Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 453: Brush good value

The city of the sky, where players learn.

When Xu Ruofei was ready, Qiu Qianwei spoke again.

"Wait." Qiu Qiangwei said.

Xu Ruofei looked blank: "What's wrong?"

"You can't use Divine Shield or Master. These are all relatively rare heroes." Qiu Qiang pointed.

Xu Ruofei's mouth twitched. Is this really a discussion?

The little girl felt too naive.

Forget it, just forget it, it doesn't matter.

Xu Ruofei replaced Valkyrie and Madman. She changed to Viper and Ice Lady.

Xu Ruofei directly activates the energy BUFF skills of Valkyrie and Madman, and the attack has a certain chance to cause additional range damage. Qiu Qiang blessed herself with an ice girl's ice shield. There are three ice shields around the entire body that rotate around the waist to protect the player.

Ice Shield increases defense capabilities.

And attacking the ice shield has a certain chance to slow down the opponent.

Qiu Qiangwei has been cracked by the Six Wings several times to seize the opportunity to use the viper's big move.

"Then I'm moving!"


One of the poisonous hero's abilities, single poisoning, weakens the defense status.

Xu Ruofei's eyes froze slightly: "It actually switched heroes."

Sky City is the only special place. The heroes that players have learned can be switched to new heroes by switching skills. However, it is uncertain whether the player can control it so quickly. In other maps, there is a cooldown time for switching heroes. If you are jigsawing, you will additionally need to switch the hero's box items.

After Qiu Qiang switched heroes, she immediately cut over.

Prepare to use the serpent's trick to set another ice girl skills to control Xu Ruofei.

As a result, Xu Ruofei also cut the hero!

bloody battle!

A skill of blood battle can be blessed on oneself or on the other.

The effect is that when blessing is on yourself, you can increase a certain physical attack power for 8 seconds. And blessing on the opponent, the opponent can also increase a certain physical attack power, the duration is still 8 seconds. It ’s just that the blessing is on the opponent, and the opponent bans the magic within 8 seconds.

That is, skills cannot be used.

Qiu Qiang cried aloud.

Switch to Shadow Hero.

The hero of Shadow Heroes is Life Link. That is when sharing, life is shared. If the opponent attacks their own damage, it will not cause 100% damage, and will be linked to the player they are linked to by five or five points. Even four or five points.

Qiu Qiangwei randomly chose a peripheral audience player close to her.

Xu Ruofei uses a madman's Jedi outbreak, instantly bursting into a powerful force.

Qiu Qiangwei survived the injury, but the linked player next to him slammed into the audience with a squeak.

"..." player.

At this time, Qiu Qiangwei didn't have time to pay attention to the dead player, so she was embarrassed.

Xu Ruofei smiled: "You're cheating. Skills are out of the field."

Qiu Qiangwei murmured: "No, no. This is a skill requirement, not cheating."

For her forced explanation, Xu Ruofei didn't pay particular attention to it, the little girl. The position is very good, and the skills are okay, but there are many flaws. At least for Xu Ruofei, an old player with many years of gaming experience, dealing with Qiu Qiangwei is very simple.

In the case of Qiu Qiangwei's failure, Xu Ruofei's madman's 1 skill directly passed a hammer!

Hum! !!

The hammer was dizzy. Xu Ruofei went up.

Holding a laugh and attacking.

"You lost." Xu Ruofei said.

Qiu Qiangwei knew that there was indeed a gap in strength: "Okay. Okay, Master."

Xu Ruofei said, "Do you want to brush up on masters and apprentices?"

Qiu Qiangwei knew that brushing masters and apprentices would feel rewarded when they reached 2000. Both parties had rewards, and nodded: "Okay. How to brush."

"follow me."

While talking, put on the mage equipment again.

Xu Ruofei also put on soldier equipment.

The two immediately left the learning area. However, the study area is still very lively, and soon there are new players to study.

"Where are we going?" Qiu Qiang asked after him.

Xu Ruofei said: "Brushing favors, pulling saws, defenses, training camps, trials can increase favorability."

"Then we?"

Xu Ruofei said: "Then defense. The most increase in experience."

"Okay. Master, but we need five to defend, we are only two." Qiu Qiang looked around, Master said very fluently, and said with a smile.

Xu Ruofei looked at some mercenary regiments and said, "I ask in the regiment, is anyone going to defend together. If so, they will be together. If not, I will ask in my country.

Defense is the most commonly used way to gain experience. There is so much experience, far from being comparable. However, players can defend up to three times a day.

So Xu Ruofei spoke on the mercenary channel:

Does anyone want to team up for third gear?

Little Fish Skeleton: I'll go ~

For whom to find love: I will go too ~

Grandpa never loses words: I just discovered Tafmen, just outside the coral, I have already entered them. Can't go for the time being.

Bingling Cher: I'm chatting with a bunny. Go late.

Kisara: I'm choosing fashion and see which one looks better. You go first.

Xu Ruofei was helpless, the whole regiment seemed quite busy.

They will only show up when the group needs them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Generally everyone has things. Do the task, do the task, find the door. Chat chat chat chat.

Xu Ruofei tried to ask the situation and asked the seventh sister.

Seven sisters returned in seconds: Go ~

The five-member team was formed. Xu Ruofei's Seraphim, apprentice Chou Qiang, For whom love, little fish skeleton, Arian Hurd.

Together in the space tower of Nasha Wetland, five people stopped in front of a large facade.

"Do you know defense?" Xu Ruofei asked.

Nodded for whom to find love: "I have watched defense. It is very close to the defensive mode in Warcraft. The player is responsible for guarding the castle. There are several ways to send troops. After 30 rounds, the player wins."

Xu Ruofei said: "Yes, you're right. It is true. But the monsters in the following rounds hurt too much. Even if we are the best number, they will die. So in 10 rounds. 20 rounds will have super bosses. These bosses After killing, you will get a morale equipment. These morale equipment are distributed reasonably by everyone. "

"Then how did your spiritual heroes learn?" Xu Ruofei asked.

The little fish skeleton said: "Uh ... I can't keep up with my experience, I only learned physical heroes. There is no magic hero skill level."

For whom to find love: "I used to be a mage, and the spiritual method had some levels. What's wrong? Want a spiritual method?"

Xu Ruofei said in a deep voice: "Well. The weak skill of the magic is the hero that reduces the most damage nearby. Usually because our blue can not keep up. But in challenges such as sawing or defense, we can buy some morale equipment Add blue morale gear every second to maintain the magic. Let us persist. "

"Go! Defend!"

Five players, choose to enter the defense!

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