Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 470: Players plunder players

霎 That room!

Everything is still.

Look around.

A crowd of black people riding horses. Some hold bows and arrows, and some hold lances. More holding a knife.

The black and red armies fought on the ancient battlefield, but at this moment, all movements were stopped in the air. It's like pressing the pause key.

"There is a city over there!" Xu Ruofei didn't know what the predation meant. From the information before the official website, we know nothing about this super-god world. Super God Island is divided into "Super God World" and "Hero Island World" two modes. The information on the official website is basically the model of the Hero Island World. What the official website of the Super God World says is only in the testing stage and has not been fully opened.

Players must be online to enter the game.

So everyone is basically playing Hero Island World.

The three were at a loss.

Just don't understand what plunder means!

Seen three NPCs in the city!

[Super God Island General]

Level: 65

HP: 1000000 (currently in a poisoned state with 10,000 HP remaining)

Defense: 1000000 (currently poisoned, defense value is 0)

Attack: 999999

Skill output: 9999999

General Set: Overlord (drops after death), in Shu City territory, has the right to summon level 0 to 65 soldiers. Master 65 skills at the same time.

Experience: 10000000000/10000000000

"This is NPC !?"

Seven sister is also a little surprised.

Xu Ruofei thought about plundering: "Maybe we can kill this NPC."

"Ah?" Shen Bing paused.

Seven sister looked at the panel of this NPC, it seems that this is indeed possible. And why I haven't seen any players yet. How is this going?

"Then let's kill these three NPCs together!"

The three germinated a bold idea, something they had never thought of. After killing the NPC, what will the entire game look like? Or can this NPC look infinitely resurrected?

No one can be sure.

"We took that little soldier's weapon." Xu Ruofei pointed to a soldier with a machete next to him.

Name: Inferior machete

Attack damage bonus: 20 ~ 50

All three took the machete.

It's a chop to NPC.




After tens of minutes of hacking, three NPCs. Fall to the ground and die.

Three silver armors dropped on the ground, which looked a bit like Zhao Zilong's silver general suit. The surrounding soldiers were wearing black armor, like black armored soldiers.

"Let's put on?" Shen Bing asked.

Xu Ruofei nodded.

After the three put on the general's clothes, they looked like a great general, very handsome and handsome.

"This dress is very handsome." Seven sister glanced at Xu Ruofei.

Xu Ruofei said: "You look good, too. A little Mu Guiying is in command."

After putting on the clothes, the clothes were a bit out of shape, and they automatically changed to fit the body. Very comfortable.

Xu Ruofei glanced at his property panel.

Role: Seraph

Level: Level 0.

Experience: 0/100

Attack: 1

Defense: 1000000

Equipment: General Set

Both of them are level 0.

"There is still half an hour to plunder." Xu Ruofei probably estimated the time.

The general suit got messed up.

There is still half an hour, so we must hurry up.

"I remember the Dominator suit seems to be able to summon the soldiers." Xu Ruofei remembers that this equipment can summon soldiers in this city.

Seven sisters groaned, "You said, if we summon the soldiers. Then we kill the soldiers. Will the experience increase?"

"Try it," Xu Ruofei said.

The three waved to summon.

A light rose.

Cavalry LV1

Archer LV1

Infantry LV1

Swordman LV1

All three summoned dozens of creeps. The soldier is still unmoved.

Xu Ruofei cut it on the soldier.

Hacked one to gain 10 experience.

drop! Congratulations on killing Cavalry LV1 and gaining 10 experience.

drop! Congratulations on killing the infantry LV1 and gaining 10 experience.

drop! Congratulations on killing Archer LV1 and gaining 10 experience.

"It's great. But this experience method is very good, but I don't think it is efficient enough." Xu Ruofei said.

Seven sister nodded: "It's really convenient for us to upgrade. It's just not efficient enough."

Shen Bing said: "If the soldiers fight each other and stop when the blood is left, we will kill again. This way, we will have a sword and experience. I don't know if it will work."

Xu Ruofei's eyes brightened: "You can try!"

Stretch out your fingers and open five fingers to summon 500 cavalry.

"Kill each other!" Xu Ruofei ordered.

The cavalry was motionless and gradually began to move.

Facelessly attacking each other with weapons.

Xu Ruofei looked at the residual blood: "Stop attacking all!"

Rush over, one by one, one by one!

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to Level 2!

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to Level 3!

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to level 4!

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to level 5!

Ding! Congratulations on your promotion to level 6!

Xu Ruofei rose 6 levels in one breath.

They saw Xu Ruofei this way. Also tried.

【drop! The predatory time is over! A large number of players are coming soon! Attention plunderers! 】


Xu Ruofei, Shen Bing and others looked blank.


Many players are constantly landing in the sky. These players have IDs and levels on their heads ~ www.readwn.com ~, and the two armies have resumed everything.

The player slowly landed in the air, watching the magnificent scene below: "Wow! Is this a battle? The holographic experience is very good."

"Look! There seems to be players over there. Two beauties and one man."

"Impossible! This is still a testing phase. It is not possible to enter until the specified time."

"Really. You see they have ID. Yeah, my eyesight seems to barely see the names, Seraphim, Arian Hurd, Frozen Cher ..."

"Mad. You tease me! The troops below are all experiences for us. But everyone is careful. After death, the resurrection time is very long. So death is very bad for us."

Xu Ruofei rode on the general's mount, and both women rode on the horse at the same time.

【drop! As the Black Armor of Shu Kingdom, plunder all the resources of players! 】

"We want to rob the players? We are the predators among the players?" Xu Ruofei stunned.

Immediately, Xu Ruofei sneered: "Hey, this game is interesting. Players rob players."

"Follow me!"

Xu Ruofei took the lead and rushed out with the two women.

"Archer! Shoot me down the players in the air!" Xu Ruofei commanded.

霎 That room! All archers aimed at the air!

The air player is dumbfounded!

"Fuck! Don't these archers want to shoot us down!"

"Nima! Why is there such a pattern !?"

"Did I hear the soldier below listen to that person's command just now?"

"I'll go ~ who can tell me what's going on !!!"

An arrow, like a black feather in the sky, suddenly shoots and shoots at the players in the sky!

All players' pupils shrink!

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