Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 485: Dumbfounded

When the man in black was about to start, he suddenly looked up and was dumbfounded.

Lying down!

"Why so many people?"

Looking around, a large group of federal players showing that they can attack.

It was densely packed and could not see his head.

"I'm going! There are really many people. But it doesn't seem to be tens of thousands."

"It's cool! Ten thousand people slaughter the city!"

"I guess not, they're elsewhere on the map."

"There is an Empire player (那里? ˇ), brothers!"

Qijie smiled, "I never expected that so many people really came to the empire."

People in black are strong, but no matter how strong they are, they can't beat a group of people.

"What the **** is this! Who killed me. Why would I avenge it!" The man in black turned and ran.

The seventh sister yelled, "He just said our federal spicy chicken!"

Bingling Xueer added fuel and vinegar: "╭ ('? O?') ╭? This is the person! Also said that players playing the federation are stupid donkeys.


The federation players were furious: "We actually look down on our federation! Don't let him run away!"

The man in black pumped wildly: "Oh god!"

Ye never stunned.

For whom to find love dumb: "..."

Qi Sala silently mourned for the black people, provoking the men but not the women, and provoking the women and the sisters.

Just as the men in black retreated, another five-man team appeared.

"Why are there so many federal players?" Xu Ruofei was slightly surprised.

Someone in the team asked, "Isn't this the 10,000-strong team you said?"

Xu Ruofei suddenly realized that it was estimated that he had come over.

Xu Ruofei laughed and said nothing.

Misunderstandings are misunderstandings, at best a beautiful misunderstanding.

Just kidding. I didn't expect the world to take it seriously. Not to mention, the 10,000-person team didn't start out. Now it starts.

"Brothers! The slaughter begins!"

Xu Ruofei laughed and waved his finger gently. Players flocked!

A large number of players rushed towards the central town.

The Empire players were dumbfounded in the town, when the Federation actually came to slaughter the city on such a large scale.


The Confederation rushed into the town of Empire Center, and the NPCs guarding the town were dispatched!

Regional System Channel: Ugly Federalists invade Empire towns, let's expel them!

The system prompt keeps ringing.

Empire players can see it, Federation players can see it too.

After seeing this prompt, Brian sneered: "The handsome federals have invaded the imperial towns. Let us welcome them!"

Mo Gang: "666, actually change the system dialogue!"

After invading the Empire Sunset Farm, the NPC came back to fight back. Sunset Farm is mainly a gathering place for second and third gear players.

This time the federal camp came to the empire in third gear, and fourth gear. And the fourth gear 65-level occupy the largest component.

Players can't beat the players who won the federal invasion at all. Can only be protected by NPC.

The output of the Imperial NPC Guard is very powerful. Pick up the spear in your hand and fight back.




"Federal! Expel!" The Empire NPC was furious!

The six-winged angel laughed: "NPCs will be strong enough to guard sixteen captains!"

The little fish skeleton nodded: "The leader is right! The four directions of the setting sun, each direction is four guards and a captain!"

The Seven Sisters said, "NPCs can't stop our footsteps! Add up to only 20 NPCs! Kill them!"

I am the second to force who I am afraid of: "Long live Demacia! Long live Demacia! Crush!"

The monstrous shouts rang all around!

"Dad! Add blood !!!"

"Kill the NPC!"

Every time the NPC attacks, the federal grandpa uses a knight and a light comes!

Add blood directly!

Strong crushing to enter!

"I've killed an NPC here!"

"I killed two of them!"

Many players laughed and announced!

This impassioned battle has made the federal players even more excited!

As the rhythm accelerates!

The entire NPC at Sunset Farm was killed. There are four guard captains left.

The captain was wearing a green uniform with a spear in his hand and a streamer on his back.

"Stop them!" The NPC rebelled violently.

However, forcibly holding for dozens of seconds, four captains NPC were killed.

Therefore, the entire sunset farm has no NPC guards to protect the safety of players for a period of time.

In this game, the NPC guard is killed by the player. Does not refresh immediately.

During this period of time that has not been refreshed, it is a dangerous stage for empire players.

The lips of the man in black twitched: "Fuck! Can anyone explain to Lao Tzu why so many federals are here!"

Feng Hailin: "Too many T_T people, we have to ask the Empire to help. Players on this map can't win the Federation."

The Empire is completely crushed!


"Medusa boss refreshed!"

Someone shouted!

Seven sisters privately chat with Xu Ruofei: "There are so many people now, from different groups. Otherwise, let's change the situation of the fourth monopoly boss."

Xu Ruofei was surprised and silent for a few seconds: "What do you want to do?"

Seven sister said: "Of course it is to take everyone to grab the boss."

Bingling Xueer asked, "Sister, why are we doing this?"

"You should know that bosses have always been controlled by powerful large groups. Small groups have no chance to compete. Usually they give up automatically and do not fight."

"Now the rising dynasty of the Seraphim is very high in the second gear. However, if you want to fully stand in the third gear or even the fourth gear, you must have a breakthrough point."

"You can take advantage of this influence. Let all players **** the boss. Once they are snatched this time, tell all players ..."

"Even if it is a big group, as long as the technology is too high, it can be snatched!"

The words fell!

Xu Ruofei's eyes were slightly icy, and he thought for a moment.


Turn around and look at the players who are killing themselves in the Empire base.

These players come from different groups. Some small groups, some large groups.

Large groups occupy a minority, and most players are small groups.

"Now there is a boss refresh! Let's grab it!" Xu Ruofei said.

The others stunned: "Boss? Can't grab their ..."

Speaking of which, many players' eyes are dimmed. For their own group has joined for a long time.

There is already a certain feeling.

Small groups ca n’t win large groups, which is a recognized fact in most games.

Naturally it is even more impossible to **** bosses.

Feeling emotional, naturally reluctant to leave the original mercenary regiment.

But in this way, the boss is completely insulated. Missing boss. The game is a lot less fun.

"No, small groups can form non-aligned bosses." Xu Ruofei explained.

Everyone wondered.

Not aligned?

What does it mean?

Seeing people around, Xu Ruofei looked around and explained: "If there is an alliance, there is naturally a non-alignment. The so-called alliance is to make the team stronger ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, it may point to the group and divide the interests together.

"Non-alignment is that everyone does not interfere with each other. Only bosses can be together. Whose last is who."

"Simply say. Let's play the boss together. Other times do not interfere. That is not to align!"

The words fell!

"Go! Grab the boss!"



PS: To say a little off topic, these days I have returned to my hometown. When my grandfather died, my hometown was to be mourned. Not much has been written on this book.

My head is a bit messy and I will spend this time as soon as possible. Make the plot interesting. I always wanted the plot to be fresh and interesting, but it was very difficult to keep it up.

My two brothers, my brother is an undergraduate, I am haha. But I have never been a loser.

I didn't want it to be bad, so I went to night school and chose the undergraduate exam. Even write books.

Everyone is unwilling to talk about writing a book before grades. The reason is simple. No one because you know how to sign a contract and you know how to write better.

Or to be nice, writing a book can't change your life, and you can't counterattack your life by writing a book.

I think that if people work hard, they can change everything.

The next preview is the material of Journey to the West, cool text.

I write two books a day and add up to at least 81 million. Part-time, I write as much as I can and learn more.

The Journey to the West has not continued these days, because my mind is chaotic and I don't want to write a bad book.

So for the time being, wait for the buffer to come over and continue writing.

I hope to bring you happiness. I also hope that writing will be my pleasure and my confidence.

thank you all.

Blessed Dragon Boat Festival.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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