Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 456: 7 sister

Go to the city.

Quiet and in the narrow alley.

Xu Ruofei's pupils shrank, and she saw someone holding a dagger in her hand and placing it on a woman's neck. There was already a trace of blood on the dagger.

On the other side of the dagger was a woman, to be precise a beautiful woman with frost on her face.

Although there was already a trace of blood on her neck, the woman did not show her fear.

"Do you use this kind of inferior method? Do you think I would be afraid of these?" The woman said coldly.

Surrounded by a group of young adults, it looks a bit like bad people in society.

This is not the same as the old routine of heroes saving beauty. Women do not have the slightest fear, because they believe that they are at most dare to act. Not dare to really kill.

This era is an era of the rule of law. Since you have done something that you should not do, you should have a sense of being judged.

At this time, a man in a silver suit came down from a pink sports car: "Sure enough, the seven thousand gold name is well-deserved. Alright. Aaron, the person who took you away. I just see, do you have this courage Compete with me on Shui On Group. "

"Ye Zi'an, do you think that this can scare me? The first few major crises of the Ruian Group, wasn't I to come forward and have your share?" The woman gently wiped the bloodstain with a tissue.

After just scratching a little bit of wound, it is clear that I know the size.

The woman looked behind him. A man with a backpack on his back was sharp in the moonlight. Then he walked behind, holding Xu Ruofei with an axious expression in his hand: "He is my boyfriend. Now I am going to the auction. Can you roll off?"

Ye Zi'an glanced at the woman and Xu Ruofei again: "Trash. This time just to warn you. I advise you to give up the management of the group. Otherwise, my means, you know."

After giving a contemptuous glance at Xu Ruofei, "Trash."

After that, he walked towards his sports car.

At this moment, Xu Ruofei frowned slightly and actually scolded himself.

Gently with your hands.

Ye Zi settled down and slammed into the door.


A crisp head sound.


Several followers around him resisted the urge to laugh.

The master can't even walk stably.

It's all on the street.


A middle-aged man couldn't help laughing.

"Go!" Ye An was full of anger, but his body was soft.

The woman froze and looked at the man beside her. Just now I saw him stretch out his fingers and pointed Ye Zi'an. Ye Zi'an seemed to have no strength and hit the door.

this is?

Folk stranger?

Is there really a master in folk?

Xu Ruofei asked: "Do you know where the Huidi Hotel is? The streets here are messy and I don't know how to get there."

When the woman just wanted to talk.

Xu Ruofei's phone rang.

It was the editor-in-chief who called and asked if Xu Ruofei had arrived in Shanghe City.

"Mr. Xu Ruofei, have you been to Shanghe City? Do I need to borrow you? I live in Lanpu District."

"No need to bother you. I'll just find a hotel and stay overnight. It's over tomorrow."

"Then don't bother. See you tomorrow."

"Hm. See you tomorrow."

The two sides hung up.

The woman looked up at Xu Ruofei: "Are you Ruofei Xu?"

"Uh ... are you?" Xu Ruofei heard a bit just now, but he wasn't sure what it was.

The woman said, "Are you the author of the tomb note?"

Xu Ruofei nodded: "Yes. Have you seen it?"

The girl's frosty face showed a smile: "Yes. I am still one of the leaders. You are writing a super teacher now. Introduce yourself, I am the seventh gold of the Ruian Group. You should have heard me."

"... Uh ... Are you the Arian Hurd of the game?" Xu Ruofei said.

The woman stunned: "Do you also play that game? What's your ID?"


The two looked at each other and smiled.

I did not expect players in the game world to meet in reality.

"The hotel is in the wrong direction. You are going out of this alley. Then the second alley on the left is." Qijie said.

Xu Ruofei said suddenly: "Oh, maybe I'm a idiot. I went the wrong way. I said something was wrong. I kept walking from the plane. I felt like I didn't get around."


The woman laughed, reflecting a glamorous face in the moonlight.

Suddenly, Xu Ruofei was stunned.

But he recovered after a while.

"You should go to the writers exchange meeting." Qijie said.

Xu Ruofei was surprised: "How do you know?"

"I know a lot of people in my industry. Naturally. It looks like you should go to a hotel to rest. Since this is the case, it is better to go to my house." The woman said.

Xu Ruofei shook his head: "It's not very good. It's too much trouble for you. I'm more comfortable to find a hotel."

The woman's cold face had a smile on her face: "It's okay. Since it's fate. It's okay to go to me. And I'm not alone in my family. There is Bingling Xueer. Don't want to see Bingling?"

Xu Ruofei remembered that the two seemed to be the relationship between cousin and cousin.

"Uh ..." Xu Ruo hesitated, always feeling so bad.

The Seven Sisters seemed very angry: "Hesitating, still not a man ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xu Ruofei's mouth is drawn, this has nothing to do with whether the man has no dime.

"Okay. Then trouble you." Xu Ruofei said.

Seven sister nodded: "Well. Then you wait. I'll arrange a car to come over. Later I will accompany me to an auction and then we will go back together."

Oh, Xu Ruofei.

But Xu Ruofei had some doubts in his heart: "Who are the people who took the knife just now? Is it so messy within your group?"

Seven sister said, "Do you mean Ye Zi'an? He stayed back from Magnesium and learned some crooked ways. He wanted to counter the whole group. Now some shareholders have obeyed his arrangements. But I have a relatively large influence. I can't do anything. I recommended a fiance to my dad. "

"But I don't like it, fate is controlled by others. I care about his fiance, fiance. Anyway, I just don't agree. There is an auction today. They will all come."

Xu Ruofei suddenly felt that reality was far more complicated than fiction.

Maybe sometimes, I think the perspective of the problem is too low. Instead, many things are ignored. Just like the pure dragon said in the book.

"Don't think that my writing is nonsense. Reality is far more nonsense than novels."

Many people didn't understand this sentence at the time.

In fact, the essence of the novel is to adapt reality and add some creative experience and skills. Many things are originally justified.

It ’s like the gods in our country look like Asians, and the gods in foreign countries are foreign people with beards. Adam and Eve and so on.

In fact, it's not that we don't believe it, but that we see too little.

When Xu Ruofei heard what the Seven Sisters said, a radian aroused in the corners of her mouth, and she really wanted to see what the high society was like.

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