite capable, and smiled at everyone: "Trouble you. Just teleport over and kill a level 65 player."

"Where. Where. Seven sister, we can come at any time if necessary. After all, many people in Junjie work at the seven sister company. Hahaha."

Several people talked and laughed.

This time, Xu Ruofei really realized the strength of the team.

Even if level 65 is too difficult, two fists are hard to beat the four legs. Even if there is really a player who plays 10, but can win 100, 1,000, 10,000?

Rising Dynasty!

In this mercenary regiment, Xu Ruofei made the mercenary regiment stronger.

The next pulling of the car was much easier, because Junjie's people said that there was nothing to do anyway, followed by them and walked together. And most of the rising dynasties are still on the Neckar map of the Coral Islands, so I also want to see and see ~ www.readwn.com ~ Therefore, the moon twilight grassland appears a spectacular scene.

Hundreds of people escorted the two teams to pull the cart.

The assassins who scared the empire ran away from sight.

One player also patted his chest: "Frighten grandpa."

After pulling the car, Xu Ruofei watched for some time and was almost offline.

Farewell to everyone, and chose to go offline.

Ding! Player "Seraph" is offline!



It was getting higher and clearer.

Xu Ruofei got up from the bed, simply scrubbed some, and went to the street to eat sausage powder as usual.

Sausage is delicious.

It was a couple with a baby beside it. Couples are busy. The man is responsible for wiping the oil on the pull plate, then picking up the scoop, putting the already prepared materials into the iron plate, and sprinkle some chives.

Then put it in the steamer.

The steamer has seven layers, and he puts the shovel in the order in which he puts the prepared sausage powder into the bowl. The wife is responsible for adding special soy sauce to the prepared sausage powder.

Unlike other restaurants selling breakfast and Chinese food, this business is quite good. Other homes also have some guests, but not as many as this one. One is that this special soy sauce is delicious. The other is the price of this home.

Suchang has always been 2 yuan.

Add meat or eggs for 3 pieces.

Both are plus 4 yuan.

This price has been maintained for many years and has not changed. The surrounding shops have increased their prices due to economic reasons. From three yuan to five yuan. It nearly doubled.

Only this price has not changed.

Everyone thought the two couples were very real, and they were happy to come here for breakfast and Chinese food.

Just when they are busy!


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