Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 471: You have a try

"No! These arrows are coming at us!"

"Nima! What's going on !?"

"Shoot by an archer right after entering the game?"



Cloud arrows smashed through the body suddenly, and players felt only slight pain. It then dropped directly from the air. Some players were directly hit by several arrows and turned into a white light death.

After the player dies, he drops an item from the air. It was a wooden token, much like ancient wood made tokens. It says the number 10.

【Ding! Player death will punish a certain force! Ask the predators to **** the power token. 】

【Ding! Player Seraph's controllable area, all soldiers in Shu City. Can summon 600/1000 by itself. 】

【Ding! Player Arian Hurd's controlled area, all soldiers in Shu City. Can summon 500/1000 by itself. 】

【Ding! Player Ice Ling Xueer controlled area, all soldiers in Shu City. Can summon 132/1000 on its own. 】

A series of prompts appeared in front of Xu Ruofei.

When Seven Sisters saw the prompt, it seemed like this was going on.

Xu Ruofei looked at the two and said: "I think you have guessed what is going on. We kill players, we can pick up tokens on them, increase their strength limit. This can summon more soldiers. This is plunder What players need to do. Keep attacking players. "

"Well. I just saw the system prompts, and I probably know a bit about the role of predators. We set the level and choose to hide the level." Seven sister suggested.

Since it is a predator, the less it is known to other players, the better the effect.

The three of them have chosen to view the properties of the player panel in the settings and require the consent of the player.

Xu Ruofei mounted his horse and rushed towards the player: "Drive! Drive ~ drive ~"

A player named Emperor Frown and frowned, looking at Xu Ruofei riding a horse: "Six wings, we are all players. Why did you shoot at us?"

"Give me your tokens!" Xu Ruofei said.

Emperor's face sank: "Why! The military token determines the number of soldiers that the city I can build later. Although I don't understand why you already have a city. But want to take our military token? No way! "

Players drop on the battlefield, and the Black Army of Shucheng engages with another army.

Because the shooter has just attacked the player, the Hei Jiajun's output power has a large gap. The Heijia Army was a bit lost.

Xu Ruofei's eyes narrowed, this Shucheng soldier is his biggest reliance at present. Once he is attacked by the opposing army, it will be very unfavorable!

"You don't give it? Follow you." Xu Ruofei said coldly.

When the Emperor didn't understand what was going on.

Xu Ruofei shouted, "Ming Jin's withdrawal!"

Suddenly, there were many noises around!

Naruto! !! !!

It's like the horn is tweeting.

All soldiers retreat towards the rear!

The seventh sister glanced at Xu Ruofei and probably understood what he meant.

Shen Bing also smiled when he saw this, this game is quite interesting.

Retreat on a horse!

Xu Ruofei and others returned to the city gate.

Shen Bing tried to command and said, "Close the gate!"


The knock sounded.

Dozens of soldiers began to close the gates.

The player's face was aggressive.

The Black Armour retreated, but there was another army on the battlefield.

These troops lost their targets at once and attacked the players.

Players were panicked.

"Well! Who will explain to me what is happening now? Why can some players control the soldiers?"

"Yeah! I don't know. When I enter the game, the system prompts us to be an offensive player. If we get a city order, we can use the size of the soldier symbol, which is the size of the token. If you recruit a general, the general can summon soldiers. The number of soldiers depends on the quality of the generals and the ceiling. "

"It's so strange."

The player was rushed by a group of soldiers in an instant, holding the sword fiercely!

Although the player will not truly die, but death will be downgraded, and there will be a certain amount of time to move. So normally players are reluctant to die.


A player hacked directly.

Into a white light.

The player suddenly panicked.

"Fuck! Run away! This group of soldiers will kill us! If it weren't for the archers shooting at us suddenly, we would not have novice protection time."

"This group of soldiers seems to be level 1. We are not hopeless, we can resist."

"You slowly resist, I withdraw first."

"Slip off and leave it to you."

Many players rushed towards Xu Ruofei's city.

"Brother, open the door! We don't want to just die once we become newbies!"

"Yeah! Why do players embarrass players ~ Brother, open the door ~"

"Open the door, otherwise I will hunt you down to the end of the world! I remember the three of you!"

"Open the door !!!"

Many players banged on the huge city gate like an ancient city gate. And the walls are covered with years of erosion. Many soldiers stood above the gates, more of them long-range archers.

Xu Ruofei's mouth evoked a radian: "We are not in the same position as you. If you want to come in, you can give me the token of your strength. You can come in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, you first Try level 0 death and imprisonment. "

Shen Bing smiled and said nothing, which was very interesting.

Seven Sister looked at the crowd of black players below: "If you want to come in, hurry up. If you don't come in, we don't care."

Obviously, the purpose of the offensive player and the predator player is completely different. It's just that I just started to enter this game, and I really don't know many things. Further exploration is needed.

Players hesitate.

This force token is too important for yourself.

"I won't give it!"

"I don't give it either."

"... I thought about it, I'll give it."

Xu Ruofei was standing in the city and was able to hear the players at the gate talking.

"Shen Bing, you take a thousand black armored cavalry down with LV6 level. Open the gate a little bit, the player pays the force token before letting in. If you do n’t pay, you break in without permission, let alone kill! I ’m here with my seven sisters Click on the level. Continue to pull up the level. Increase the level with the player. "Xu Ruofei said.

Shen Bing nodded: "No problem. But remember to invite me back for a big meal."

Xu Ruofei smiled: "Little girl, still talk to me about the conditions. Yes, go. Go back, I treat."

Shen Bing smiled very brightly, and then went down with the Black Armor.

Open the gate.

"Who wants to come in, give me the token. Then you can come in." Shen Bing, riding a armored armor, was very heroic.

A player gave it, and she put him into the city.

Another player chose to compromise.

After about a hundred people, a player named Emperor looked at him with a narrow eye: "I don't give it! But I must go in!"

Shen Bing's eyes froze slightly: "You try something!"

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