Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 469: Super God Island 2nd Game World! !! (New and exciting ...

For the words of Seven Sisters.

In fact, the people below have a lot of doubts. Everyone has come step by step from the newcomer to the present. Some rely on accumulation and some renew. Only a few depend on talent.

"Actually, I want to ask, it's easy to make a refreshing point, but there is any way to make the refreshment wave after wave. In this way, the readers are also cool and they also gain from it. It makes the results better." Someone asked.

Seven Sisters looked around at everyone: "Everyone must first understand that we write a book is a storyteller. These cool points need to be conceived by yourself. This is difficult for others to help you. And this is not displayed. In addition to thinking for yourself, you must understand .Writing a book is a storytelling ability. If you can't write a coherent plot than a face plot, then don't force a plot. The plot plot will be awkward. "

"The difference between Xiaobai and Laobai is the age of the books. The more books they read, the more they will feel routine and repetition. So they need some fresh content. This will be more attractive to them. At the same time grasp the supporting role. The villain is easy to write, the hard part is to write a villain flesh and blood. Impressed in the brain. "

Next, many people took turns to express their opinions.

Xu Ruofei feels that there have been many improvements in the communication of many people.

"It seems you know a lot. But I'm curious, why don't you try to write a book." Xu Ruofei looked at Seven Sisters.

Seven sister smiled slightly: "Teachers can teach scientists, but they may not be scientists. And I really don't have that energy."

The bearded man looked at Seven Sisters and smiled at Xu Ruofei, his heart was cold.

When the iceberg goddess seemed to laugh, she looked pretty good.

The exchange meeting was not just about sharing the elite, and then sending some information to everyone.

"Here, let me announce. Are some of the writers here ready to demean?" The bearded man laughed.

Everyone was shocked!

Fengshen! ?

Is it?

"I announce the promotion to the great god!"

"Please come to the stage and get the contract. After reading it, give it to me. Don't be discouraged if you haven't chosen, and work hard. Flying fish, Shili sword god, Chenguang Lucifer, and killing all require money ..... . "

Read a lot of names.

Originally, Xu Ruofei thought he would not have his own name because he wrote a tomb note and a super teacher who was updating.

Unexpectedly, I thought of myself at the end!

When Xu Ruofei stood with everyone, he felt like he was full of blood.

"Under the condition that you have harvested the Great God contract, I hope that you can work harder in return to support your readers. One of them is with you, here. They are your friends, brothers, and sisters. They are connected by books. There are many, I won't say any more. You must all want to see the editors. Let's visit together. But don't disturb them. They are also busy. "

The next step is to visit the company.

It was not until 5 pm that this day's communication was completely ended.

Shen Bing was holding potato chips and followed Xu Ruofei.

Seven sister asked: "Are you going to go back? Stay in Shanghe City for a few more days."

Xu Ruofei shook his head: "No need. Come here to participate in this writer's thing. This time it really benefits a lot."

"Otherwise, I'll buy a house for you. You live in Shanghai." Seven sister said.

Xu Ruofei grimace: "Ha?"

Lying down! ?


what's going on?

"Reactive power is not affected by Lu. Don't use it. The housing price of Shanghe is a bit high. Buy it and hurt." Xu Ruofei resolutely refused.

Seven sisters think about it too, although they have more money, it doesn't matter. However, it seems that this sent-out is easy to fall into tongues.

"When is it going," Qijie asked.

"Tomorrow." Xu Ruofei said.

Shen Bing kept watching Xu Ruofei without talking, and put potato chips into his mouth from time to time.

It's late after going back.

The three of them ordered McDonald's together for three sets.

After ordering.

Pointing around.

"Look ~ that man, he's carrying two women by himself. Such a bull pen ~ there is love in the woods ~"

"So beautiful ~"

"Beautiful fart, not as good as my aging mother."

"I think you are envious."

"The blessing is too good to stop it."

Xu Ruofei's mouth twitched, and it is no wonder that the ancients liked to talk about the beauty of the water. This makes sense. If you think about it, the wisdom of the ancients was quite high.

For a moment, Xu Ruofei felt that a soft thing had entered his mouth ... French fries!

Shen Bing actually picked up a fries and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Instantly pull the hatred of people around you full.

Xu Ruofei burst into tears.

This Shen Bing is definitely intentional!

Just pull hatred.

Full of naughty elves is weird.

Until he left McDonald's, Xu Ruofei could feel the killing intention from the back. Ten thousand grievances from single dogs.

"You're pulling me hate ~" Xu Ruofei patted his head, somewhat helpless.

Shen Bing took a bite of potato chips: "Impress you in Shanghe City."

"Why are you so many potato chips?" Xu Ruofei felt that she could eat potato chips all day long.

Shen Bing pointed to the trunk of the sports car: "There is a full compartment behind."

Xu Ruofei was speechless: "..."

When sitting on a sports car, I can feel the envy of the people around me.

Xu Ruofei looked helpless, and his expression was like this



After processing everything, nothing unusual happened. Because of the relationship between Shen Bing's return ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are only three people left in the villa. Two women and one man.

"Is it online?" Seven sister asked.

"Coupling." Shen Bing.

Xu Ruofei coughed: "Forget it, you guys. I'm going to my own room."

Shen Bing said: "We are not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

The so-called online is a unique mode in holographic online games. In the superhero hero island game world, there are actually two worlds.

Hero Island World and Super God World.

Players normally play Hero Island World.

After going online, you entered the Super God World.

Super God World will randomly give players identity, players experience fun according to this mode.

There is a special place for the connection, that is, the three people need a line connected to the holographic ring to be together, and the distance between the lines is not long. That is the length of a half phone data cable.

This means that, online, the three are very close.

Xu Ruofei had no problem seeing them, so he chose to enter the game.

The three fell on the same bed and entered the game world.

It was white all around.

The three fell directly from the air.

[Player "Seraph", "Arian Hurd", "Ice Spirit Cher" join Super God Island and Super God World. 】

Everything around is still.

【drop! Random target generation. 】

【drop! All NPCs are at rest. For one hour. Players are asked to develop on their own. An hour later, new players joined. 】

The three fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Xu Ruofei frowned.

It feels a bit like the battle of Chibi.

Everything around is still!

【drop! Plunder begins! 0 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds remaining! 】


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