In just a few moments, many players walked in the direction of the Medusa boss.

This boss is not a snake woman, Medusa, but a spider woman. Spider body, human face. Be regarded as a very characteristic boss. From the face, it is definitely an ancient-level beauty. But look at the body, giant spider.

Feeling twisted.

This is a peculiar aesthetic. Players like it and they don't like it.

Xu Ruofei came here quickly with everyone.

"What are we going to do next?" Many players are very confused, although Xu Ruofei explained what the non-aligned game is like. But I don't know exactly what to do.

Xu Ruofei glanced at Arian Hurd: "Next, you listen to my command. At the moment the boss is bleeding, because everyone is not aligned. Everyone competes for it, and everyone listens to my command before!"

"Okay! That's all cooperation. Let's fight for the residual blood!"

"I sound like that!"

"What about us in the future? Do you have to direct it? Doesn't that mean it's almost like an alliance?"

Players look forward to the famous mercenary regiment FZ mercenaries, crusaders, blind spots, and the Bible that are engaged in fierce battles for the boss. Alliance means cooperation. Non-alignment means non-cooperation.

But this non-alignment is not pure, at least in the early stage, we must listen to Xu Ruofei's command.

Then this is just an alliance in disguise.

Some players feel this way.

When Xu Ruofei saw this, he knew that many people were not clear about this concept: "No! We are indeed non-aligned to **** bosses. The reason why we asked everyone to listen to me in the early stage was because the small group couldn't make it. The original evenly matched enemy will be broken. "

"Simply understand, this time we successfully snatched successfully. Then in the future, everyone can use the melee **** method to **** bosses. Don't worry about big groups!"

Xu Ruofei finished watching everyone.

The faces of everyone were incredible.

Can it really be done?

Can scattered small groups defeat these large groups under command?

Or to be precise, can a small group rob a big group if it is properly commanded?

Thinking of this, everyone took a breath. If you can win more with less and win with weak, then all players in the scattered mercenary regiment will be more confident. However, most players still don't believe it. Xu Ruofei can beat everyone with a weak team.

In fact, Xu Ruofei knew very well. The gap between players and players, in addition to equipment and technical reasons, there is another reason!


The same equipment, a confident player and an unconfident player.

Both are 1, one is -1, and the other is +1. The comparability between the two parties is naturally clear.

Xu Ruofei didn't just break the world between fourth and third gear. It is to make their regiment a logical change.

"On the left! The Cavaliers scramble FZ mercenaries!"

"Right road! The wizards uniformly change poisonous snakes! And the soldiers switch the blade skills to protect the wizard!"

"The gunpowder attacked from the flank."

"The rest go with me!"

While commanding, Xu Ruofei called the group members to gather in the group!

Seraph: Gather! Grab the boss!

For whom to find love: We are now on the map of Sandstorm Medusa! Come on!

Little Fish Skeleton: The leader brought the player who brought the Empire to the city. Come together. The head is about to start the show!

Bingling Cher: o (∩_∩) othisgirl! It "sallmyfaultcausepride!

Ye never fails: what is said upstairs, forgive me for studying scum and can't understand.

Kisala: The translation is that girl. I let her pass by.

The Secret of Speed: Can't you say that "thisgirl" song? The original song was not hot. I remember it was a middle school student with the worst English in the class. To confess to the girl I like. Practiced for a week. Then sing this song in class to confess. Detonated instantly in the app, fire. The girl responded. If after college, two people have no object, they will be together.

Undead Swordsman: Let's gather together. Ready to fight! Now is not the time for love.

Mai Mxuan: Weaknesses and strengths, the first case! Come and assist the wave!

Xu Ruofei switched a bit 傀儡 hero! Open the Moon Gate to teleport.

Just a moment of effort, a large number of mercenary regiments came.

The player's ID is written next to it:

Rising Dynasty!

The Seven Sister did not call anyone because it would break Xu Ruofei's plan.

All players are attacking each other in accordance with Xu Ruofei's command!

Players who were hitting the blind spot mercenary regiment of the Medusa boss: "How come so many people suddenly?"

"Nima! These seem to be small groups of people!"

"Courageous! Small groups dare to grab our boss!"

"Everyone be careful, the small group is a strong fighting force. Hold on! I will call other players in the group!"

In addition to the blind spots, the Crusaders responded.

One after another called the group to come.

Generally, the boss will not be dispatched by all members. One is that players are willing to participate actively. No one can force it. Second, other players have other things to do. It doesn't have to come every time you call a boss.

But most players will come.

"Resist!" The tribe's face sank.

"This boss has always been a battle between our big groups ~ ~ These small groups even want to share a piece of cake and die!"

The head of the high-profile mercenary regiment's face was a bit unnatural: "Yaya, stop them! This Medusa is ours!"

Xu Ruofei commanded: "They want to stop us! Knights! Drive heavy! We forcibly rushed in!"


Many players responded to the shout!


"Who dares stop me, I will kill him with 24K pork belly!"

"Lao Tzu has launched a great move on Valkyrie! I stun you!"

The surrounding area is filled with huge fighting sounds, and players are launching attacks.

Xu Ruofei watched the situation, the strength of the large group should not be underestimated. It is difficult to arrange the staff by themselves into the boss range. Frowning: "Knight, give up the left and move closer to gunpowder! Forcibly attack both ways!"

Aryan Hurd: "Twenty of you followed me and attacked from the back!"

Many players are a little excited, and it now seems that the small group has some combat capabilities. At least under the command, it has been able to compete with some of the old regiments. This is not in terms of quantity, but in the formation position.


Xu Ruofei shouted.

All players pull away!

"Fight back!"

Xu Ruofei announced immediately!

Using a forward and backward approach, Xu Ruofei controls the rhythm of all players.

The leader of the blind spot is also fighting, wearing a pair of enhanced equipment and the Governor's fashion, and his face is hazy: "It is the six-winged angel who is directing! He wants to grab our boss! All of them will kill me!

"Okay! Head!"



Xu Ruofei's eyes turned: "Do you want to kill me? Well, it depends on whether you have the ability! Rising dynasty! Chong!"

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