Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 455: Brilliant

The director's words made the conference room a little quiet.

After a while.

The supervisor said: "Stop maintenance for 12 hours? As a director, you do have the right to do this. But I want to know, what do you tell the player? There is a commitment in the user agreement 1.21.6 that I do not have. Stop service, as a player, you need to make some compensation. "

"But this compensation plan, I want to know where the director started."

The director was silent for a while and said, "From the big to the bottom, as a big one, arrange gold coin compensation here. From a small point of view, it is a small range of compensation among the players participating in this BUG."

"Specific plan, follow up with the planning department. This action must be fast."

The director sighed, "How is a Seraphim. It's not a worry."

But he also knew that this time did not have anything to do with the Seraphim. It just so happened. As a new hero profession, it does miss some restrictions on teleportation into defense. Maybe there are some unnoticed bugs in this game, which needs to be detected by the program multiple times.

Make a conscience holographic game.

The staff went busy.

Ten minutes later, players in the holographic world have received 12 hours of downtime for maintenance on the official website, five minutes before the countdown to the maintenance time.

The rising dynasty received questions from customer service.

Basically, it asks players what compensation they want, and probably counts it.

Players' answers are basically these: money, experience compensation

Xu Ruofei also teased the customer service, and there was one more: I was brushing the favor, which was originally good. As a result, your negligence caused the service to stop for 12 hours. Do you want to compensate the favor?

Originally Xu Ruofei was joking and joking.

As a result, the customer service reported this.

When Xu Ruofei found out ... all the friends in the friends column and the friends of the master and apprentice were full of appreciation.

Tongtong 4000 favorable value!

Show Friends: Sea Withered Stone Rotten!

"..." Xu Ruofei didn't expect it to be fulfilled.

In compensation, this holographic game is really conscience.

Specific experience and gold coin compensation will be issued to the player's mailbox after maintenance is completed.

The people of the rising dynasty cheered for a moment, and it was the favorite stop and maintenance for 12 hours in history!



After offline, Xu Ruofei returned to reality. Because it was during sleep time. I glanced at the time at half past three.

I have to sigh, this hologram really brings a lot of fun to life. You can enter the game during sleep time and your body can rest. Suddenly the game was stopped and updated for 12 hours, but it was a bit uncomfortable. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. After drinking some water, I finally fell asleep again.

It's just that I didn't enter the world of holographic games this time.

When you wake up, the sun is three shots.

The sun is shining.

After a brief scrub, Xu Ruofei got up and typed.

This time it is a regular 4D update.

The recommendation has not yet been arranged.

Xu Ruofei hit the content of "Super Teacher" again according to the memory in his mind. Writing a book, in fact, everyone's status is different, and some people easily relax for 4,000, 6,000, or 8,000 words an hour. This one is more familiar with Tang San. Basically it is 68,000 per hour.

Then there are people who are between 1,000 and 2,000 words per hour.

Sometimes the content that netizens watch after a few minutes may be the content that the author typed out in an hour or two.

Someone once said that slow work and careful work, but in this case, in fact, in the era of web literature, it has not received much recognition.

The speed is not directly related to the quality of the article. It's not that writing is fast, it's garbage. Then Tang San's book is a very good example.

Experience has accumulated to a certain degree, writing is fast and fun.

Tang San likes to use the method of writing words, that is, after writing the whole thing, he puts forward the places that he didn't think of before, or the spare parts of the details. Write it quickly by filling in words.

It's like "I see him here."

This sentence is composed of three keywords:

One is "me",

One is "look (see)"

The last one is "He"

If such a sentence leaves a lot of spaces in the middle, you can add a lot of filling words.

It has become this paragraph:

With a whistle of Weng Ran, I walked through the quiet studio corridor, looked up for a while, and saw in his eyes that he gently stepped forward and walked towards me slowly.

Of course, more things can be added, such as inner psychology, demeanor, movement and so on.

So writing is actually a lot of fun.

Xu Ruofei wrote a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After doing all this, I went out.

Just then, Xu Ruofei's cell phone rang.

Pick up your phone and put it in your ear to answer.

The other end of the phone: "Hey, hello. Is this Mr. Xu Ruofei? I am the editor-in-chief of Yue Tingwen Co., Ltd. in Shanghai. We have a writer exchange, and we invite writers above LV5 and great god-level writers. Some of them The Great Platinum God also participates together. "

Xu Ruofei was surprised: "Writer exchange meeting?"

"Yes. Writer exchanges. Promote higher levels of progress on both sides." Phone over.

Xu Ruofei talked with the other party on the phone ~ www.readwn.com ~ Finally Xu Ruofei agreed to go.

Anyway, this game is a holographic game, as long as you have a ring, you can enter it.

And after Xu Ruofei agreed, the company soon arranged for him a flight to Shanghi.

Shanghi City is a petty capital city, and the pace of life here is fast. Streams of vehicles are racing down the streets of the city. The glamorous life fascinates people in this city.

Many people from other provinces crowded into the city, hoping to fly up to their crests and live forever.

Busy figures are everywhere, with workers, security guards, waiters and salesmen all busy. Just had to move on just to live.

Even if you understand that the front is no longer the paradise of your dreams, you still have to choose to move forward.

When Xu Ruofei came to Shanghe City, it was almost evening. There is still some time before the writers exchange meeting, Xu Ruofei is going to temporarily stay in a hotel.

Xu Ruofei was very simple, so he carried a backpack on his back. In addition, there is not much else to bring. Now that there are cards and mobile phones, many transactions are very convenient. So there is no need to bring too much.

Navigate through the roads of passing vehicles and walk through many unknown commercial streets.

"This navigation is not very accurate." Xu Ruofei was helpless. After getting off the plane, he had already considered these things. As a result, they went east and west, but they have not yet reached the hotel.

Is it true that you are a idiot or that this map function is not used?

In any case, Xu Ruofei was really helpless.

Just then, Xu Ruofei heard a word and frowned.

"Seven thousand dollars of Ruian Group, do you know who you are talking to now?"

Xu Ruofei's eyes looked, his pupils shrank!

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