Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 454: Director

Ding! The team of the player's Seraphim is in defensive mode!

Ding! Please be ready in ten seconds!

The first wave of attacks is about to begin!

The entire map has four roads and a castle. The huge castle has red blood strips. The four roads each have a barracks and two turrets.

Turrets have very high health. Generally speaking, players cannot win turrets. Only the best third gear players can blast this turret.

The turret protected the barracks, which were invincible. Only when the minions attack the barracks will the barracks be in an attackable state.

A new line will appear every time the barracks passes, attacking the castle.

As long as the player defends 30 rounds, victory is considered.

In addition to the defensive mode, there is a super defensive mode.

50 rounds.

It can only be done once a month. The rewards are huge. But the current super defense is not the model Xu Ruofei considers. Because the difficulty factor is very high. With the current equipment strength and skill level of the team, it is really not considered.

Now it's time to brush up the favor and get the summoning stone of Shenlong BOSS.

After one round will increase favorability.

"The first round is here! Everyone pay attention!" Xu Ruofei concentrated on his mind.

Since five people defend four roads, one can choose to support any one road.

"The ants! I hope you can bear it, the slaves attack!"

A system sound.

In the next four roads, there were some rat people wearing yellow helmets and long guns!

"It's gunpowder! Give priority to attack, don't defend!" Xu Ruofei commanded everyone.

Xunai is in charge of helping the four roads and needs help.

The rest defended their way.

-twenty two



Xu Ruofei chose the butcher and swordsman combination.

Butcher's three skills are BUFFs that last 10 minutes, which can add a lot of defense. Although there is no strong spiritual effect. But there is no scope limitation. Increase your defense directly.

Xu Ruofei's current skill is LV6.

Butcher's three skills are called crystalline skin.

LV1's Crystal Skin adds 15 points of magic, physics, and gunpowder defense for 10 minutes.

LV2's crystal skin adds 34 points of magic, physics, and gunpowder defense for 10 minutes.

LV3's crystal skin increases magic, physics, and gunpowder defense by 53 points for 10 minutes.

The crystal skin of LV6 adds 110 points of magic, physics and gunpowder defense for 10 minutes.

According to the information provided by the official website, the highest setting is level 20, which is 375 points of defense, but in fact, level 65 can only be upgraded to level 12, which is only 224 points of defense,

When the spirit is at level 6, reduce all 255 attacks of enemies with a radius of 5 blocks around.

One is to increase your own defense, and the other is to reduce others' attacks. The effect is the same.

"The first round is simple." Qiu Qiang laughed.

Xu Ruofei also smiled: "Of course the first round is simple. The damage is low."

A large group of gunpowder rat men were easily killed by everyone.

The second round is okay.

The third round was fine.

Until the tenth round of attack, a large group of wizards appeared close to the player.

"It's a mage!"

Just then!

[Super BOSS door has been opened. Ask the player to enter the teleport after ten seconds. 】

Xu Ruofei frowned, and the ideas appearing on this BOSS gate were attacked by mage creatures. If you choose to challenge BOSS at this time, there will be no defense on the fourth base.

Although it is known that there are 10 rounds, 20 rounds, and 30, there will be a challenge opportunity for Super BOSS.

It's just that the time of the 10 rounds is exactly the time to attack on other roads. If you choose to attack the BOSS to gain morale equipment, you will lose the four roads.

That's over.

But without the random super morale equipment burst from this super boss, it will certainly not be able to support 30 rounds.

"I'm going to play Super BOSS! Keep the castle!" Xu Ruofei said to the crowd.

Everyone nodded: "Okay. But can you win alone?"

Xu Ruofei said: "It's better to try than not to try."

The remaining four players fought against the four lanes.

The easier one in the four lanes was Arian Hurd, because her equipment was almost the same. There is also the effect of the Governor's fashion suit, and the additional attributes of the mercenary group skills. It is also a leader in third gear.

Junjie has many players rushing to equip her.

Xu Ruofei had to sigh, this is an era of looking at the face. If it has a face value, it will be more gold.

This woman is very sought after.

Impatient, patted his face, Xu Ruofei entered the portal of Super BOSS.

"You're here." A husky voice came from a skeleton man in front.

Xu Ruruo knows that this is the super boss.

A skeleton man carrying a huge axe behind him.

Holding two swords in his hand. It is nearly three meters tall.

Xu Ruofei rushed up to cut at this BOSS. But obviously the skin of the boss is a bit thick.

At the same time BOSS backhand is a chop!

Xu Ruofei jumped out of -500!

"A little hurt."

This blood is still affordable for Xu Ruofei. Fortunately, this time it was not a crit. But five hundred blood at a time is indeed a bit too much.

One person and one BSS directly hacked.

But Xu Ruofei's blood volume could not keep up.

Xu Ruofei immediately switched to Aegis. Because the switch is not the same as the learning area, there is a certain cooling time and equipment required time. Therefore, Xu Ruofei can only dodge the attack by taking the position.

Four-way defense is almost the same. The soldiers were half killed by the four.

It's just that the door has been closed.

Even if the four of them have finished playing, they cannot enter the position of this super boss. Because when this BOSS appears, only the first 10 seconds can enter it.

After Xu Ruofei's shield was cut, he used a big move to resist the damage ~ www.readwn.com ~ When he used a big move, he wanted to use the puppet division to distance him to attack.

As a result, the Master was cut, and the big move was accidentally clicked.

傀儡 月 门!

A portal of time and space appears!

Immediately after that, a large number of players with the rising dynasty on their heads teleported from the door.

This scene made Xu Ruofei startled!

Can defense also teleport? ?

at the same time.

Super God Hero Island Group main company.

The superhero hero programmer and customer service look a little unnatural.

"Oops! The game has a bug! Quickly notify the program department and the planning department! By the way, notify the director Wang."

After three minutes.

Core backbones, directors and personnel from various departments gathered in the emergency meeting room.

Director Wang was sitting in the forefront with a frown. "Who discovered this loophole?"

Director Zhang said: "It was discovered by the monitoring customer service number 5638. It is our heroic hero strategy. This is a team transmission skill."

"But we are negligent in using this trick for defense. Hundreds of players have only four defenses. It's too easy. It affects balance."

"This is our negligence. As a supervisor, I have joint and several responsibilities. I am willing to accept punishment."

Director Wang heard this and groaned for a moment: "This holographic game is too hot. Last time you couldn't handle that special player and announce the lucky player. I don't blame you from the company's perspective."

"But since it is a bug, it needs to be fixed. This is responsible to us and to the players."

"We can't live up to the trust that players place in us as a game of conscience. Everyone goes back and checks for all bugs, and I don't want to see this happen again a second time."

"What does the director mean?"

"Stop service for 12 hours, update maintenance!"

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