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Chapter 450: Drifting motorcycle

The sudden scene attracted Xu Ruofei's attention!

The couple's baby was next to them, and a motorcycle came. There are two people on the motorcycle. Wearing a motorcycle helmet and a black suit.

The man sitting behind the motorcycle stretched out his hands, trying to steal the child.

The couple were busy and didn't notice.

The diners were also looking down to eat, and not too many people noticed.

Many people think that things are right next to them and thieves and robbers won't patronize themselves. Not so guts. But sometimes, many people just use this mentality to relax their vigilance and cooperate with some routines to complete the entire process.

From the earliest wallet-dropping traps, a series of routines have been heard by everyone.

I went to a motorcycle to sell an iPhone, and when I saw it, it was good. When I didn't pay attention, I switched to a mold phone. The motorcycle went far and found himself fooled.

The routine is still changing.

Then it began to evolve into a variety of new routines.

When eating, put the bag on your chair and lean on your body. At this time, there are two people, one walking past you, attracting attention. The other picked up the bag from behind and left.

Then evolve some advanced routines.

The mother took the newborn and pushed the stroller out to breathe in the fresh air. Suddenly, everything happened in front of the person and needed help. The mother looked forward, and as a result, someone took the baby without taking notice.

Now this family selling sausage powder is busy due to the large number of customers. Because the price is low, the money is conscience. In fact, it is making money to raise children. If one person is asked to help, the couple will have little money to stay, and raising children will be difficult. So the two worked hard together and the child was next to them.

"Someone stole a child!" An old white-haired woman looked up at the same time as Xu Ruofei discovered it.

The old man was too old and wanted to run past, but it was too late. Instead a cricket fell to the ground.

The husband and wife heard the sound and saw that the child was taken away by the person on the motorcycle, his face changed.

Xu Ruofei took a deep breath and put **** under the table, aiming slightly in the same direction as the motorcycle.

A blue light visible only to Xu Ruofei went straight to the motorcycle.

"Rurounivers **** blue!" Xu Ruofei narrowed his eyes.

That light seemed to ricochet after hitting the motorcycle man. Catapult the motorcyclist in front. The two were totally weak, and the motorcycle suddenly lost control.

Seeing that the baby was about to fall to the ground, Xu Ruofei took a deep breath, and the rookie made a big move!

A blue shock wave rushed at the two men.


The position of the two people just happened to be a baby's meat pad, and they were not injured.

Xu Ruofei was relieved.

Everyone looked at this scene by mistake.

What exactly happened?

In the eyes of everyone, it was as if the motorcycle suddenly lost control. When the two fell, they suddenly were pushed by something, forcibly drifted for a distance before falling.

No one knows what is going on, it's just very strange and magical.

The old man stood up with the help of others, but just scratched his skin, and nothing happened. I was so anxious that I fell down. The two hugged the baby, but tears could not stop flowing.

Tears dripped from the tip of the nose into the lips, bitter.

They called the police.

I just don't know why the two stealers feel weak and weak.

what's going on?

Is there really a **** in this world that helped himself?

The couple was puzzled.

Xu Ruofei left the checkout.

Back to your own home.

Today is the day when the Tomb Raider is finished. Because Xu Ruofei often violently gives readers updates, the updates are fast. The rhythm of this book also ended early. It's just that there are a lot of holes left in the tomb notes. There are many unsolved mysteries.

However, as the original author wrote this way, Xu Ruofei is naturally impossible to make up.

Opening the book review area, many readers have left their footprints.

Book lover 21546465: What a great book, that's it. What is the subject of the next book? Still this type?

Wang Kesi: The author is good. The next book is definitely more powerful. This newcomer is so strong. Follow-up will definitely improve. Looking forward to the next ing.

Chen Beixuan: Generally speaking, the level of authors will improve. One is better than the other. But this is already excellent. I suspect that the author is likely to be such a pinnacle. The followers continue to hold on to the previous fans. Not very exciting. The level of the routine is unchanged. Beginning was handsome by his girlfriend, of course, the magic is to return to school. Or documentary point.

Student Big Boss: Recreational fast food culture, what good books can you expect.

Fuxian Unicorn: Not necessarily. Sometimes, the authors take care. Everyone can feel it. Subscribe if you like, don't subscribe if you don't like it.

Xu Ruofei thought for a moment, and put a piece of his own writing in the book review area: a new book will be issued tomorrow. Give a teaser, this time is not spiritual.

The book review came out.

The entire reply was blown up!

"Mysterious guy, it's time to move!"

"Just came out with a wonderful and amazing, and actually announced to write another type of book?"

"It's all a website, and there is no point in changing jobs. But writing books in different categories is a challenge for previous readers. If the type you write is not the type they like, you may not continue to follow your book."

"It's not like that. Maybe the author has written it, no matter what category it is, it's very popular."

"Do you know Tang San? In fact, Tang San has tried to write other categories before writing ~ www.readwn.com ~ such as the city. The result is not as good as the mysterious theme. So find your own positioning, write yourself good at In order to make more readers like themselves. Of course, there is a premise, that is, persistence and hard work. Tang 38 years continued to change. Something must happen in these eight years. People will not get sick? People will not Tired? And even on the wedding day, the update was not continued. "

"So a hard-working author is far better than a lazy author who doesn't know how popular he is."

"I once heard the editor Qingfeng Feng said that if an author didn't make a grade after one, it means that this talent is very weak. Not suitable for writing books. Don't waste time."

"Your point of view is purely incorrect. Do you know the author of Tomato? Tomato belongs to the kind of accumulated experience. One thing he used to do is scan all the books on the list. There is a thick note. It is only through accumulation of experience that we have reached today's height. "

"Although online text is fast food culture, in fact, fast food culture also needs to be improved. Follow the times. Some old-fashioned formulas have no market. It is the mainstream to write books that are more interesting and make everyone happy."

Xu Ruofei looked at different opinions from netizens. In fact, there is no shortage of genius in writing. What is missing is a genius who has grown up, and a genius who has updated a lot.

Someone became famous, changing it one day at a time, and occasionally posting a chapter.

No one says this is bad, because the book is good, and some people still read it, but the reader is uncomfortable. Waited a month before you updated me a chapter?

The author is big, hurry up!

Xu Ruofei shook his head, a smile arose at the corner of his mouth, and decided to send another message in the book review area.

This is an urban book!

The title is ...

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